
I looked at her with pity, it was so delicious to me but to her it must of hurt quite a bit. She looked pale and a bit shriveled, I had to remember to drink less blood the next time I drank from her. I would not want her to die on me now that I have allowed her to come along with me on this trip.

I stood up and gazed at the blue fire, which had only expanded the slightest bit since yesterday. I stood up and stook my hand out to her to help her stand up. She took it though seemingly unwillingly at first, she looked me dead in the eyes and I could sence a bit of hatred come out of her eyes. It was like I could see a fire engulf her eyes but only when she was looking my way. I asked her to use her truth ability to divine if we would encounter anything while on out way today. The answer was affirmative, but because I had formulated the question wrong she could not tell whether it was a bad encounter or a fortuitous one.

I packed the tents I had put down and my engraving tools into my backpack. I took out my large stick on which the disintegrate gem and the shield gem was located. I would henceforth also use it as a walking cane as if I was an elder traveling with my younger daughter or my grandchild. This would make use less suspicious I had also asked for Eliza to hand me her identification documents so I could forge some of my own. I reached into my bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a gem I then copied the writing on the identification papers she had handed me including the small engraving in the corner which would make it so the guards who check your ID would know it was real. I did this through the COPY AND PASTE gem which allowed me to copy and paste anything which is 2d onto another 2d surface. I then, while walking, I altered it so it was assigned to me instead of Eliza. The complex structure in the corner was also altered by me to make it so the variable access level changed to 3 instead of the 1 that Eliza had. I had noticed that in the common incriptions of this world they did not seem to have knowledge of any of the numbers above 3, thus I decided I would change it to 3. I had noticed this because even the higher value coins they only used something called a protection level 3, now this may be a premature assumption as it might just only be for the even higher value coins. But I knew for sure that level 3 existed.

I stuffed the documents in my bag which I was carrying next to me which also contained my other gems. I made sure it would crease by slowely putting it into the side pockets as to not mix it in among the other gems. The document contained things such as my date of birth and my age of awakening. I asked Eliza about this so called age of awakening, and she told me it was the day a person first awakened their magic, this was usually at around 1 or 2 years old. Some kids at that age could lose control and destroy entire city blocks if left unchecked. When you awaken you can also go check out what type of magic you awakened and if it was mana or aura. Aura being used by blade masters and any physical, there are also the rarer subdivisions of magic being divinity, spirit, qi and black mana. Black mana though it may sound around the same as the normal mana it is quite different, it has a lot more destructive potency and can pack a lot more punch. Though usually people with black mana must have it sealed as it has a very potent mind altering power, some people with the innate talent known as black mana control or something along those lines. The strongest person on the official charts of power is currently a black mage known as Richterfield von Obelisk.

I decided that I would fill in that I had awakened it on my 1st birthday exactly.

After I asked this we continued walking, I was still looking around carefully as to make sure that the encounter, we had asked the innate truth talent about, was noticed before it could suprise us. I looked ahead on the path and noticed a man sitting on the side of the road, he was seemingly not noticed by Eliza as she just continued focussing on the road I whispered into her ear: "There is a invisible man ahead of us to the right of the road around 20 meters and decreasing, I am going to try talking to him.

As I got close I realized I recognised him from somewhere. I knew that face and that posture from somewhere, but where did I know it from. Where did I recognize him from. I looked through my memories and I noticed there was a man who seemed to look like this guy but every time I tried to recall my memories they seemed to fade out of existance slowely it felt more like I did not know him at all. As if he was just a someone on the side of the road I had never met, slowely I also started being unable to see him, then I bowed down to him and said: "hello I seem to be having some troubles with my memories and I believe I know you, but I can not recall the memories of meeting you. Do you know what is causing this?"

"Yes. I do know what is causing it." He replied simply, not elaborating any further. He stuck out his hand to me and I grabbed it. I pulled him up and he told me he was forced to remove those memories for my own good. I asked why and he answered: "If I do not act, you will be devoured by an unrelenting inferno, an abyss of torment beyond mortal comprehension. You will perish, not once, but endlessly, your suffering woven into the very fabric of existence, a symphony of agony echoing through eternity. Hope will be but a cruel mirage, each fleeting promise of respite shattered before it can be grasped. You will long for an end that will never come, trapped in a ceaseless cycle where every conceivable pain is yours to bear. You will not live, nor will you truly die, you will simply endure, forever. And for that, I am sorry we ever met."