The gift

"What happened to make it that way?" I asked, wondering how he had become like this—how he had been cursed so that people could no longer remember him. I asked him for his name, and he did not seem to want to answer, so I decided I would not press further.

"Would you want to walk with us for a while and tell us your life story, at least the parts that you can tell us about? I would also love to know how we met, or at least where we met. I am sure you cannot tell me how we met and who you were at that time."

"You met me near the entrance of the hallway. I was there until just after you left. I used that as my home, I spent my nights in that hall. You greeted me every day when you came back to your place, usually at night. You saw through my invisibility. Well, I wouldn't call it invisibility—more of a reflective shield stopping everyone from seeing me, making them unable to remember me for even more than a millionth of a second. I had thought that maybe, for the first time ever since I was cursed, I would be able to talk to someone, but I stopped myself, knowing the curse might transfer, making it so you would be unseeable—making you die every second in your mind, the pain so unbearable that you would kill yourself after just the second death, wishing to embrace God. Your pain would be endless, so I decided I would not want to be your friend in fear of hurting you. But every day, you looked at me and said hi. You made me, for the first time in a while, not feel alienated. I was happy, but I knew it was not to last. I tried to strengthen my spell, but you kept looking through it. I tried to make you disregard me, but it failed. I am sorry for this, but it was necessary. My first friend in a while, I wish to offer you this gift before I flow amongst the wind once more."

As he said this, he reached into his pocket and started pulling out a piece of cloth, which should never have even fit in such a small pocket, but I guessed it was a spatial dimension he used to store his items. As the full cloth left his pocket, he handed it to me and told me, "Should you ever need my help, burn this cloth, and I shall appear from below it."

Next, he reached into his seemingly endless pocket again and pulled out a small pouch. He then spoke: "This pouch is as wide as the universe. If you ever wish to take anything out of it, please reach in and think of the item you wish to get. If you do not know what you want, just hope you get something, and you will get something at complete random. I also left some things in there you may find to be at least semi-useful. Don't try to go into the sack unless you have someone outside to pull you out after you enter, or if you have the ability to traverse an endless universe that is endlessly expanding by an endless amount. I must now depart from this place. Let us meet again, my friend."

As he said that, he became imperceptible even to me, though it may have also just been him moving faster than my senses could perceive. Now he was gone, and Eliza, who hadn't even been able to see the man, and I were alone again.

I whispered into thin air about how I hoped we would see eachother again on the road to wherever we may go. Forever I hope you stay walking forward finding out how to take care of your miserable sickness which prevents others from seeing your face. Gain freedom from where you were and go to where you want to go. Please enjoy life to its full extent as you can not see people please enjoy what you have and don't long for what you don't have.

I walked down the path noticing Eliza's questioning gaze, I decided to not answer her questions and just continued walking. I did not feel sad I did not feel happy I just felt a renewed determination to get to my wife and finally live my life like I had always wanted to live my life. Happy together with my wife.

I pulled out a tent full well knowing that we could have gotten much further if we had continued on the road for today, but I had not the determination or the will to continue today, I would leave that for the me tomorrow, I would be wiser and much smarter than then I am now. I just wished life was fair why would it burden me with everything. Please let me rest, you should not have taken my wife.

I sat down and continued working on the gem I had by now dubbed as the gem of SPIRITUAL INVULNERABILITY. I knew that if I continued working at this speed I should have the gem done before we would leave this place again. I knew I originally wanted to make this gem so I could go through the blue fire, but I had decided that I had to change my goal to just having the gem so the next time I came across something like this I would be able to traverse it. I had also decided that instead of carrying my bag around clumsely I would store my gems in the bag that the man, who I could almost remember no longer after only about 1 hour maybe even less, I wondered if I would even remember the instructions to burn the piece of cloth he had given me, so to prevent me from forgetting I decided to write on the cloth the simple words: "Burn incase of trouble."