
chapter 31

Chapter 31

The car had made it back to the silent town they left, he'd dropped Percy off at his house, for that had made the car so desperate for sound wrens ears rang with the solum song Ronin had created, the bridge was coming up as they both braced for it. Watching the structures of the town blend, creating a wall he lined. Expanding it as he'd turn. each road its own aspects, each building its own story.

It was at her story that the car stopped. Perched in front of the long driveway that built up to the bright house, it's colors show through the dark and its warmth gives it a yellow tone, the same she tried to carry with her. The same he saw on her.

His voice sounded as he announced their arrival with a tapping on the wheel his eyes glanced to the seat beside him where she sat pressing on the door.

"Wren, your home" he said in another attempt before he'd leaned over, his hand placing itself on her seat as his eyes scanned her face, smudged against her hand in a restful position, her eyes shut gently and her breathing made him feel deaf.

His hand raised slowly, his finger sliding between the hairs that fell over her face as he slid them back behind her red ears, as it soon became a stroke as he did so again.

Falling in a hesitant tremble he'd reached his hand to the seatbelt, clicking it with a push he slowly brought it across her. Pushing off of his feet as he stretched to get it off her neck, his other hand joining as he'd begun to struggle. in an attempt to bring it over her head his hand placed itself around her neck, for within the same second she'd broke out screaming as she'd gripped her head and covered her neck kicking her legs as they pushed Ronin back, slamming his head on the window under the force of her he'd, tried to talk over her voice raising his hands in a demeanor he hoped she could see, covering his face he'd carefully grabbed her foot. Lowering under him as he came closer taking her arms slowly from her hair that had become new from the one he stroked before. Her eyes grew wide as he slowly held her hands in his, his mouth opened hesitantly, while he glanced around the car.

It was then amongst the chaos he made that a noise began to rise..a low soft noise vibrating from his throat as he'd begun to hum, holding her eyes as he did so, he legs curled in and her arms began to warm again.

For the pitch wasn't perfect, the melody wasn't the same, it wasn't in the ways Mr Owens did it. It was his own, it was a growth, a step forward.

Her hands melted into his as she came closer holding her head against his chest, as her voice hitched in an apology he managed to decline within the knot in his throat did the same, in-between the verse he'd just finished. His arms wrapped her into the safe space he knew he couldn't provide.

He'd learned, grown, helped her.

"I helped her"

"Dang bro sounds like you had one hell of a night" Frasers voice had grappled to the end of the story with a witty clap, for Ronin had sat hunched on Fraser's worn couch in his dim apartment, almost empty as he'd just moved in.

"Did I do the right thing Fraser?" Ronin asked, his big eyes looking up at him pleading for an honest answer he wouldn't get anywhere else.

"No. Ronin you didn't do the right thing, she didn't need to be touched and you did it anyway..that's what makes you fucking human, your not perfect man" Fraser said in-between the swallow of water he'd downed standing at the line that devided the kitchen from the rest of the apartment.

Ronin nodded slowly pressing his lips before he'd thought of responding, the words so true they tickled in his throat.

"Alright Ronin I'mma hit the hey, I expect you to do the same, ok" he'd come closer standing over Ronin as his hand patted his slugged shoulders a muffled goodnight from behind them had ended the night as fraser walked out on it replying as he shut the door to his room.