Onee-Sama's Big Boobs

On the one hand, I had gotten to lose my virginity with a cute horny girl, on my second day of attendance at Kuoh Academy!

On the other hand, it turned out that the girl who found us was a member of the Student Council. And not the kind to let her surprise at how big my dick was cloud her judgment about whether or not I should get reported to the teachers!

"I'm sorry!" I told her. "I'm so sorry!" I bowed my head, desperately hoping that if I apologized hard enough, I wouldn't get in trouble!

The girl in question just frowned at me. "What are you sorry for?"

My mouth worked at the air for a moment; I hadn't considered the question before apologizing. "For... having sex... in the supply shed." I hoped that was the right line.

"You sound uncertain."

"I-I am certain! I'm totally certain! That's my final answer, lock it in!" I said hurriedly.

She stared at me, and thanks to the lull in our conversation, I had a chance to appreciate that she was hot with big boobs. She was also older than me. Was this my chance to get an onee-sama in my harem?! No way, right? But I dared to hope! I was really hot, after all! "What's your name?"

"I-Issei Hyoudou," I said. "At your service, ma'am!"

"Tsubaki Shinra. And you?" She looked over at Aika.

"A-ah, you don't need to know my name," Aika said. "Actually, who even knows who I am, hehe? Even Issei doesn't! We just were having anonymous casual sex!" She had apparently decided to go for this risky strategy, and ran for it! She was moving pretty fast (she'd given me a blowjob yesterday, so she was probably benefiting from Booster Cock still!), even!

It didn't work out for her. Tsubaki was even faster than her, and was on her in a second, tackling her to the ground.

Aika groaned on the ground. "I just lost my virginity and you're ruining my day!" She whined. "This should be the best day of my life because I got fucked by a huge fat cock and absolutely wrecked, but you're ruining it!!"

"If you wanted to lose your virginity without it being 'ruined,' you should have had sex off campus," Tsubaki said. "Name?"

"...Aika Kiryuu," Aika admitted from her position on the ground.

I had half-hoped that the contrast between my contrition and Aika's attempt to escape the consequences of her actions would spare me, at least, the perp walk - sorry, Aika! You were doomed the moment you tried to run, it isn't my fault! - but it did not. Both of us were soon dragged over to another Student Council member.

The other girl had short hair, glasses, and was sadly not my type (her boobs were maybe a C-cup at most). "Tsubaki? Who are these two?" She was paying the most attention to me, probably because I was tall and jacked and hot, whereas Aika had seemingly selected her style to most resemble the 'ugly girl' character from anime, with twin braids and thick bottlecap glasses.

"I caught these two having sex in the supply shed, Sona," Tsubaki explained. "What should I do with them?"

"You know I'm not the Student Council President, right, Tsubaki?" Sona asked. Tsubaki's expression remained neutral. Sona sighed. "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to take them to a teacher."

"No, please! Anything but that!" I laced my fingers together in a tight move, descending to my knees to beg. Clearly, Tsubaki looked up to Sona, so perhaps if I could apologize even harder, I could get out of the consequences of my actions! "Sona, please, spare me from that fate! My mother would-!" Actually, I had no idea how my mother would respond. Wouldn't this be me getting a head start on getting her some grandkids? "Sona, I promise to never do it again!"

"Then you can enjoy having that promise ensured by the teachers knowing what you did."

* * *

"Issei," my dad said, "you shouldn't have sex at school."

"Well, you know..." My mom started. "I can't help but feel responsible. I told him to go find a nice girl!"

My father nodded, his lips curled down in a frown. "Alright. Son, from now on," he said, reaching out to plant one hand on my shoulder (which required him to reach up, since I'd gotten so tall), "if you want to have sex with a girl, bring her home."

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"Yes!" My mom instantly leapt to my father's aid. "I know that at your age, obviously there are lots of urges, and now that you're hot, they're probably easier to manage! Still, if you go around having sex at school, then it's the employees there who have to deal with the mess!"

"That's right," my father agreed. "Your mother and I are happy that you met a nice girl."

"Plus, this way, we'll get to meet her! What's her name, by the way?"

"A-Aika, but we're not really together."

My mother and father shared a look that I refused to attempt to understand! "Of course, dear," my mom said, reaching up to pat my head. "Well, you can bring her over, even if you're 'not really together.'"

"If things don't work out, and you wind up being 'not really together' with a different girl, that applies to her too," my father added.

"Just don't be having sex at school!" My mother said. "At least not without locking the door, and cleaning up after yourself! What about poor Aika? She must have been mortified, getting caught like that!"

"...actually, she tried to convince the upperclassman who found us to have sex with me."

My father laughed at that, a big smile on his lips. "I always worried that you'd have trouble with the ladies due to your..." He trailed off, deciding not to say anything like, 'incessant masturbating,' or 'obsession with breasts.' "I'm happy to hear you found a girl who's on your level, but you can't be going and getting in trouble like this."

"Yes. So, you're going to your room, and won't be allowed to leave until tomorrow morning for school," my mother said. She then wrapped me in a hug. "Also, give me your phone."

"Noooo," I groaned, but gave up my phone.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back tomorrow," my mother reassured me.

I had to jack off to my imagination that night... but luckily, I had new memories of fucking Aika, and Aika licking up my cum, and Aika getting facefucked, and Aika jerking me off while we watched porn, to allow my imagination to run wild, and it didn't take too much longer than it would have with porn!

* * *

The next day of classes was a huge cocktease, because I knew I couldn't just grab Aika and do it in the bathroom in the middle of the school day. The teacher had noticed when Aika had come over to my desk, and by the look on her face, there was no doubt in my mind that all the staff knew what I had done - which meant that they'd definitely catch us!

Instead, I was caught between focusing on class, and thinking about my classmates' big boobs.

Yuuto Kiba asked to sit next to me to talk, which made seemingly all the girls - including Aika, traitor! - begin muttering among themselves in yaoi fantasies I was being forced to become far too familiar with. "I heard you got into some trouble yesterday," he said, with a mild smile on his lips.

It wasn't a cruel smile or anything, but it still spent a chill down my spine. "Wha- does the whole school know?!" I sputtered out in horror. Wait. Would it be bad if the whole school knew?

After a second's thought, yes, it would.

"No, no," he reassured me. "It's just that Sona is friends with Rias," he said.

"Rias is... your girlfriend?" I tried.

Yuuto choked on his food, sputtering loudly, hitting his chest to recover. "No. Ah. No," he repeated. "No. Rias is the head of the club I'm in."

"Okay, so everybody is going to hear about it by tomorrow," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Club member of a friend of a friend?! No, wait, Sona isn't even the one who found me, so there's another step in the chain. Agh!"

"You don't need to worry, Issei, Rias is old friends with Sona and I'm old friends with Rias. I'm not spreading it around or anything."

Aika scampered over to our desk for a second, leaning in and whispering in my ear, cupping her hand. "Issei, if you can swing it, can I have a threesome with you and Yuuto? Still fishing for one of those girls you mentioned being interested in, don't worry!" She added, and before I even had a chance to respond, she was rushing back to talk to one of the other girls in class.

Yuuto definitely was smiling too calmly for having overheard what Aika had said. "Well... I hope you're right," I said. "That it's not going to get around the whole school, I mean."

"It isn't as bad as all that anyway. Rias thought it was sweet."

Eh? Having sex on school property and coming on the mats isn't bad, but actually sweet?! What the heck was this hot privilege?!? Was lookism really the last acceptable form of discrimination?!

I imagined hearing about a hot girl fucking in the supply shed and decided that it was actually deeply fair. If there was a hot girl who boinked her boyfriend in the supply closet, I would feel jealous and want to be that guy! If instead she was just boinking some random guy-!

"Issei? Issei?" I jerked to attention at Yuuto. "Lost in thought about your girlfriend?" He asked with a smile.

"E-eh, she's not really my girlfriend," I said, and Yuuto just gave me a concerned look. As if I was seriously insulting Aika by saying she wasn't my girlfriend!

She wasn't, though! She said it herself! We were fuckbuddies!

* * *

After classes ended, but before heading home, I was approached in the halls by a busty, elegant upperclassman. She instantly stole my breath away, just by the way she looked. Not only was she gorgeous, but she approached me right then and there, moving forward without hesitation! The first girl to ever approach me despite me having definitely bought the 'girls approach you now' perk! Even Aika just got stunned by my dick and then I accidentally dragged her to a private room to talk, which she misinterpreted as a request for blowjobs!

I felt my whole body still as I realized that this was it! This was the first time I was going to be hit on! My new life as a hot stud truly began now!

She had beautiful, light brown hair, done in elegant curls. She also had large, curvaceous breasts, and a fit physique that added on good legs and nice ass too! I was mostly concerned with her big firm tits, though. "My, so this is the tall handsome underclassman who everyone is talking about," she said, with a smile on her lips.

I silently offered all my prayers to the gods, the Buddha, Jesus, everybody I could think of! Please don't let them be talking about me fucking Aika! Please let them just be talking about me being late to class on my first day or something! "Hi," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Ufufu," she said, with that kind of laugh that upper class girls do in anime! I was learning all sorts of things were real that I'd never imagined before, now that I was hot! "Have I stolen the power of speech from you? I am Kiyome Abe, Issei," she said, actually doing a little curtsy to emphasize the words. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, though my eyes were inevitably drawn to her tits - which it was particularly nice to meet! Through titanic will, I forced my gaze up to her eyes, and she was - smiling? At me looking at her tits? She actually was crossing her arms under her breasts to make them look bigger?!

"I'm actually the captain of the tennis club, and I was wondering if you were interested in the sport?" She asked, smiling warmly as she spoke.

It wasn't as if I really cared about tennis, but I had played some tennis video games! Still, I was not going to say that to her! Instead, I would go along with the tennis, and then, she'd be bouncing around, her tits going up and down as she leapt up to serve and crashed back to the ground. After a few matches, when she was hot and sweaty, her outfit would be clinging to her, showing off every curve, and-!

"Issei?" Kiyome asked, a soft note of concern to her voice. "You are bleeding," she said, reaching into her jacket to produce a handkerchief? People really carried those around? She dabbed at my nose, pulling away red. "Oh dear," she said, looking up at me like a big sister. "Are you feeling well?"

"I-I am! Absolutely!" I swallowed. "Yes! Let's play some tennis, Kiyome-sempai!"

She laughed at that. "No need to be so formal, Issei. Just call me Kiyome."

Being hot was amazing! A beautiful big-breasted big sister upperclassman was doting on me and telling me to be less formal with her-! Oh, wait, Aika! "Oh, let me text my friend so she knows where I am," I said.

"Of course. Go right ahead," Kiyome said, and I took out my phone.

Aika, just met new girl, wish me luck!​

You probably think that Aika got angry about that, but actually, as we headed to the tennis court, I got a response!

Good luck! 🍆💦

Text me again if you need more afterwards, okay? ❤️

Picking 'Excellent Harem Master' was paying off already! I put my phone back in my jacket.

It turns out that being tall and muscular helps you win at tennis! Not a lot, though. I got my ass whooped since Kiyome was so much more experienced and serious about it, and as she bounded around the court, I couldn't help but notice that her eyes kept going down to my body in between sets. Her attention lingered longer as I started to sweat.

Wait a second! That was my plan! I was going to make her work up a sweat and then drool over her body as her blouse clung to her chest! She'd done it to me instead?!

I pushed myself in the match at that point, redoubling my effort! I wanted her to be the one caked in sweat so I could see every contour of her gorgeous body as her clothes plastered against them, rendered thin and translucent!

I didn't start winning, though. She was really good at tennis. I did manage to send shots to opposite sides of the court, making her huff as she leapt to catch them, but they didn't mean I won. By the end of a few matches, we were both sweaty, and at that point, it seemed like we were both satisfied with the results, so we stopped playing. Kiyome sat down on the bench, patting the seat next to her, and I dutifully sat down. With my new height advantage, I could look down at her tits right away - and she seemed to intentionally (?) encourage that by popping the top button on her top, and then the next one, waving at her neck to help with the sweat.

"You're quite the fit boy, Issei," she said, leaning against me, in the process pushing her breasts right into my upper arm. I was in heaven. A beautiful onee-sama pressing her tits into my arm was sending me to heaven! "Your technique was lackluster. I take it you don't play tennis much?"

"It's my first time in real life," I admitted.

She looked confused. "In real life...? Do you play tennis in the dream realm?"

"No, I play, you know, video games."

"Oh!" She blushed at that. "There are video games about tennis...?" She sounded in awe, like some new information had been revealed to her about how the world worked. "Ufufufu!" She grinned fiercely. "The classic problem of tennis is that your body becomes too exhausted to practice further, even as your mind yearns for more!" I was pretty sure that was a 'her' problem, but she was obviously excited about it. "Show me these games of yours, Issei!"

"They're at my house," I said.

"Then show me to your house!"

Well... I wasn't gonna say no to her inviting herself over to my house!

* * *

Soon enough, the pair of us were engaged in a desperate duel on the battlefield of Mario Tennis Aces - me as Mario, and Kiyome as Peach. After our first few matches where Kiyome was learning the controls, she had proven a natural at the game, and we'd been sending volleys back and forth for two full minutes without missing a beat. She grunted for emphasis each time she struck the ball, as if it would add to its velocity in the game somehow.

"I'm coming up the stairs!" Came my mother's voice, alongside conspicuously loud footsteps. "I have some treats and I'm at the door!" She called out. "If you don't want me coming in right now, you have to say so!" She still remained paused in front of the door for several seconds, during which Kiyome grunted three more times. "Issei! You had better not be doing anything in there if you're not even going to say one single word to keep your mother from wandering in!"

"It's fine, Mom," I called, not daring to even move my head, hands working at lightning speed to keep the ball in motion, to neither foul out or get a point scored on me - and then the door opened.

"Oh," my mother said, sounding disappointed to discover we were just playing video games. I don't know what her expression looked like - I couldn't look away from the screen. "I made some mochi for you two... but you're busy with your game right now, so I'll leave it here," she said, putting the plate down. "Nice to meet you, Aika."

"Huh?" Kiyome said, glancing away from the screen - which, naturally, meant I scored against her. "No! Curse you, Issei!" I paused the game at that point. "Taking advantage of a woman's distraction is a nefarious trick."

"I couldn't exactly not take advantage of your distraction," I pointed out.

"Sorry to interrupt," my mother said. "I didn't realize you two were... playing video games," she said, glancing at the TV screen. "My! You certainly grunt a lot while playing, Aika."

"...I am Kiyome Abe," Kiyome said. "My name is not Aika."

"Oh. Oh!" My mother turned red. "Sorry! Issei mentioned he made a friend named Aika at school, I thought that was you! I guess he's making lots of friends, hm?" She asked, her gaze pointed at me. There was a dangerous intent in her eyes, disapproving of my womanizing ways.

"Ah. Is Aika the one you texted before we went to play tennis?"

I nodded rapidly in response, and my mother's killing intent vanished immediately. "I'll leave you two alone, then!" She smiled at me. "Good luck, Issei!" She gave me a wink, then closed the door.

Kiyome was already going for the mochi, wolfing it down - I did much the same, partly just because my competitive spirit had been roused by her own and I wanted to get back to the game, partly because it was delicious. Once we'd finished off the plate, and drunk the glasses of water provided, Kiyome stopped me, planting one hand on my bicep. Our eyes met, and she flushed for a moment - then reached out for my mouth. "You have a little here," she said, thumb catching some crumbs of the mochi - which she promptly fed right into her mouth! "Mm. Delicious," she breathed out, husky, sexy... She went back to the game, popping the top two buttons on her top as I scrambled into a seat on the floor next to her, revealing the bare flesh of her breasts to open air, idly waving at her chest for just a moment, before glancing over at me. "Ready to continue our duel?"

"Yes," I said, but it was a lie. Kiyome's tits were definitely too distracting! My ability to keep up with her was gone, as my eyes kept flicking back to the full, luscious round things, my mouth watering as I imagined groping and playing with them. She didn't seem to mind - if anything, she might actually have been encouraging it, so she could win at the video game.

Losing at a video game in exchange for getting to look at the curve of her voluptuous breasts was definitely worth it to me, of course, so I didn't mind at all!

"Ufufufu... I have utterly crushed you at Mario Tennis Aces, Issei," she said, after she roundly kicked my ass, with me not getting a single further point. "Yet I do not think my skill rose. Is it the distraction of the lingering flavor of the mochi? Did your mother's arrival ruin your concentration? Was it too salty and you're thirsty? Or... is it me?" She asked that question with raw, seductive energy-! Her hand reached up for her top, removing one more button, revealing yet more curvy, soft, pale flesh to the open air... daring me to reach out to her and just fuck her-! But I had to hold back! You can't just do things with girls just because they're sexy!

Wait, hang on. She'd approached me to ask if I wanted to play tennis with her, stared at my chest as I got all sweaty while we played tennis, invited herself over to my house, come to my room, removed the top several buttons of her top, licked her thumb clean of food she'd wiped off her face...

She was...! She was trying to get me to have sex with her?! No matter how I thought about it, that had to be correct, right? "Do you want to have sex?" Wait, is that what you say in this situation?

"Yes!" Apparently! She hurriedly took off her top altogether, showing off her breasts to me, scarcely contained in a plain black bra that nevertheless complimented their pale curves. "Issei! Ravish me! Make me a woman!" She puffed her chest out, even, seeing how my eyes were located firmly on her tits. "That's what you want, isn't it?! To just have your way with me, that's why you lured me into your bedroom with promises of tennis video games..."

I didn't lure her anywhere! I almost said that out loud, but instinct told me to do something else - just heft her up into my arms, carrying her bridal style over to my bed! She immediately turned red, and I laid her down on the bed, leaning over her to kiss her on the lips. She let out a soft noise into my mouth, a quiet little moan of a thing, and then I pulled back. "If you really want me to have my way with you, then get naked," I ordered her.

If you had told her that she'd earn a million bucks if she got naked in the next five seconds, I don't know if she could've stripped faster than those words got her to: she peeled off her top, discarded her skirt and panties in one fell swoop, and started wiggling her feet around to get her socks off. I grabbed the base of my own shirt, and she paused for a moment to just stare at it, brown eyes big as they stared at my increasingly-bare chest.

Have I mentioned that having girls stare at your naked body was hot? And fun? Because it is! It's awesome to watch a girl's mouth fall that tiny bit open as you pull off your shirt and show off your abs! Especially when she's got a rockin' bod of her own, fit as a fiddle and with big bouncy tits to boot! This was great! I wanted to thank whatever magic or god had given me this opportunity!

I pulled down my pants and underwear at that point, and Kiyome's jaw just dropped as she saw my huge cock burst free. "So big..." she breathed out in awe. "W-will such a thing fit, or- or destroy me as a woman?" Her legs actually snapped shut for the moment.

"Don't worry, it'll fit," I reassured her. That was what it said! My dick was huge but it would fit nice and snug rather than painfully! She still was biting her lip, since she didn't know that I'd filled out a CYOA to give myself this huge cock. Wait! If she wasn't sure about vaginal, wasn't this the perfect opportunity for... "Do you want to try paizuri first?" I suggested.

She nodded immediately, and I clambered up on top of her, careful not to actually set my weight against her stomach, balancing on my knees. My cock loomed over her face and breasts, and she went cross-eyed staring up at it, her lips slightly parted. For me, this was the greatest moment of my sexual life so far, even more than losing my virginity - losing my paizuri virginity! Boob sex, here I come! I gingerly lowered my body down until my cock was in between her tits.

Without any prompting on my part, she reached up with her breasts, wrapping them around my cock softly. They were soft and luscious, like beautiful warm half-filled water balloons wrapped in velvet, but also had a little bit of roughness to them - which I realized was because they weren't lubed up! I decided to cover up for my foolishness by reaching down for her nipples, gently tugging on them, and then using my sex superpowers to make her come!

Immediately, she mashed her breasts into my cock extra hard, and I groaned and enjoyed the feeling. Kiyome's eyelashes fluttered rapidly, her mouth stretching open, her back arching as she practically pushed her chest into my dick. I watched in delight as her body twitched like that, full breasts mushing into my dick almost absent-mindedly. Once she was done coming, though, I pulled out of her tits altogether, earning a soft little whimper from her, a pitiful nonverbal pleading for my dick. "Let me go grab some lube!" I told her, heading in a rush for my bathroom and pulling out the lube from the drawer.

I rubbed it into my dick, and Kiyome watched, panting softly, her tongue trailing across her lips as she clearly enjoyed the show. I stepped over to her, and got the chance to just grope her breasts flagrantly, rubbing lube into the big round orbs at the same time, turning them deliciously slick and shiny in the process. My cock furiously bobbed in the air, my mouth half-open as I just about drooled in joy at the chance to grope those big, soft, round breasts of hers, fingers sinking into the supple flesh. Kiyome herself panted and squirmed under my attentions, making all sorts of cute noises as I felt her up.

"I-Issei," she stammered out, "please put your manhood back in my bosom!" There was a faint glow of embarrassment or her part at saying such a thing - but I quickly moved to act on her desires, stuffing my dick back in between her tits. With them being all lubed up, I could start to just pump at them, my dick getting smothered in those marshmallow-soft tits. Her fingers pushed her breasts around my cock, and her eyes went down to my dick, staring at it as I pumped back and forth.

Soon enough, she leaned forward, her lips stretching out to kiss the tip of my cock. It felt so nice, the little touch, and I just groaned, grinding my cock deep inside her breasts and in the process smearing my tip against her lips. She let out a noise of surprise - then glanced up and me and leaned forward once more, wrapping her lips around my very tip and starting to softly suckle on it, her tongue dancing around inside her mouth nervously. Her cheeks were glowing, but it felt fantastic for me.

Once again, I decided to play with her nipples, pinching and tugging them gently - and then prompting her to come all over again! She moaned in surprise as she did, gripping her breasts against my cock all the tighter, her body twitching around me, the lubed-up tits squishing and rolling around my length in an intensely pleasurable massage.

"It feels so good, Kiyome-senpai," I told her, the word 'senpai' seeming natural to add, and she moaned and slurped with delight and extra energy, so I guess she liked it! "Your breasts are so nice and big and soft, I really like them!" I started to pump back and forth, and Kiyome just kept her mouth wide-open, letting the top inch or two of my cock slip past her lips with wet popping noises as I fucked her tits and mouth both! "Kiyome-senpai!" I made my pleasure louder as I pumped away at her breasts all the harder, the wet plapping noise of my cock between her tits seeming to echo in the room.

She just suckled all the harder, tightening her breasts around my dick. Her brow furrowed, as if she was trying to prove that she was the best, to get me off all the faster, and it was an intensely sexy sight, my earnest upperclassman squeezing her tits on my cock and slurping hard on it. I made her come again, just to make sure she had a good time with the titfuck - then stuffed my cock as far as I could into her breasts, enjoying the way they jiggled and vibrated around my dick as I unloaded into her waiting mouth, firing off splurt after splurt of hot cum into her mouth, which she greedily gulped down even in the midst of her orgasm.

When we were both finished with our respective orgasms, I sat there, still keeping my body just a little upright so I wasn't pressing down against her. Kiyome just kept up her soft pressure on my cock, her lips quietly suckling on my dick, gently massaging my length, up and down, with those soft, full breasts of hers, their shape distorted as her fingers halfway dug into them.

Eventually, though, she popped her lips off my cockhead, gulping. "Let's try real sex," she said.

"Yes!" I was absolutely ready to just titfuck her if she only wanted titfucks! Absolutely! But I also wanted to fuck her pussy too! I pulled out of her breasts, getting down on the bed and taking hold of her thighs, spreading her legs to expose her slick sex to me. She let out a soft pant as I rubbed my tip along the line of her sex. "I'll go gentle," I told her, and she nodded.

I slipped inside her at that point. I took my time, slowly but surely grinding inside her, inch by inch. I let my eyes run up and down her fit body, her taut stomach, her full breasts still smeared with lube, her lips looking pretty as they parted softly to just breathe. Her nipples were perky and pebbled, and her cheeks were flush with desire, while her gaze was entirely focused on the spot where our groins met, where my cock was slowly vanishing.

When I got about halfway in, I made her come, and she instantly spasmed, moaning and jerking around beneath me. Her fingers dug into the bed sheets under her, and her pussy went absolutely crazy around my cock. I just groaned in pleasure at the feeling of it, because her cunt was muscular and tight, gripping and rubbing along my whole length. "It feels so good," I got out, just exhaling the words, and I'm pretty sure I felt her pussy tighten up a little more in response. My fingers tightened on her thighs, and I continued to drive myself ever deeper inside her.

It didn't take too long for me to hilt inside her pussy, and she was just finishing off her first orgasm at that point, panting heavily beneath me as she did. Her eyes turned back up to me, big and eager - and she spoke up. "It didn't hurt at all," she breathed out in surprise. "Ravish me, Issei!"

I didn't need more recommendations than that, starting to just fuck her pussy, pounding away at her body. The mattress squeaked under me, her big tits bouncing enticingly with each thrust. I let go of her thighs to lean into her, pressing her tits together and sucking on both nipples at once, my tongue dancing around them both, my length quivering inside her in sheer joy at the chance to freely suck on some tits! Kiyome just moaned in delight at that, reaching down to grasp my head, pulling me into her tits, while her legs ran along my back and hips and I pistoned inside her.

"Oh, Issei, ohh, you've made me a woman, ohhh," she moaned, quivering on my cock, "oh, I'm ruined, you've ruined me, ah!" She actually came at that point, without me using my orgasm powers! Her legs tightened up on my hips, trying to drag me deep inside her, but I was muscular enough that I could overpower that, continuing to thump at her body, enjoying the sweet taste of those firm nipples in my mouth, my hands squishing the tits as if I were trying to milk them. She certainly didn't mind, just squirming and moaning in pleasure beneath me.

When she came down from her orgasm, she was panting heavily on the bed underneath me, and I slowed down a bit for her sake, just gently pumping my hips inside her. She stared down at me, a loose smile on her face. "Oh, Issei... I've been tamed by my cute kouhai..." She was clearly just saying things that made her horny, which was fine with me! They were cute and sexy! "First you trick me into coming into your bedroom, then you force me to strip naked, to give you a paizuri, forcing me to come again and again from my bosom, and then at last you seize my maidenhood!" Her pussy twitched around my cock as she continued her (false! I didn't trick or force her into anything!) long ramble. "I should write a poem about this!"

I popped off her tits at that, slowing my pace inside her. "A... poem? You're into poetry?"

"I'm from an old and storied family, of course I love poetry," she told me. "Ahem. Please go back to ravishing me, Issei, it's good inspiration!"

I leaned up, starting to pump my hips inside her, and she looked gorgeous like that, her flush having reached down to her breasts. She halfway covered her mouth with one hand as I fucked inside her, the bed squeaking beneath her. She was mumbling to herself as I kept fucking her, and I leaned in to listen. "Thick shaft fills my core... y-yes, that's a good, line," she said. "A good start. Then..." Her words were interrupted by a moan, her legs tightening up on my hips, trying to grind me inside her. "Oh, ohm, almost," she gasped out, to me instead of herself. "Almost, Issei, just- just a little-"

I pushed her over the edge into ecstasy, and she immediately came, fingernails raking across my back as she dragged me down against her. I kissed her lips; at first, her mouth was just pliant, a half-open moan, but soon enough, she was eagerly sucking on my tongue, her own tongue dancing up into my mouth as I fucked her. My cock furiously pulsed inside her as I began to rut away in her spasming pussy, and I leaned back once her orgasm finished.

"Moans escape as pleasure blooms, d-does that sound, good, Issei?" She sputtered out, as I fucked her. "Oh, ahm, it's so, you're soooo, hard," she moaned, twitching on my dick. "Oh, I want, I want to feel it, I want to feel your sweet release inside me, oh, oh yes, please," she writhed beneath me. "Issei's sweet release," she breathed, "or, or, Big dick's sweet release, which s-sounds better? Oh, whichever is good! Make me a woman, your woman, turn a maiden into a mother!" Her legs gripped my hips, trying to worm me inside her. "Come in me, Issei! Force me into being your bride with a teen pregnancy!"

While she obviously was intensely aroused by the thought of getting teen pregnant - I sure wasn't! Luckily, I had perfect control of my orgasms, and I kept thrusting inside her, making her orgasm several more times, enjoying the tight feeling of her pussy going wild around my dick, the desperation with which she clawed at my back, with which her legs gripped me and tried to drag me ever deeper inside her. Once I felt like I'd adequately satiated her lust, I pulled out of her, earning a soft whimper.

"Issei, ohhh, Issei, please, ahm, despoil me, ruin me, ravish me," she said, sounding fuckdrunk enough to mean it. I just got up in between her breasts - and instantly, she set to work, pressing her tits into my cock, leaning forward to lick and suckle on the tip of my cock, cleaning my dick off as I languidly pumped back and forth. She slurped and hummed, a horny mess, looking up at me with big brown eyes that begged for my cum - so I gave it to her, orgasming inside her mouth and simultaneously making her come too, her eyes peeling back in their sockets as she came like that, some of my cum sputtering up out of her mouth even as she desperately tried to gulp it all down.

When our respective orgasms finished, she panted softly beneath me, and I plopped onto the bed to catch my breath. She softly crawled around on the bed, resting her cheek against my thigh before leaning in to kiss at my cock, softly stroking it. "So big... so terrifying... it almost ruined me as a woman... almost forced you to marry me..." Her breaths were heavy, trickling against my cock. "I barely escaped... oh..." She rubbed her thighs against each other in absent arousal. "Oh yes... ahn..."

I gently ran my fingers through her hair, deciding that was better than most other options at that moment, and she just continued to nuzzle and kiss at my cock. "I, uh, really don't want to knock you up, Kiyome," I told her, at last.

"Eh?!" She sputtered in surprise. "Y-you don't?" She sounded bewildered. "B-but you- you just took me, without even asking, and you wore no condom, your manhood unashamed of its full virility!" She kissed my cockhead to emphasize that last point. "Surely you thought, This beautiful maiden of the Abe family will make a fine wife, I will just sow my seed in her fertile fields and then she will have to become my bride! No?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I, uh, just can't find condoms that fit my dick."

"Oh dear... how horrible..." She kissed my cock, her thighs rubbing against each other. "Yet you were still so overcome by lust that you tried to have your way with me anyway... Her sex is danger; her womb, my doom; yet still I am drawn forth. Like that?" She asked, looking up at me guilelessly.

"Uh, sure. I'm not gonna come inside you, though. I have perfect control of my ability to orgasm."

"Oho! Quite the claim, ufufufu... shall we test it?!" She asked, suddenly rising up to hop into my lap, teasing her pussy at my cock. "Shall we see if you can resist your senpai's tight womanhood as it wreathes itself on your big, hard cock?"

I didn't! Not because her pussy wasn't amazing! It was! But because she'd feel bad if she couldn't make me come with her pussy, and I didn't want to become a dad at 16, so I wasn't gonna come in there! "I'd rather get another paizuri," I told her. She just continued to tease my cock delicately. "Get down on your knees and give me a paizuri," I ordered her, my voice commanding - and instantly, she got off the bed and knelt on the ground (I tossed her a pillow a second later, on account of it'd be hard on her knees) before starting to give me a titfuck.

"Hard betwixt my breasts; your length refuses my core; I am still its slave," she breathed out, another haiku (or is it senryu when it's about my dick?) seemingly spontaneously written as she pumped her boobs up and down my dick. "Oh! That was a good one, Issei, write it down please! Maybe 'refuses' should be 'yet denies,' though," she added, her words serving to make her tits softly vibrate around my cock. "Yes, I think that's better. Get out your phone!"

I fumbled for a moment to grab my phone out of my jacket pocket without exiting the sweet embrace of Kiyome's tits. Then I started to tap away what she'd said to me.

"Mm... you could just... take pictures of me," she breathed out, her eyes lidded as she spoke, continuing to massage my dick between her breasts all the while. "You could blackmail me with them... the young maiden of the Abe family, forced to obey the whims of Issei Hyoudou, a common boy with a body and a cock that could overpower any woman... oh, I should write a whole poem about how I have no choice but to obey your every whim!" She smiled as she spoke.

Luckily, I could make her come lots from the titfucks, and she started to get really into them the longer she went at it, so after I came in her mouth a couple more times, she finally was happy to just cuddle up next to me. After wrapping my hands around her breasts from behind, my half-erect cock pretty much hotdogging her, we laid there for a good half-hour of quiet nuzzling and cuddling. Kiyome herself rubbed her tits into my hands and her ass against my dick. "Oh, you could just... impregnate me now..." she'd whisper, trying to convince me to do something really dumb. I was tempted! If I didn't have magic orgasm control, I might even have done it! "I'd become your woman forever... I'd have to give up tennis..."

"Don't you like tennis?" I asked, a little confused by why that seemed to delight her.

"Oh, I do! Yes! But I'd have to give it up, you see," she explained. Okay, I had worked out by that point that she was crazy, but also, she had big boobs and was letting me grope them, so crazy was number three or four on my list of cares at that moment. My phone buzzed, and I ignored it to instead keep groping her boobs. "You shouldn't ignore your friends," Kiyome said.

I reached over for the phone. It was Aika, and she'd sent me a sexy pic of herself wearing just lingerie and waggling her eyebrows at the camera!

When you're finished with her, don't forget you have me. ❤️🍆

Sorry about just jerking you off last time, I should have done more!

I bought an onahole to jerk you off with next time!​

"Oh!" Kiyome said, catching sight of what was on my phone's scream and making me momentarily panic. "Issei." Her voice was firm, serious - she was absolutely acting like the onee-sama about to correct her kouhai! "If you are a debauched man with fantasies of a harem-" Oh no! She'd sussed me out! Was this Excellent Beloved?! Wasn't that supposed to be helpful?! "-then you should have told me! We could have had a threesome with your other lover, where you put both of us through our paces, showing us that you're man enough to handle us both..." Her breathing was growing heavy, her thighs rubbing together.

"Uh... I can ask her if she's okay with that?" I suggested, and Kiyome nodded rapidly.

"Yes, that sounds ideal."

Would you like a threesome with me and Kiyome?​

YES! 🍆💦🍑🍑

Sorry for not arranging our first threesome, Issei! It's a lot harder to seduce girls than I would have thought! Guys sure have it rough!​

I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and argue with either of them, on account of the only thing better than sex with a woman - was sex with two women!