Virgin No More!

When I got home, I had a sudden thought... if filling out that CYOA had worked, and made me incredibly hot and gave me a huge cock, could I just change what I'd bought? Could I maybe fill out another CYOA, with even better powers?

After several hours of desperately trying, editing the old document, making multiple new documents, reverting the document to how it was before I'd switched out Ubermensch... I discovered the answer was no. I could not change the CYOA, and other CYOAs didn't work.

I tried not to be too disappointed. I'd gotten a miracle, making me crazy hot and sexy right before going to Kuoh! I'd also gotten a really hot blowjob, and tomorrow I was going to lose my virginity-!

Wait, I forgot to go get condoms! I scrambled out of the house to the convenience store! I was a man on a mission!

* * *

I bought the biggest condoms, of two different brands. I stared the lady at the cash register right in the eyes, refusing to express the slightest embarrassment about it!

She didn't even comment, just scanning them in and taking my money. In retrospect, she probably thought I was an adult, since I was now 190cm and incredibly jacked.

When I got home, I decided to try out the condoms. I had a dozen of each brand, so I could afford to test them out!

They just ripped up when I tried to fit them on my dick.

I stared at my exposed hard-on at that point, then got the bright idea to try waiting for it to go down, putting on the condom while I was soft, and then watching some Funbag Fantasy to get myself back in the mood.

That was a huge mistake and actually hurt when my dick hardened - and it tore up the condom, too, so it didn't help.

I'd just have to trust Aika when she said she would get on the pill.

Wait, actually, I didn't! I had Perfect Control of my orgasms! Even if she couldn't buy the pill and was too embarrassed to admit it, I could just not come inside her! I knew from sex ed (and my mom, and my dad, telling me multiple times, over and over...) that the withdrawal method wasn't good birth control, but I had superpowers now! So it was!

Since I had the problem of birth control thoroughly solved, I decided, since I already had Funbag Fantasy up on my phone, I would jerk off. After a minute or so of enjoying myself, I briefly worried that maybe I shouldn't jerk off too much, because then I wouldn't be able to handle Aika tomorrow.

Then I remembered I'd jacked off four times the night before and still blown Aika's mind with a blowjob, so it would totally be fine, and got right back to jacking off furiously.

Sometimes, when I closed my eyes, I wouldn't even imagine myself banging Shamsiel's tits - I'd try to imagine what Aika looked like naked, and remember what her o-face looked like, and put that together into a sneak preview of tomorrow's fun.

After a little bit of that, though, I'd get back to imagining myself fucking Shamsiel's tits, because they were huge! Sorry, Aika!

* * *

Aika was already there, smiling brightly when I entered the classroom. Her eyes went right to me, and she grinned with an aggressive lust, smoldering behind her glasses. While other girls had looked at me (on account of I was really hot, now), that was the first time that one had looked at me like that.

It was nice!

I approached her, leaning down over her table so we could speak quietly. Her hand immediately found its way to mine, laying across it as she looked up at me. "I got on the pi~ill," she sing-songed.

"I, ah, couldn't find condoms in my size," I admitted.

"You should buy some online, I found some manufacturers who make custom sizes," she said. "Remember, twenty-eight centimeters long, sixteen centimeters around. You can check with a tape measure if you don't trust my Size Scouter," she said, adjusting her glasses with a sly smirk. "Issei, yesterday was so incredible. We could run off and find an empty room to fuck in really quick, if you want?"

"N-no, I missed the early morning classes yesterday already," I said. I was tempted! Very tempted! I was a virgin! But I didn't know the teachers for the early morning classes, and one of them might be a hot girl! I used that knowledge to restrain the urge to go fuck a horny girl offering to pop our cherries. "After school, though!" I added, not wanting her to get confused.

"Alright," she said, patting my hand. "I'll look forward to it."

I went to my seat - and some blonde prettyboy approached me, offering his hand. "I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last time, since you were late. Yuuto Kiba," he said.

I took his hand, shaking it. "Issei Hyoudou," I told him, trying my best to smile. Every girl in the entire classroom was staring at us for some reason.

"You must work out a lot," Yuuto said. "I've actually been training my sword skills lately, and while the kendo club here at Kuoh seems great-" a pair of girls squealed in glee at that line, "-but it's mostly girls, and there aren't exactly a lot of girls built like you. Would you mind helping me out with practice? I'd love to be able to practice against a physically stronger opponent, and you could have some fun wailing on me."

On the one hand, rather than being the class perv like I had been in my last school, now the popular guy was asking me to hang out while all the girls watched with bated breath. On the other hand - no! I didn't want to help him practice! For one thing, he was a guy, and not a hot girl with big boobs! For another thing, I was going to fuck Aika after class, which I couldn't do while practicing with him! I looked around the room for Aika, who had left her seat - she was currently taking a selfie along with seemingly every girl in the class, smiling and bouncing around the room.

"Ah, no thanks, sorry. I don't know the first thing about swordfighting anyway."

"I could teach you." There were hushed whispers from several girls at that. "Well, if you're not interested, that's fine, Issei. It's nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends."

I wasn't paying attention to his emotional neediness, because I was trying to hone in on the girls whispering. What were they whispering about? "...don't be ridiculous, Issei has to be the seme! Look at his kinniku physique!" Seme? Kinniku? I didn't know what those terms meant!

"Yes, but weren't you listening? It's a clear role reversal type situation! Yuuto is offering to take the young Issei under his wing, so the bishonen is the seme in this situation!"

"You're really trying to say that a guy like Issei is the uke?"

"It's the scintillating flavor of the role reversal, Rika! Besides, it's not like they're actually going to be gay lovers just because they spoke once. It's a fantasy, and my version is sexier."

Wh-what?! Gay lovers!? They were imagining me having sex with Yuuto?! My brain, luckily, resisted imagining any such thing in response to their words. I needed salvation! Something to distract myself!

Luckily, I got it, as our English teacher entered the room, and everyone stopped their gossip. The English teacher was a hot older woman with pretty big boobs, though sadly she was already married, which made her off limits...

Unless her husband was a cruel bastard who smacked her around! Sorry, Misaka-sensei! Rather than listening to your class that day, I instead just imagined you coming to me, begging me to save you from your abusive husband and offering your body if I did! (I nobly told you I'd save you either way, but then we banged afterwards anyway, since you fell in love with my manly heroism.) I had to defeat any thoughts of gay sex so they wouldn't ruin things when I lost my virginity with Aika later! I'm sure your husband is actually really nice!

* * *

I had just barely finished eating my bento when Aika came to my desk, a smile on her lips as she leaned down towards me. "There's another thirty minutes of break," she told me, her voice a husky whisper. "We can go find a private spot to fuck." Her tongue traced across her lips.

I was tempted. Incredibly tempted. Especially because her hand felt warm and feminine as she placed it atop mine, and she was obviously really enthusiastic about losing her virginity to me. "What if we lose track of time?" I didn't want that! Well, I did want that, but I didn't want to miss classes! Okay, I was fine missing classes if it meant I got to lose my virginity with a hot/cute girl, but very slightly delaying gratification here would pay dividends! (Because I could fuck her for much longer than the remainder of the period!)

"I want it so bad, Issei," she half-whined, completely ignoring my very reasonable argument. "I masturbated a whole bunch last night, thinking of you," she told me. "It wasn't close as good as the real thing. And that was just a blowjob!" There was an excited note to her voice. "I want to know what it feels like, Issei! Real sex! I want to feel you fuck my brains out through my pussy!"

"Then wait for the end of the school day," I said, showing admirable self-control. It would have instantly melted if she'd kept pushing, though. I'd never had a real life girl suggest that she wanted me to fuck her brains out through her pussy, but I really wanted to!

She let out a frustrated whine, then kissed my cheek. "Okay, Issei," she said. She left my side then, and I noticed two guys glaring daggers at me. One of them had a shaved head, and the other wore glasses, and both of them were clearly jealous of my success.

I just grinned, crossing my arms and enjoying the feeling of superiority that their jealousy brought me. I spared them a glance and a smirk, and their fury only grew more intense. "How does he already have a girl?" "It's so unfair," they commiserated.

Let them fume all they wanted. I was going to lose my virginity!

* * *

"This is the classic location for secret school sex," Aika said, smiling as she stepped into the supply shed. "It's for one simple reason," she continued, raising her finger in the air.

Obviously, I had read plenty of hentai. "The mats," I said, and she paused.

"Yes. The mats. Of course you would know that already." She spun around to face me, a smile on her lips. "Now, let's get naked," she said. "Starting with you," she added, staring holes into my shirt like it would let her see my naked chest right then and there.

I realized we hadn't even actually gotten naked earlier, when she gave me a blowjob! I'd gotten my first blowjob, and I hadn't even had a girl see me naked! That had to be some kind of special record, right? Did you get a reward? CYOA goddess, please give me an extra ten points as a bonus, I promise to use it on sexy things!

I didn't get a reward, so I shrugged off my school jacket. Aika just panted noisily as she stared at my increasingly naked body, her lips parting as I took off my shirt, her eyes running up and down my toned, muscular chest. Her lips parted softly, and drool started to pool on her lower lip as she just stared.

At that point, staring at her mouth, I realized another thing we hadn't done: kissed! Now, maybe she was a pervert who thought it was sexy that she'd had her first kiss with a cock instead of a guy (I couldn't complain! I was the guy!), but I thought maybe we should probably kiss before we fucked... you know, if she was okay with it. I stepped towards her, gently cupping her chin, turning her gaze up to me. Her eyes looked so big behind her glasses as she stared up at me, and I had to lean down to kiss her because I was so tall. Her glasses fogged up, and she let out a sweet little noise into my mouth, as I kissed her. After a second or so, she started to suck on my mouth, slurping on my tongue hungrily, her hands running along my bare chest, groping and caressing my half-naked body like that.

When I pulled back from the kiss, she panted heavily. "You taste so good," she breathed out, exuding raw lust as she spoke the words. "I wore something sexy," she added a moment later, wearing this fiendish little grin as she stepped back from me, taking off her school uniform, revealing a black lace bra. My eyes were drawn to it, on account of it was my first time seeing boobs in person.

Thinking about it, actually, I'd seen girls in bikinis at the beach and stuff, but it was completely different when it was a sexy bra that was tantalizingly close to revealing gorgeous breasts. They weren't huge, but they looked so good anyway. I just stared at that cleavage, unable to even draw my eyes away, peripherally aware of her smile in the corner of my vision. "I wear a 75F, but my band size is actually 71cm, and my bust is 84cm," she explained to me. I did not understand most of what she said (I knew what 'F' meant and '84cm' meant, on account of I was staring at said 84cm F-cup boobs), but nodded dumbly anyway, on account of there were boobs in front of me and I was busy appreciating them.

Her fingers reached behind her at that point, and after a scant few seconds, her bra fell away, revealing bare nipples, which you could not see at the beach. They were nice and perky and pink and I just leaned forward to suck on one of them, rubbing my face into her beautiful boobs. She softly ran her fingers through my hair, and I could hear her pleasant giggle. I'd always sort of wondered why girls in JAVs got all giggly during the sexy times, but now I understood: because it was really nice to have a girl be expressing her joy like that while you were sucking on her tits! I looked up at her, and her cheeks were warm as she stared down at me, one hand running down my body.

"Issei, I'm glad you like my boobs so much, but... nnn..." She sighed in soft pleasure as I sucked all the harder on her tit in response to that unwanted word 'but'. "I want to lose my virginity." If you had asked me a second prior if anything could have convinced me to stop sucking on her tits, I couldn't have thought of anything - but now, I was pulling back and hurriedly getting out of my pants, and she was doing likewise, sliding down her skirt and revealing lace black panties for a few seconds, before they too were abandoned. She hurriedly yanked out one of the mats, letting out a small squeak of surprise as she almost tumbled backwards when it proved looser than expected - but caught herself. "It feels lighter than normal," she muttered, then just shook her head, hopping onto her back on the mat, spreading her legs invitingly, revealing her pink sex to me, one hand on either thigh. "Make me a woman, Issei! Ravish me," she pleaded, licking her lips with hunger.

I got in between her legs. While I had the instinctive feeling that she wanted me to just start pounding away, well - it was her first time! I didn't want to hurt her by going too rough! Especially since my cock was huge! I slid my cock into her waiting pussy, and she let out a soft moan as I pushed ever-deeper inside her, her whole body trembling like she was shivering, her inner walls quietly rippling around my cock. It felt amazing, and I'm sure without Perfect Control, I would have immediately nutted before even getting all the way inside her, due to just how good it felt.

Still, I continued to push, and push, and she panted and twitched, her throat bobbing as she swallowed in response to the pleasure. Her breasts looked deliciously inviting again, given our positions, and I had to bend a good bit to suck on them, due to our differences in sizes. She moaned, her body faintly writhing beneath me, her hips wiggling just a little from side to side on my cock. Her expression of pleasure was super-cute... and as I finally hilted inside her, I also made her come. Her pussy spasmed like crazy around my cock, her head rolled around as pleasure raced through her whole body.

I just kissed my way up her body, soon finding her lips and mashing mine against hers. She moaned in delight into my mouth, sucking on my tongue, slurping down spit like it was sweet ambrosia, and her hands on her thighs finally released, her hands coming up to run through my hair and along my back, feeling me up as I started to gently pump back and forth inside her. I was only moving a couple inches, just because it was kind of hard to keep up a kiss while moving around, but she didn't seem to mind at all, just squirming as she felt me up, her legs finally starting to try to grip my hips, pushing at me - when I started to withdraw, though, they suddenly switched to trying to drag me in.

She wanted it harder. I broke off the kiss, an impulsive thought coming to mind as I looked down at her body. "Beg for it. Beg for me to fuck you hard," I said.

"Yes, Issei! Please, please, fuck me hard! Fuck me so hard I can't walk! Fuck me until I can't even stand to leave the supply shed, Issei- ahn!" She was cut off as I started to fuck her appropriately hard. My hands gripped her thighs in either hand, using them as handlebars to just fuck into her body, and I went at it with relentless power. I also made her come a few seconds later, enjoying the way her eyes rolled around, her whole body trembling. Her pussy was going crazy on my cock as I pumped at her cunt, and it felt fantastic as I just went at it inside her. "Issei, ahn!"

I was obscenely horny as I fucked her like that, watching her breasts bounce on every thrust, the looks of increasingly obscene pleasure that ran across her face, as I made her come again and again. It was like a porno, but in real life! Her moans were music to my ears, and her fingers scraping across my back when I got in range were also exciting, a way of showing how horny and needy she was feeling. At some point her glasses fell off, and then clattered off the mat altogether from the sheer force of our fucking.

What really made it, though, was her dirty talk - she had an incredibly filthy mouth, the sort of thing I thought you'd only hear in a hentai! "Ahn, my pussy is being reshaped by your cock, Issei!" "I'm so wet, it's so good!" "More, harder, ahn!" "Fuck my onahole cunt with your bitchbreaker, Issei!" "I'm turning into a slut, ahn, all my thoughts are dribbling out of my cunt!" "I'm a nympho, a nympho bitch for Issei!" "I'm coming, I'm coming, keep me coming, Issei!" "Don't stop, ahn, I love it, I love your cock, it's so much better than a finger or a toy, ahn!" "I'm addicted to your cock, Issei, I need it, I need it every day!"

I didn't tell her to say a single one of those things - but all of them were insanely sexy! Was this the Excellent Beloved perk I'd bought, or was it just natural compatibility? Whatever the case, what was important was this: her sexy dirty talk was driving me to fuck her even harder, even more, just pounding her into the mat. She came and moaned and praised me and my cock and occasionally - when I'd taken long enough between inflicting orgasms on her - she'd lean up into me, kissing and sucking at my bare chest, slurping up my sweat like it was the sweetest thing in the world.

"You're sho tashty," she'd slur out around my pec, "sho, sho tasty, I'm, I'm addiggded to your flavor, Ishei, I'm a slooot for you," she said, delirious with pleasure. "Let'sh do thish again tomorrow." "Lesh, I'll show up to school, eggshtra early, and we can fugg before it starts," she said. "I'll mooof in wiff you, if you want me too. My mom will undershtand, and if she doeshn'd, you can fugg her too and then she will."

Eventually, though, even her dirty talk and my enhanced physique didn't stop me from beginning to feel the burn. My legs had been pumping inside her for so long, my hands halfway carrying her body, that hot wet sex of hers slickly wrapped around my cock. Her eyes rolled around in their sockets, but I was beginning to slow, just from how long and hard I'd been going at it.

For a moment, I was tempted to just creampie her - then I remembered that I'd decided not to come inside, just in case she wasn't on the pill or it hadn't taken effect or whatever. So I pulled out of her, making her whine at the absence of my cock, and just shuffled over to her face. The moment my cock was in range, she wrapped her lips around it, looking up at me with tear-stricken eyes, halfway squinting to try to make out my face. After a moment, she brought her hands up into paired V-signs, the sort of show that I'd definitely only seen in porn and hentai before then - and I promptly erupted, groaning as I deposited a thick, creamy load of cum into her mouth.

She shuddered and gulped, eagerly swallowing it all down, moaning in delight as I came. She swished and swilled what she hadn't swallowed in her mouth when I was done, and I plopped on the mat next to her, breathing heavily from the exhaustingly long fuck session.

For a moment, I worried she'd want more, but she just cuddled into me. She loudly gulped down the cum I'd deposited in her mouth before speaking. "That was amazing, Issei," she said, halfway closing her eyes as she rested against my bicep. "Wait!" She rolled over suddenly, scrambling to find her jacket, pulling out her smartphone and coming back to me a moment later. "Which one of the girls in class do you want to fuck next, Issei? I want to watch you absolutely wreck one of them," she told me, a familiar grin on her face. "I took pictures of all of them," she explained, and I then realized that she'd been planning that since this morning - that was why she had been taking pictures of all of them.

Each girl was cute and sexy in her own way, but naturally, my gaze was drawn to the girls with the biggest breasts. If Aika noticed the trend, she certainly didn't seem to mind, just making a 'short list' of the girls I'd most like to fuck next.

It was really, really crazy to have a girl doing that. I gave thanks to whatever magic smut goddess had blessed me with this gift. Of course, talking about which girl I most wanted to fuck, and having a naked girl curled up on my side... I soon had a hard-on again. Aika looked at it longingly. "We can go again," I told her.

She let out a small laugh. "I think I need a break, Issei... but..." She hummed for a moment, reaching down for my cock. "Why don't you show me what you normally watch, when you touch yourself?" She licked her lips, her fingers slowly and steadily moving up and down my cock.

Was Aika the perfect woman?! Normally when a girl finds your porno, that's supposed to be bad, right? But Aika was asking to see it while jerking me off, so she was happy with it? I hurriedly reached for my jacket, finding my phone and pulling it out, heading over to watch Funbag Fantasy once again. She watched it curiously as Shamsiel gave the protagonist a tittyfuck that he couldn't resist...

And then I remembered I had Perfect Control. No matter how well or how poorly Aika jerked me off (it was very well, to be clear), I could choose whether I came immediately, or hold off, and I had no idea which I should do! If it had been sex again, I would have held off to fuck her more, but- she couldn't really get any physical enjoyment out of this, right? I glanced her way, and I felt a certain instinct in that moment. My eyes slid down to her breasts - currently mashed into my bicep - and I made myself come, spurting up white hot spunk into the air which then rained down in between my thighs.

"Oho, Issei..." she said, grinning as she jerked me off more intensely, kissing at my shoulder. "You like looking at me more than those cartoon girls? We should record some videos so you can spank it to me in the future," she told me. "You can forget all about hentai and just enjoy Aika, your personal JAV actress," she told me, as she jerked me off even harder, trying to wring out as much cum as possible.

Forgetting all about hentai?! That was... no! Who could forget about porn?! Just because Aika was sexy and cute and fun and horny and friendly and sexy and everything else, to completely forgo hentai... no! The only way I'd stop watching porn is if I was dead!

Either way, once I was done splurting cum all over the mat, Aika let go of my dick. Wobbling over on hands and knees, she surprised me by just leaning down and starting to suck and lick the mat, humming and moaning as she quickly cleaned my cum off it with her tongue and lips. It was incredibly sexy, seeing her there, her cute face warped with delight as she slurped up spunk.

Once she was finished, she leaned up, kneeling between my legs, her eyes running all the way up my naked body. "Maybe... one more time?" She asked. "I can be on top..." She slowly slid forward, soon perching her pussy right above my cock.

And at that same moment, the door to the supply shed swung open. We both froze, and I heard a single set of footsteps enter - and there was no time at all for either of us to hide, because there stood a tall, beautiful young woman, with long dark hair that reached all the way to her knees, wearing glasses. Her eyes widened as she stared at the two of us, and Aika remained perfectly still, her lips just barely kissing at my cock as she turned to look at the intruder. She squinted for a moment - then just shrugged and slammed herself down my cock. "Sorry! Please come back later!" Aika squealed.

The girl stepped forward - an older student, I could tell, as she approached us - and simply yanked Aika unceremoniously up and off my cock. "Both of you, get dressed," she said, her voice firm. "This is the supply shed, not your personal fuckden." Her gaze fell on my cock at that point, and her eyes widened as she saw just how big it was.

For a moment, I thought Is this one of those porno situations where the girl sees a dick and just throws herself on it? Then Aika spoke up. "You can fuck him too, if you want," she said. Her voice was seductive and tempting, but also that of a horny gremlin. "It'll feel so good, it's the best, it's so much better than touching yourself. I don't mind, we're just fuckbuddies, I won't tell anyone-"

"Shut up!" The older girl yelled, shaking Aika and averting her gaze. "Both of you... get dressed," she said, her voice chilly.

I decided that getting dressed would probably be a good idea.

You can read the next chapter on my Subscribestar at , for the low price of just $3. It features Issei adding another girl to his harem. You also gain access to the latest chapter of my other stories; I will be writing this story for the remainder of the month of December.