Chapter 36
Ronin had begun to wish people would act, as he gathered his heavy bag, to lay on his back, to weigh him down. With this he would contrast with the warmth of a friend he'd made, a teacher and most importantly a comfort.
It was as they were walking out of the crowded school that one of Ronin's lenses had cracked, it had broken under the pressure of everything he had blocked out.
As now a realization he couldn't believe even over everything else he pretended he didn't, for he could see this as if their eyes had told him themselves as they starred down the man he walked out with, his light, his friend they looked at.
His comfort they almost scorned, it was then the color of the figures around him surfaced now mixed as they weren't in the designated seats anymore.
It was the ones he'd say next to today that looked with cold eyes, they looked with disgust and stabbed the light with rejection.
Ronin had grown from a shock to something else- it wasn't like an anger he had felt before, no. This was different, this was a rage he hadn't met, a rage he never knew.
To scorn something so beautiful, something so perfect, it raptured everything inside him. For how could they think such things, say such things.
The darker colors had different looks, each one with a different shade, growing lighter as he followed them down, some looked in curiosity, others in fear.
For it was this man, this warmth they couldn't fathom, and yet when offered to them they would reject it, as he passed through the different colors he saw each perspective change as the lighter colors shown through, they looked in awe, some in lust and some in thanks.
For they had met this man too, just like him they had made a friend in him, just like him they knew him, they trusted him.
He'd made it towards the door as he'd seen the statures that cowards from him, they weren't afraid, no. They were embarrassed of him light, even though they had met him they still had d behind the darker colors, some even among the lighter.
Leaving the school he looked back as the doors shut, each of their views flashed through his head, he had begun to speak, to ask the man what was on his mind when it was now his own eyes that had met that light.
For the man had stood in front of him, stabbed through, bruised and beaten he smiled at Ronin, he smiled.
Abused by the ones that mocked him with a horrid scorn they snarled their teeth, he had bled out with ones who stayed him with their words, their rejection had whipped him and their horrid greed had took advantage of his smile.
To hurt a man so great, to reject a light so good. Ronin couldn't fathom, for the light still smiled, it still gave him faith. And before he could say a thing he has realized where this figure had led him...where it had directed him, where it waited for him at the edge of the yard.
In front of Ronins house.
The same house he came back to everyday.
The same house he left the man for,
This house he has built upon the sand and only now had he seen the way it leaned, the way it sank.
It was a broken house, like his lense it had only stood there to manipulate him, to let him pretend.
What would happen if i didn't.
If I stopped pretending.