A Sleepless Night, A Brand New Day!

I still remember that night.

I had studied and worked hard, and I had been accepted into Kuoh Academy! It used to be an all-girls' school, but now it was co-ed, but the gender ratio was still really tilted towards girls. In the year above mine, there were four girls for every guy. A buffet of beauties! Hopefully it would be even worse - better? - in mine!

It was 2 AM, and I was lying in bed, my eyes closed, trying to go to sleep again. It was just impossible. My thoughts were preoccupied with imagining countless girls. Cute blondes; beautiful redheads; sexy brunettes! Every color of eye, and every size of breast! All fawning over me, asking me out, telling me how handsome I was, how much they loved me.

How could any man sleep in a situation like that?! It just wasn't possible! The first day of the rest of my life was about to come to me!

I had already jerked off three times to try to go to sleep. Anri Okita, it was your hard work as an actress in that masterpiece film, Anri Okita Is Your Wife, that kept me company that night. Your beauty, your affection, and your gorgeous full breasts...!

I considered masturbating to the movie a fourth time, of course. But while it would be fun, I doubted it would help me get to sleep, so I decided to do something that would help put me to sleep: filling out erotic CYOAs.

I eventually settled on using a pair of CYOAs, both from the same author. Gigachad CYOA and Smut Hero CYOA. (Yes, I learned English partly to read American smut, but mostly because I wanted good English scores so I could get into Kuoh!) I decided to combine the two, and Smut Hero said to just use the points from the other CYOA, so... seventy points.

I flipped back and forth between them, hemming and hawing. I wanted to be hot. Hot Stuff was better for that than Ten Millimeters of Bone + Stylish + Strike Zone, right? Or maybe it wasn't... But it explicitly said girls would hit on me, which sounded just like I'd want. I'd just put down Hot Stuff for now, I decided.

Fit, Buff, Ubermensch, Endless Stamina, and Tall. Yeah! It would be awesome to be sexy and strong... you know, having girls look at you and think you're cute and that they want to become your girlfriend.

Okay... heh... now it was time to do things to make sure I'd get a girlfriend. Safe With You, absolutely, I'd be a sexy titan, I didn't want a cute girl to think I'd hurt her just because I was huge and swole!

...alright. Romance done! I was the handsome stud that the girls all swooned over and never felt concerned about. Now it was time for the part that was already starting to make me hard again! Excellent Harem Master. I don't want girls to fight over me - well, okay, I do, a little, but if I have the option to have them just be fine sharing, then absolutely I'm taking that. Perfect Dick, Sympathetic Orgasms, Ahegao, oh you better believe I'm making her come her brains out. Excellent Lover and Excellent Beloved, so we could both learn each other's kinks. Kinky Fun, so she'd definitely enjoy mine. (There wasn't a reverse option, or I would have bought it, honest!)

Voyeurism, so that my harem like watching me have sex with other girls. Recruiter, so that they help me get more girlfriends. My dick was rock hard by this point, and I was considering stopping just to work one out, but I pushed through! Tasty Fluids and Tasty Cock! Perfect Control, so I could make sure she came plenty!

Just fifteen points left... for that price, though, I could buy Booster Cock, with it only working for paizuri and blowjobs. It'd make it so that they'd be stronger and fitter when they did either of those things with me (temporarily). Then my girlfriends would have to give me a titfuck (or a blowjob, if their boobs weren't big enough - I would accept any girl, even if her breasts weren't as big as I'd like!), and with Ahegao, I could make sure they came from doing it.

Ah... right next to Booster Cock was Harem King. My dream! My fantasy! But also thirty points! What could I sacrifice to get thirty points?!

No, wait... I'd already chosen to go with seventy points for Gigachad, but Smut Hero had 100! It was totally fair to use the 100 instead, right? Right? Absolutely, I'm right. I just gave myself thirty extra points, and immediately spent them on Harem King. Now, the more girls in my harem, the stronger I'd be! I would become the ultimate stud.

I couldn't help myself - I switched tabs back to watch another scene from Anri Okita Is Your Wife, and blew my load inside three minutes. Doing that CYOA had absolutely not caused me to fall asleep.

I looked at my purchases again... eh... did I really need Ubermensch? Nah. Harem King would do that, basically. It gave a 10-20%, multiplicative boost in my physique per girlfriend I had; I'd studied hard in math to get into Kuoh, and that meant I knew that I'd be strong as Superman within a month! (At least at my planned rate of girlfriends. If it took two months, well, I would simply accept that.) I decided to drop it and Endless Stamina to instead buy Share Interests. In my post-nut clarity, I realized I should make sure I was a nice boyfriend able to enjoy the things that my many many girlfriends were into.

I saved the build, put my phone down, and closed my eyes.

That time, my body was finally completely drained, and I actually fell asleep.

* * *

Interlude: Hedone the Smut Goddess

Hedone sighed. Nobody ever picked her. She was too expensive... but if she made herself too cheap, they'd just pick her so that they could make her do all the other things in the CYOA.

She just wanted somebody to pick her. It was a classic! The powerful goddess, enslaved to the horny teenager! It was even especially fitting for Issei to pick her, but he was too busy thinking about... honestly... not even that smutty things? It was like he had strategically avoided some of the best options. The most wild was maybe... Kinky Fun, if he developed some interesting kinks? Booster Cock would at least get lots of fellatio and paizuri down the line. But he was basically picking to be a hot, buff guy with a big dick who made the ladies swoon. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with that, really... she just wished it was a little sexier? Something more exotic?

That's what you get for picking out a fifteen year old boy, she thought to herself, a little bitter. Their sexual tastes were so flat, not yet flowered into the finely tuned palate of an older gentlemen.

Not that older gentlemen were always better. The corpse lying on the ground, stabbed over and over again, blood pooling down around it was a testament to that.

It was the Editor. There were so many of them. Each one as awful as the last. No, he can't get his dick sucked. No, he can't lose his virginity. No, he can't actually pick a girl, or all the girls. It was an endless clit-tease! What's the point of a horny perverted young man having a harem of a dozen buxom girls, if he doesn't actually get to fuck them?! It doesn't make any sense!

Technically, just by getting rid of the Editor, Issei would now be able to get laid. Given the beautiful women who attended his school, and his lecherous soul, there would be plenty of fun for her to watch...

But, honestly, it'd be even hotter if he was a big strapping lad with a huge cock who made girls come a lot.

So, she granted his wish.

* * *

I woke up the next morning, and glanced over at my clock to see that my alarm hadn't even gone off yet. I felt amazing! I got to my feet in a rush and... whoa.

My whole room felt somehow smaller.

I looked down, and saw my bare stomach. Rather than the flat stomach of a guy who didn't work out a ton but also wasn't fat or anything, I instead had abs. I poked at them for a moment, not believing my eyes.

Wait a second... could it be?! I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, hurriedly opening up the video of Anri Okita Is Your Wife. "Please, Anri-sama! Please bless me!" I begged her, as if it was really under her control. Watching her happily playing with her husband (me, I'm her husband)'s cock in the bath, rubbing it into her big, bountiful breasts... my body responded! My manhood surged forward, ready to meet my loving bride's desire in kind, as was my duty as her husband!

It was huge!

It's not that I was small before or anything! I was normal size! Maybe even slightly larger than average, actually! I had a normal, respectable size, that I'm not gonna say here!

Now, though?! Well, I grabbed a tape measure and checked, and it was 28 centimeters long, and 16cm around! (That's 11" and 6", to you Americans!)

I rushed into my bathroom, turning on the light, and yes, the utterly impossible, the absurd - and once glance in the mirror told me that it had really happened! I smacked myself in the face, just to check that I wasn't dreaming. "Ow." I wasn't dreaming!

I had gotten taller! I had gotten swole! I had a huge dick! That meant-!

Well, probably it meant I had some kind of weird growth spurt. But it could also mean that my CYOA choices had come true! I rushed back to grab my phone, hurriedly finding the build I'd made, looking for anything I could do to test it out, to see if I really was now superhumanly empowered to have a harem of my own!

Unfortunately, it didn't. The only remaining thing that looked checkable without actually having sex was 'Hot Stuff,' so I ran into the bathroom, and once again, my face did look significantly more handsome. I looked great! I shifted my body around to check myself out, my dick starting to wane a little on account of I was running around and looking at myself in the mirror instead of watching Anri Okita rub her big boobs on a guy. Still! It was still big!

Wait... if I just had a huge growth spurt, didn't that mean none of my clothes would fit? The day before Kuoh? My debut in an island of beauties, and I'd end up looking like the Incredible Hulk?! I didn't want girls to think I didn't know how to dress myself! I should have bought Stylish! (Would that have helped? Maybe! At least then I wouldn't have to wonder if it would have helped!)

I ran to grab a pair of briefs, pulling them on. I found my school uniform, and, yes, I was so much bigger now that it didn't fit right at all. My shirt strained against my chest, and the sleeves on the jacket were obviously several inches too short. When I pulled on the pants, I actually couldn't button them. Disaster!

But any young man knows the trick when met with a new danger you didn't know how to deal with!

"Mom!" I yelled, running out of my bedroom. "MOOOOM!"

* * *

Instead of showing up dressed like the Incredible Hulk, I instead was walked by my mother to Kuoh Academy, late. She explained that my school uniform had the wrong dimensions, which we'd only found out that morning, and that was why I was late, and to please not hold it against me. Just before she left, she leaned into me, whispering in my ear. "Issei. Now that you're hot, make sure to find a nice girl so I can have some grandchildren, okay?"

"Yes, Mom! Don't worry!" I snapped a salute to her. I would repay my mother's love and care, raising me from birth to this point, by giving her what she wanted. Mostly because that's what I wanted! I would make sure to have lots of sex with lots of nice girls, and eventually I would end up marrying and starting a family with one or more of them!

Very eventually, though. I was just a first year student! It was time to sow my wild oats! To enjoy the romance of youth as many times and with as many girls as possible!

I went to my assigned classroom, 1-B. The people I'd be meeting there would be my companions for the rest of the year, so it was important to make a good first impression. I took a deep breath, and then swung open the door. "Ah, there he is," the teacher said. "Issei Hyoudou, I presume? Your seat is there," he added, gesturing to an empty seat next to the window.

My attention was not on him, though. He was not a hot girl teacher (the best kind), but instead a guy. I was instead looking across the room, taking in the bevy of beauties on display there. Seventeen girls, of all sorts of types, and they were all looking at me! It wasn't just a bored sort of, 'oh, this guy just interrupted class,' either! It was that, 'oh, this hot guy just interrupted class.' In other words: my interruption was a good thing, because they were getting eye candy! Any of these girls could be mine if I just stepped forward and asked them out!

Probably. I don't know because I didn't.

"Mr. Hyoudou, please take your seat," the teacher said. His voice was a bit testy, and there were giggles from the girls as I scampered into my seat.

The teacher was talking about math, but I'd studied really hard to get into Kuoh, so I actually already knew everything he was talking about. My eyes, instead, wandered the classroom, taking in all the countless beauties. The ones with the bountiful firm breasts were my first choices, of course, but there were also girls with a softer curve to their boobs, or even breasts that were a little on the smaller side, but still quite nice!

As I restrained the urge to just drool at all the different boobies available here, I caught the eye of a brunette girl, wearing large, circular glasses. Her lips curled up in a wicked smile, and she adjusted her glasses before lowering her gaze down to my pelvis. There was a flash of light across her glasses, and her eyes widened.

"TWE-TWENTY EIGHT?!" She cried out, falling out of her chair altogether.

"Ms. Kiryuu, please return to your seat," the teacher said. "And no, the answer is not twenty-eight." He returned to writing on the board, while 'Kiryuu' scrambled back into her seat.

She stared at me in quiet shock, and I heard her mutter under her breath as she adjusted her glasses again. "Twenty eight... sixteen..." She swallowed, then her eyes rose back to mine, awe visible in them as they lightly glistened.

Wait a second... twenty eight... sixteen...! Those were the dimensions of my penis?! I currently had an erection thanks to staring at the breasts of every girl in the class with breasts on the larger end, and somehow, through my pants, Kiryuu had figured out how big my dick was?! To the exact centimeter size?

What sort of supernatural power was this?!

I hadn't believed in that kind of thing yesterday, but now that my body had been redrawn in accordance with my choices in a CYOA, I could hardly deny that the supernatural existed!

Well, I could, but I didn't. I knew deep in my heart of hearts that it was some sort of goddess with huge breasts answering my prayers that had given me this body, not a mundane growth spurt.

So, when class let out, I confronted Kiryuu in the halls. Since I knew that the supernatural had to keep itself a secret from the human world, based on reading many issues of Shonen Jump, I didn't want to confront her about it in public. Her cheeks glowed when I brought her into an empty room. "Very well, Issei Hyoudou," she declared. "I suppose I have no choice," she continued, starting to undo her necktie's knot.

"Ms. Kiryuu... no, I actually don't know your first name!"

"Oho! Going to do this sort of thing with a girl whose name you don't even know? How daring..." There was a wild look in her eyes as she stared up at me, flinging her necktie aside. She reached for her jacket, beginning to unbutton that next.

Is this the start of some monstrous transformation?! I planted both hands on her shoulders to stop her from undressing further.

"Oh, you want me to start off with that instead?" She asked. There was a smile on her lips, her tongue dancing across them a moment later, and then she started to descend to her knees in front of me.

I had no idea what supernatural secrets she was carrying in her heart! I couldn't fight back against someone with real superpowers. "Ms. Kiryuu! I know you- you are some kind of supernatural being, but I'm only just now learning about the supernatural world! Please take me under your guidance!"

"...um. If you want to do a roleplay scenario, Issei, I can do that, but I don't know what scenario this is supposed to be." She scratched her cheek awkwardly. "Would I be like a vampire that has to suck cum instead of blood to survive? Or maybe a witch who replenishes her mana by drinking cum? Oh, or a succubus who drinks cum, that probably should have been my first thought..."

"How can you not know what you are, Ms. Kiryuu? You used your powers to discern my dick size, right?!"

She chuckled and nodded. "That is the fierce power of my Size Scouter!" She declared, adjusting her glasses from her position on her knees in front of me. I had a hard-on by that point, mostly because there was a cute girl kneeling mere inches away from my dick. Especially since her eyes went back to my cock again. "Now that I'm up so close, I can tell you that it is exactly 28.2 centimeters long and 15.7 centimeters in circumference. Average male girth and length are similar, but I don't think any girl could handle a penis that had a 9 centimeter diameter, so it's for the best."

Wait... nine centimeter diameter? She did the math to convert 28 centimeters circumference into its diameter in her head, just to describe the hypothetical size of an even larger penis than mine?! "Who are you?!" I demanded.

"I'm Aika Kiryuu, at your service, Issei," she said, licking her lips again. "May I please pull down your pants and suck your cock, sir?" She fluttered her eyelashes up at me coquettishly. "Once you're done with that, you can fuck me. I don't have any condoms in your size, but I can always get some Plan B if you don't."



Hang on a second...

A cute girl was asking to please suck my cock? On my first day of class?! And I was thinking of saying no?!

"It- it won't do anything bad for you to suck my cock, right? Like, you won't drain my soul out through my balls or something?"

"Okay, sorry, are we roleplaying, Issei? I'm totally fine with roleplaying, I even have some old cosplays I could sex up if you want to do it in the future, but I don't think I get the scenario. Could you explain it to me better? Also, we should probably have a safe word, just in case."

"It's not roleplaying!" I pointed at her accusingly. "You clearly have a supernatural ability, you admitted as much!"

"Um..." She paused at that, her lower lip trembling. "No, I just learned how to size up dicks by practicing." Practicing?! "I bought a mannequin and some dildos, then I used condoms, socks, and other things to change up the size and dimensions, until I had completely mastered the art!" She clenched her hand into a triumphant fist. "And it paid off! My first day at school, a hot guy was so impressed he dragged me into an empty room to have his way with my throat and pussy!"

Wait... she wasn't supernatural? I was just acting like a huge chuuni? And rather than getting mad she was just trying to go along with it so that she could suck my dick?!

Hot guys had it so easy! It wasn't fair-! No, wait, I was the hot guy now, so it was completely fair and great. Yes. It only made sense when you thought about it. If a girl who had huge gorgeous gravity-defying breasts and was down to fuck you was also chuuni, well, that just made her cuter, right? Right! This was actually gender equality, the fairest thing ever!

"So..." Aika started. "Do you not want me to suck your dick after all?" Her lower lip trembled as she contemplated that possibility, her hand reaching for my bulge, softly stroking it.

"We haven't even kissed, and you want to suck my cock?" Not that I was complaining about the cocksucking! It just seemed crazy to me!

"Oh!" Aika's hand came up to her mouth in shock. "My first kiss will be with a man's cock... oho..." She squirmed on her knees, and I could tell the thought aroused her, a flush hitting her cheeks. "This is true degeneracy..." She looked outrageously horny at the thought. "Ah! Issei! Please! Make me the dirtiest girl in the whole school! Make me kiss your cock before your mouth!"

I wasn't sure this was the right thing to do... but there was no doubt in my mind that it was what Aika wanted. Perhaps this was my 'Excellent Lover' skill coming into effect? Or maybe I was just listening to what Aika was saying. It was one or the other, I wasn't sure. Either way, I popped the button on my pants, and Aika let out a soft sigh of relief. Her cheeks glowed as she stared at my pelvis, as I unzipped my pants, letting them fall down to my ankles. A moment later, my cock bounced free, fat and huge and looming over Aika's face. It was longer than her face was tall, and the very first thing she did was lean up into it, rubbing her cheek against it excitedly.

"Ohhh, it's so big, Issei," she said, one delicate, feminine hand reaching up to stroke my dick as she put on the most obscene show for me. "Your cock is so nice... large, throbbing, hard..." She nuzzled against it like a particularly affectionate pet, her lips half-parted with arousal, soft breaths billowing out to tease my dick. She just closed her eyes and focused on rubbing all over my cock with her face, her fingertips absently tracing up and down my length.

It was insanely erotic! Watching her roll her face all along my cock, her breaths teasing its underside, her nostrils drinking in my scent, it was all obscene and sexy. Especially because she was clearly enjoying it a hell of a lot! I'd always sort of half-assumed the girls in porn were just pretending to like giving head, but with how Aika was acting, it was utterly impossible for me to believe that she was anything less than enthusiastic about getting up close to my cock. Her cheeks were hot, her breathing becoming ragged, and her delicate fingers rolled my cock across her face this way and that, her glasses occasionally getting rubbed and shifted off-kilter.

When she finally let her tongue stretch out past her lips, flicking against the crook of my cock, she let out an obscene moan of delight. My length was resting against her nose at that point, and she went momentarily cross-eyed as she stared at it. "You taste so good, Issei," she breathed out, her tongue starting to lick up my cock, slithering left and right as she went, having to lean up a bit to reach the tip. When she finally arrived, she gave it a wet, heavy, smack with her lips, a puckered-up kiss of obscene exaggeration - then she giggled. "My first kiss!" She declared, sounding genuinely ecstatic about it. "My first kiss was with the most amazing cock ever," she continued, before wrapping her lips around my cockhead. Her tongue danced around the slit, and she moaned softly around my cock, sending waves of pleasant vibrations through me.

To be honest, I half-expected to bust right then and there! Jerking off couldn't compare to a girl actually sucking your cock, I hadn't ejaculated since last night, and the whole day at school had been like edging with all the gorgeous girls running around! Despite that, I didn't even have to restrain the urge to come, as Aika's cheeks hollowed, as she sharply sucked on my cock. I groaned, the noise coming out naturally, my hips pushing forward an inch or so, and she just slurped all the harder, a glint of predatory intent in her eyes.

She wanted me to completely lose all control because of how good a cocksucker she was. Despite never having had sex before and barely knowing her, somehow, that fact appeared in my mind. (Excellent Lover? some part of me wondered.) Her tongue slithered along the underside of my tip, starting to tease right under it, and I just gasped, bucking my hips back and forth in response to the feeling. She hummed happily around my cock at that response, licking all the more intensely, her hand reaching out for my dick, starting to stroke me.

She shifted her body up, so that my dick was at a forty-five degree angle to the ground, and then just started to slobber all over my cockhead. Each sloppy smack of her tongue was accompanied by a thick viscous dollop of drool, running slowly down my length before being caught by her handjob, which started to stroke and smear her spit all over my length.

I wanted to say something, anything, right then! I had a cute girl sucking my dick eagerly, and all I was doing was groaning in response! I tried to come up with what to say, and almost instantly, it came to me: "Your dirty mouth feels so good around my cock, Aika! I wish I could feel even more of your mouth! Please take me in your throatpussy!"

The moment the words left my lips, I felt like I surely had fucked up - but if anything, the competitive, horny, eager expression on Aika's face grew sharper, and she twisted my cock until it was on a more downward angle, having to kneel even more deeply, her legs making a W on the floor. She then grasped my hip with one hand and just started to pull herself, inch by inch, up my length.

I felt her throat yield to my cock's entrance. I'd fully expected her to gag, and she did a little, but it didn't stop her movement upwards at all. As her eyes grew half-lidded, tears forming in the corners, her throat quietly spasming around my dick, she took me inch by inch ever further into her throat, until her nose was pressing into my pelvis, her hot, wet throat clamped taut around my dick, rhythmically pulsing as it tried to push me out. "Ohhh, Aika, that's so good," I grunted, my hips pumping on automatic against her face. It felt amazing and obscenely good - all the more when she twisted her head from side to side on my dick, rolling my cock around in her throat!

Saliva dribbled out of her mouth as she quietly sucked on my cock in that position, my balls tapping at her chin every time she moved. I had a certain, ridiculous thought: didn't that silly CYOA I'd done last night let me make girls come at will while I was having sex with them? It obviously couldn't be real, but if it was-

That train of thought ended as she spasmed on my dick, hips bucking back and forth. Her eyelashes rapidly fluttered, and her throat spasmed around my cock, choked-off moans serving to further stimulate me. Saliva just sloshed out of her mouth as she twitched beneath me, an obscene show of ecstasy as her eyes peeled back in their sockets and she just jerked around in that position. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen in my entire life, a hot girl with her lips wrapped around my cock coming as she sucked my dick. I instantly attained a whole new appreciation for fellatio that I had never had before.

She just jittered in place, shuddering in pleasure, through an orgasm that I just stared down at. Her cheeks were glowing bright red by the end of it, a mix of arousal and embarrassment, and she peeled back off my cock entirely at that point, letting my dick bounce out into the open air again, slick with her spit, towering over her as she collapsed for a moment, having to lean on her hands to keep herself upright. Her breathing was ragged as she stared up at me.

"I... ahm... I just came from giving a blowjob," she said, sounding almost delirious. She took a moment to take in this impossible fact, then: "Sex is fucking awesome!" She declared, a big grin on her lips. "Do you want to keep fucking my throat, Issei, or should I give you one of my other holes. We can try anal if you want," she noted, flipping up her skirt, revealing her damp panties to me. "I never would have thought giving a blowjob could be that good. Wow. Your cock is so amazing, Issei," she said, leaning up towards it, drinking in a thick sniff, her tongue licking at the crook of my dick as it once more rested against her face.

The CYOA was real. I really had filled out a CYOA and gotten superpowers from it: sex superpowers. I wasn't being chuuni! I could make a girl come at will from giving me a blowjob!

...I should double check, to make sure. "Can I try fucking your throat?" I asked her.

"Oho! Dirty boy," she breathed out, a grin on her lips. "You can try anything you want," she added, tongue dancing across her lips. She shifted position, wobbling a little as she grabbed my hips. She was soon enough standing, but with her upper body bent, running parallel to the ground. Her head tilted back and up, and she looked up at me with greedy, horny eyes as her tongue rolled out of her mouth, a red carpet for me to run my dick along.

I pushed in without hesitation, able to tell that's what she wanted, and slid my dick right down her gullet once again. The position was a little smoother than her previous choice, with her throat bulging to accommodate my girth, tight around my cock, the gags rarer and more gentle around my dick as she took me to the base like that. My cock twitched inside her throat as my balls hit her chin... and then I tried to make her come again!

Immediately, she came around my dick, spasming wildly in place, choked moans escaping her throat around my dick. Her eyes were peeling back in their sockets as I held myself down in her throat, but it was in pure pleasure, not asphyxiation! Her face was turning red again as she choked out on my cock! Her hands were gripping onto my hips for dear life, stopping me from just pulling back. I grabbed her head and actively pushed her back a little to get my cock out of her throat, her hot breaths and moans spilling out around my cockhead as her tongue deliriously danced around. She looked up at me with hazy, horny eyes, and I could tell, just by looking at her...

She wanted me to brutally fuck her face. To completely lay waste to her mouth and throat. To express how horny I was by just turning into a horny monkey that would rut at her face. (Not much of a transformation, to be fair.) Since I could make her orgasm at will, that meant that I had the CYOA's powers, which included the ability to tell what she liked, so-!

I rammed my cock balls deep inside her mouth again. My hands shifted from the back of her head to grab her twin braids in either hand, using them as handlebars, as I started to fuck her mouth with relentless force. It felt amazing, the tight wetness of her throat, as she wetly glugged around my dick on each proceeding thrust. I kept her coming and coming: one orgasm ending meant the next began, so she was moaning and quivering, her legs wobbling as she strained to keep up.

When her body finally collapsed, and she once more flopped onto her butt on the floor, I just shifted her around. I tilted her body to one side and leaned over her, getting a good angle on her throat and pounding away at the inside of her mouth. Each thrust made her glug wetly, saliva dribbling out, but despite how forceful my thrusts were, she might as well have had hearts in her eyes with the way she looked up at me!

I didn't know how long I'd been fucking her throat for, but I hadn't felt that familiar Gonna come feeling at all. Was this Perfect Control? I pulled back out of her mouth, until just my tip was past her lips, and she drunkenly suckled on my cockhead, a look of pure bliss and affection in her eyes as she looked up at me. Tears streaked her cheeks; her sclera were pink with exertion; heavy breaths escaped her throat now that my cock wasn't blocking their way; drool streaked down her chin as she sputtered and bubbled a little from the earlier facefuck.

Despite all that, she couldn't have looked happier. It was way too sexy a sight! (Fortunately! If she hadn't looked so happy then I would have felt horrible about messing her face up like that!)

I released whatever magical limiters were keeping me from coming, and instantly, my cum came out in a torrent, just spraying all over the inside of her mouth. She greedily gulped it all down, slurping on my cock as she did so, moaning in delight at each fresh spurt of cum. When I was spent, she'd managed to get every last drop, without even spilling a single one out of her mouth.

I pulled out of her mouth at that point, though my dick was (somehow) still hard. She let out a soft breath as she stared at it, looking up at it in wonder. "Issei..." she said, swallowing wetly. "Please let me be your fuckbuddy! We can do it in the ass or the pussy right now if you want," she said, starting to try to get to her feet - and then almost flopping down. I managed to catch her before she just smacked right into the floor.

"Aika, thanks for the offer," I told her, gently helping her sit up straight, "but I think you're a little tired."

"You're so nice," she half-mumbled, leaning into me, pressing her cheek against my arm. She was too cute! "Ah... you're right..." she said. "I wanted to lose my virginity today, but I got distracted sucking cock. We can do it tomorrow, though, right? You can buy some condoms if they have any in your size! I'll get on the pill even if they don't, so don't worry too much," she said, a big horny grin on her face. "Ohoho... all those girls who called me a pervert will see! They'll see that we perverts are the natural kings and queens of this world, embracing the true nature of humanity!"

"...why will they see?" I asked in confusion. "I mean, we did it in a private room."

"Oh... I was hoping to help you fuck some of the other girls from our class, and I could watch?"

How could I resist such a heartfelt offer?!