Learning the Truth

Rias had her arms crossed, which made her boobs look bigger. They were very nice boobs. Kiyome was my girlfriend, so of course I had to say that her boobs were better (even I know that!), but if Rias became my girlfriend, I knew that I would be allowed to be objective and say that Rias's boobs were better. When Rias caught me staring at her tits, she just gave me a cocky smirk. A self-confident onee-sama! I almost wished I was shorter so she could give me headpats! I needed to make her my girlfriend for a whole other reason besides just the fact that then I could say how great her boobs were!

"Firstly, before Kiyome says anything else ridiculous, Issei," Rias began. "Yes, I am a devil. No, I do not steal people's souls. I just make mutually beneficial deals with mortals."

"Oh, that sounds fair," I said. "Wait, you're a devil?"

"Yes," Rias agreed. "It really doesn't mean whatever horrible things Kiyome has been saying."

"Don't believe her lies! Devils are liars, it says as much in the Christian book," Kiyome told me.

"The Bible is propaganda written by our enemies, of course it says that," Rias snapped.

"Hmm..." I thought seriously about this. On the one hand, Kiyome was my girlfriend, and so I should listen to her and trust her judgment. On the other hand, wasn't it wrong to prejudge others just based on what somebody wrote about them? Ah! But was Kiyome prejudging the devils? Wasn't I being presumptive and a bad boyfriend?! "Wait. Kiyome, have you ever seen a devil take someone's soul?"

"No," Kiyome admitted. "But I have not seen Finland, either!" Good point, Kiyome!

"Have you ever heard of anyone in particular who lost their soul to a devil?"

Kiyome clearly racked her brain. "No...?"

"Harpy girl!"

"My name is Asuka," she said. "It's spelled with the kanji for 'tomorrow fragrance,' not the kanji 'flying bird'." She said that testily, like many people had perhaps made that mistake before. Understood, Asuka! Stereotyping others based on their race is wrong!

"Have you heard about somebody losing their soul to a devil, Asuka-chan?"

"A-Asuka-chan?" She sputtered for a moment, blushing and muttering to herself again. "He called me Asuka-chan...!" My charm was undefeated on girls who were very weak to my poorly developed charms!

"Asuka-chan!" I repeated, louder this time.

"Yes, Issei-kun? I mean, no, I haven't heard of that personally," Asuka admitted.

"Wait!" Kiyome said. "There was a German man these devils got to sell them his soul, Faust!"

"That was five hundred years ago," Rias said. "What were your ancestors doing five hundred years ago?"

"The Sengoku Jidai!" I replied, the information popping into my head instantly! "1524 would be the middle of the Sengoku period, with Oda Nobunaga not even having been born yet! The latest date argued for the start of the period would be 1493, so 1524 was right smack dab in the middle!" Was this information coming so easily because I was having sex with multiple senpais, thus improving my skill at History? Probably! "Oh, and slavery was only abolished in 1590, so that would still have been active!"

"Wow... he's smart too," Asuka said under her breath. "Why did Kiyome keep him away from me?!"

"So there you have it," Rias said, with a magnanimous wave of her hand, her other hand going to her hip. She cocked it to one side, but sadly it resulted in her arms uncrossing. "I can promise you, I have no interest in bargaining for anyone's soul."

"Then what do devils do?" I asked, raising my hand into the air.

"We form pacts with humans. They sacrifice magical power to us, and in return, we grant their wishes. Of course, the quality of the wish we can grant depends on the level of sacrifice and the individual's own natural level of power."

"This sounds as if it is simply stealing mortals' souls with extra steps!" Kiyome said, pointing at Rias accusatively. I had to admit, it did sound like that!

"As I said, we no longer do that. Contracts which take someone's soul would kill them, and we earn more with regular clients than dead ones." Hm, that made sense too! "It's sort of like fraud: it may make some quick money, but running an honest business is better in the long term." So wise and mature! "An individual's magic power can recover so long as we don't take too much, and of course, we now use modern technology to ensure that we never take too much magic from clients." Modern technology to help you avoid stealing people's souls by accident? Isn't this mixing genres a little much?! She took out her phone: it was the latest model in a transparent case, pure business without even a chain on it. "Here, I can show you," she said. "What sort of wish do you have, Issei?"

"To have a huge harem!" I answered on instinct, and Rias immediately smiled. "Wait! That wasn't a wish I agreed to or anything!"

"Of course," Rias agreed. "I'm just checking on the app whether you... could..." She trailed off as she stared at her phone.

"What? What?!" I demanded. Was my magic power no good? I should have had at least three times normal human magic power, right? Were harems beyond all mortal ken? Was I unlucky and had really bad magic power?! Maybe I needed to expand my harem, to... wait, to make my harem bigger? Well, getting two girlfriends had let me get six fuckbuddies, so it did work like that thus far! Still, wasn't this a little odd?

"It... hmm." She hummed. "Hmmm."

"This is a sales tactic, Issei! She's merely pretending to be shocked to make you more interested in selling your soul! Do not fall for her tricks!" Kiyome interrupted.

"No, no. It's simply... I'm not fulfilling this wish, of course, but the last client I know of who asked for a harem was told he would die before he could even see the girls. The devil in question tried working it down to one beautiful girl who was in love with him, but even that was beyond his life's value." How cruel! To be denied even a single girlfriend! I, who had two, could only feel pity for this man.

"What about me?!" I demanded. "Stop hemming and hawing and tell me!"

"Well... ordinarily, wishes like this are beyond mortals, since they involve forcing women to love them." Wait. That's bad, isn't it? I liked my love to be honest, like Aika's love for me, and Kiyome's love for me, and all the tennis club's (future) love for me! I wanted my magic wish-granted harem to be consensual, like my current magic CYOA-granted harem! "But yes. It says I can grant up to..." I was listening with bated breath. She was clearly shocked by the results, and one had been beyond that other guy. Would I get two beautiful girlfriends? Three?! "Sixty two girlfriends before there's any risk of accidentally killing you."

"What?!" I sputtered.

"It makes sense," Kiyome said, even though it definitely didn't! How did that make sense? I didn't get a magic power booster, other than the Harem King multiplier! "My Issei is manly and handsome enough that there's hardly any magic necessary to get him a harem!" She cuddled into my side and idly stroked my chest, while Asuka looked on with jealousy. Should I offer Asuka the chance to fondle my chest?

Rias just cleared her throat. "In any case, I'm not granting this wish. Still... that's quite a lot of magic power you have, Issei," she noted, her interest clearly piqued. "Do you have any wishes you'd like granted that don't involve making women fall in love with you?"

The thought occurred to me that-! This was my chance! To get another girlfriend! Unless she didn't like it... but I had to overcome such worries! "I wish for you to be my girlfriend," I declared, pointing right at her. She seemed surprised, but not angry.

"Wow... what am I..." Asuka muttered darkly.

"You can be my girlfriend too, Asuka, I just can't wish for you to be my girlfriend because I don't want to force you into it," I declared, and Asuka blushed and smiled coquettishly. Too cute! A monstergirl girlfriend-! "Wait, Kiyome, do you have other monstergirls I can meet?!"

"Oh, yes! There's Uroko, Christie, and Estleena!" Uwaaa! A monstergirl harem, four monstergirls in a harem! This was a fantasy beyond my wildest dreams this morning! "I also have male monsters." Who cares about them! "I kept them secret because I wanted to preserve your safety in ignorance of the supernatural world."

"More like you wanted him all for yourself," Asuka muttered. Ehhh?! Kiyome had made a dangerous enemy perhaps?!

My harem was expanding rapidly! But I needed to be a good harem head, because my girls were already fighting! Wait, wasn't Excellent Harem Master supposed to fix this?! No, wait, I needed to not treat the girls poorly for it to work right. Since Asuka hadn't even gotten to give me a paizuri yet, she was definitely being treated worse than Kiyome!

"You know, I haven't even answered your question and you're already asking out other girls," Rias said testily. No-! My chance for a cute devil girlfriend, ruined?!

"I'm sorry!" I bowed deeply, again and again. "I just didn't want to hurt Asuka's feelings."

"And the bit about other monstergirls?" Rias asked.

"A-ah... sorry..." I admitted. "I got distracted by the revelation that the world is full of fantastic things like monstergirls..."

"Mm... you may find yourself disappointed with what you discover." No way! There was no way I'd be disappointed with real life monstergirls! Even if they were flatties, I would embrace them with love! "I will consider your wish a request for a date," she said. "And I will grant it."

Thus, my number of girlfriends doubled! "Yes!" I cried out in joy, raising my fist into the air.

Rias just smiled, an almost divine smile. It may have been slightly patronizing, but that was natural as I was her kouhai! It totally fit her onee-sama energy! "Give me your number, Issei," she said, and I instantly pulled out my phone.

"Oh, I want your number too," Asuka said, having a phone with a cute pink case spackled with glittery star and heart stickers. Ehn? Where'd that phone come from? She's basically naked other than her underwear?! No, wait, such knowledge is forbidden!

I gave them both my number. Sorry, I won't share my number with you, because you aren't a cute girl! Unless you are, in which case come to Kuoh Academy! I'll accept you even if you don't have big boobs!

I look forward to our date, Issei. Text me when you have it planned 💋

Uwaaa! My first text from Rias, and it was steamy with a kissy mark! My cheeks were burning! Which made Asuka send me a text too.

Hey. I'm your girlfriend now.

Also a great first text from Asuka! Things were looking up for Issei!

* * *

Of course, I didn't have any idea what to do on a date with Rias at all! My first date with Aika had been me fucking her throat, and my first date with Kiyome had been tennis, followed by Mario Tennis Aces, followed by a paizuri! Both were great first dates, but I didn't think Rias was that into tennis! She probably also wouldn't give me a blowjob and/or paizuri just to start!

Before I could work out a nice date to take Rias, though, I decided I needed to be introduced to my future monstergirl harem! Kiyome gladly arranged it.

"Yuki-onna, yuki-onna!" I breathed out when Kiyome asked me who I wanted to meet first. A real life yuki-onna, uwaaa!

"Christie!" Christie! What a cute, foreign-sounding name! I wonder if she looked foreign? Yuki-onna were a Japanese myth, but maybe there were European ones too? Rias's foreign good looks were definitely a big charm point! That beautiful red hair...! I wanted to smell it! I did! I wanted to smell it, okay?! I'm not afraid to say it!

A big white gorilla appeared. I stared at it for several seconds. I tilted my body to the side, trying to see if perhaps the beautiful, willowy foreign girl in a thin kimono, with pale skin and soft blue hair was behind it.

She was not.

Instead, the gorilla began to beat its chest. "This is Christie, my yuki-onna," Kiyome explained. I stared at her blankly. "Isn't she cute?"

"That-! She's a gorilla! Yuki-onna are beautiful ladies who live on the mountain and come down to visit you and become your wife!"

"I think Christie is beautiful," Kiyome said, with a genuine frown. No-! I'm making my girlfriend upset-! Wait, I can't try to satisfy my girlfriend here! I need to stand up for myself!

"It's a gorilla! A gorilla! She's not a yuki-onna at all! They're supposed to be slim and pale, with very light hair!"

"This is what yuki-onna are really like. It's not Christie's fault that people made up lies about how she looked," Kiyome said, gently patting the gorilla's back. Was the gorilla upset about what I said? Well, fine! Be upset! My girlfriend thought I wanted to meet a gorilla and add a gorilla to my harem? What the heck was wrong with her?! "She is pale, with light-colored hair, too," Kiyome pointed out.

Christie approached me, her footfalls seeming to thunder in my ears. Then she howled loudly, beating her chest again.

"Ooo! She likes you, Issei!"

No... wait... was this Hot Stuff in action?! No, only pretty girls are allowed to be into me, not gorillas! "Not interested!" I declared, making Christie pout. Sorry! But not sorry enough to take it back! "Show me the mermaid!"

"Sorry, Christie," Kiyome said, patting Christie on the back. "I didn't know that Issei would be so rude... I guess he did just learn about the supernatural world." Christie rumbled back. "Well, you shouldn't have to be," Kiyome said, as if she understood what Christie said. "You're wonderful and cute," she explained to the gorilla. "Estleena has to stay in the water, so we'll have to visit her pool," she told me.

I excitedly followed after her! A real life mermaid! Ooo, if you think about it, you can only do paizuri and blowjobs with them, because they didn't have the down-there parts! (Or do they? They're never drawn with them...) Hopefully she had big boobs!

* * *

A gigantic tuna, with a head the size of its torso, was sticking its head up out of the lake.

"That's a giant tuna," I said.

It made a gurgling noise in response. "Gyogyogyo." It clambered up onto the shore. It had feet? It had legs? Human legs? Which actually looked kind of nice- no! I wasn't going to have sex with a tuna!

"What the helllll?! How can a mermaid look like this?" Asuka was giggling to herself in the background. "Mermaids are supposed to have human tops and fish bottoms! That's how it works!"

"Well, some of them do. Those ones are rare, though," Kiyome explained. "You really don't like Estleena?"

"Gyogyogyo..." the mermaid said in disappointment.

"No! I want a girl with a human upper body! I'm really into big boobs!" Estleena made a noise that sounded like she understood, slinking back into the water. You can't mope! You're a tuna! A tuna!!! "...is the lamia cute, at least?"

"All my monsters are cute!"

That didn't sound good, but Asuka looked cute! Or maybe 'lamia' were really a human head on a snake body? Some type of snake with human arms in the middle?! What horrible thing was awaiting me-!

* * *

Uroko looked like a woman! A woman! From the waist up, she was a beautiful woman, with long, dark hair, and then-! Long, pointed ears! Uwaaa! Elf ears, in real life! And big boobs! A lower body that was a snake's! That meant we had to have paizuri sex and blowjobs only, right?! She didn't have a pussy, right?! Well, it was fine if she did, as long as it wasn't really low on the snake half of the body, then we wouldn't be able to have face-to-face sex and it would just be like having sex with a giant snake...

"Uroko!" I was weeping with joy. At last! A pretty monstergirl! "You're beautiful! Please be my girlfriend, okay?"

"So shallow..." Asuka muttered darkly. Wha-! It's not shallow to want to have sex with a cute girl and not with a giant tuna or white gorilla, okay? What kind of weird ideas do you have, Asuka-chan?! Even if you're my girlfriend, be reasonable!

"Hmm... why should I be your girlfriend?" Uroko asked imperiously. She rose up on her snake tail and towered over me.

"Ehh... I'm hot!" I said. She gave me a look that said, I already know that. Duh! She could see me! "I'm really good at sex!"

"That is true!" Kiyome offered. "He truly can make a woman come so hard they become a slavish addict to his cock." Wait, don't make me sound like a drug!

"Please! I want a lamia girlfriend!" I begged. "I've never wanted anything more!"

"Really?" Asuka asked.

"E-ehm," I cleared my throat. A harem was dangerous! A monstergirl harem, even moreso! Too dangerous? No! But dangerous! "You're beautiful! Please! We'll go out on dates wherever you want! I don't know how to take out a lamia on a date!" She was sort of conspicuous! "I'm just now learning that such beautiful creatures as you exist, please forgive my ignorance!"

"Well... Kiyome can't stop bragging about you... so, I will deign to let you try to court me."


"I like hiking in the mountains, by the way," Asuka said. "You should bring a hang glider or something for once we get to the top."

"Roger!" I said, giving Asuka a big thumbs up. This would be tough, but I would manage! My harem dreams were being fulfilled beyond my wildest expectations! A perverted girl, an ojousama, a harpy, a lamia, and a devil girl-! And this was just the start! That morning, I had thought that only cute human girls existed, but now I knew there were even more kinds of cute girls in the world! Everything was coming up Issei! "What do lamia like to do for dates?"

Her tail slid forward, wrapping around me suddenly and forcefully. She then leaned down towards me, her breath having a faint floral note to it as she came in close. "Cuddle," she said, tightening her grip around me.

"Got it!" I couldn't show fear! Girls didn't like it if you were afraid of them! Right? Probably! I'd spent 5% of all my points on making sure girls weren't afraid of me, so it was probably the same for them!

"Earnest," she hummed approvingly, as she released me from her grasp. "I do like that in a man..."

* * *

The old me, who was a virgin, had put together a date plan for when I finally got a girlfriend. The new me, who wasn't a virgin, and had three girlfriends (Uroko hadn't agreed to be my girlfriend! Just to let me court her!), and eight sex partners, had figured out that dates should be specialized to the girl in question!

Aika was really perverted, so dates with her consisted of sharing porn that I thought she'd like, and then having sex with her! Sometimes we would do some cosplay stuff! Not really complicated, but like, she'd dress as a maid or something! Kiyome was really into tennis so we'd play tennis or Mario Tennis Aces and then have sex! Asuka liked hiking in the mountains and wanted me to fly with her! Uroko... probably liked cuddling! I'd need to ask Kiyome for love advice for Uroko, which she would presumably give me thanks to Recruiter.

Unfortunately, I only knew a few things about Rias. First: she was a beautiful redhead with gorgeous boobs I wanted to grope and suck and fuck! Second: she was a devil! (But she didn't take people's souls, or so she claimed!) Third: she was head of the Occult Research Club. (Whatever that was.) Fourth: she was old childhood friends with Yuuto. Possibly from hell?

"Yuuto, what kind of date do you think Rias would like?"

Yuuto gave me a long glare. "Why would I tell you that?"

"Because we're friends, and I want Rias to enjoy our date."

"You made a harem of the entire tennis club," Yuuto said. "I thought you were just really in love with Aika, but you're just using her for sex. A half-dozen girls." He shook his head. "You can't play with women's feelings."

Aha! Now I saw the confusion! "No! I'm not playing with their feelings," I explained. "Aika!" I called out, and instantly she rushed over to the side of our conversation.

"Did you manage to organize it?" She sounded breathless, and I was suddenly terrified I'd forgotten something important. She leaned in to me, whispering in my ear. "The threeway?"

"Oh. No," I admitted. I shook my head. "Wait! Yuuto thinks I'm taking advantage of you!"

"Huh?" Aika asked, turning her attention to Yuuto. "How can a man with a twenty-eight centimeter cock take advantage of a girl?" Aika! That's too much information to share!!! She glanced down at Yuuto's pants, giving a faint frown. No! Don't use your Size Scouter now, Aika! This situation is getting worse!

"Aika, I told him about Kiyome, and also the tennis club," I explained in a rush. "So now he thinks I'm taking advantage of you." Probably also Kiyome and the tennis club!

"Oh." Aika shook her head, adjusting her glasses. "Issei isn't taking advantage of me. Kiyome and I are having threesomes with him, and they're fun." Wait! Not so loud! Everybody is listening! Or, is it really bad? I guess people were going to find out about my situation soon enough? Was it really right to keep it a secret?

Yuuto did not look overly reassured. "And the tennis club?" He asked, with a suspicious squint. Hey, that's my girlfriend you're squinting at!

Aika leaned forward towards him, speaking in a quiet enough whisper that only he and I could hear. "Teenage girls love getting fucked as much as teenage guys do, and Issei fucks like a god."

Yuuto turned red at that. "I mean, I understand- that women are- but! Isn't it obvious? He's just...!" Yuuto trailed off, unable to say whatever it was, but shooting a glance at me.

Aika still seemed to understand, turning her head around to me. "Hey, Issei, would you help me with some English stuff after classes?"


"Even if we don't have sex afterwards?" Aika asked.

"Eh? Why would we not have sex afterwards?"

"I'm not in the mood today."

"Oh, okay. Wait, you're not in the mood, Aika?!" She was ever not in the mood? I guess we had only been boyfriend-girlfriend for a couple weeks, but still! This was a strange new turn in our relationship! "Are you okay? If you're sick-!" What could I do? Rias! My magical power could get me many girlfriends, so it could possibly heal Aika? "Oh, maybe I could-!" Wait, she didn't know about the supernatural...

"See?" Aika said. "He's just a sweetheart." She leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. "I'm not sick, Issei."

"Oh, whew," I breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay! English study session, but no sex," I said.

"We fuck after the English study session," she told me. What? She'd already changed her mind?

I wasn't going to argue with it! If she changed her mind again, she could tell me! "Okay!"

She leaned down to my ear. "Threesome? Me? You? Yuuto?"

"I-I don't think Yuuto is that interested in that right now," I admitted to her, and she hummed but nodded. I admit it! I was putting it off because I didn't want to do it! Yes, I'm a selfish jerk! No, she wasn't even asking for a second boyfriend, like I had a second (and third, and hopefully fourth and fifth!) girlfriend, she just wanted to get spitroasted and/or double penetrated! I totally understood! But also I really liked her and didn't want to share with another guy, even if Yuuto was (normally) cool! "Right. Yuuto. What sort of date do you think Rias would like? Oh, I asked Rias out, Aika," I added.

"Rias? Oh! The foreign girl with the red hair and the big boobs?"

"That's the one," I agreed.

"She's pretty! Good luck. I'll see if I can get some intel," she told me, scampering back to the other girls to start asking about this and that.

"Yuuto. I want my date with Rias to be special and make her happy. Please. Give me advice." Unless... I took a deep breath. Yuuto was my friend. He was just concerned about the fact that I was developing a harem, and worried I was doing it dishonestly! Even if Rias had gorgeous big boobs I wanted to suck on...! "If you have a crush on Rias, then I'll stand aside!" They were childhood friends, so I couldn't just steal her away from him! That would be too far!

"No, I don't." He sighed loudly. "Sometimes all this... devil stuff..." He sighed again, trailing off. "I don't know, man. She's like a sister to me. She's a real big Japanophile... but we're in Japan. I guess she's into video games?"

"Video games!" An elegant onee-sama who was also into video games! Gap moe! "What kind of video games?"

"I don't know," Yuuto said with a shrug. "I'm not into them, she is."

Gah! But she was like a sister to him! He didn't even know if she liked first person shooters or visual novels?! "Ask for me?" I requested.

"No," he said, sternly.

He didn't give in no matter how much I pestered him.

* * *

While I didn't know what kind of video games she liked, I did have a great idea for a way to get around that: the arcade! So it was that I invited her out to a date at the arcade! It turns out she liked multiplayer games, but the team ones in particular! Soon, we were killing dinosaurs as a team with light guns! And then zombies as a team with light guns! And then terrorists as a team with light guns!

She was surprisingly good with a light gun! Hopefully from playing lots of light gun games! She was foreign, and a devil, so maybe she shot real guns, too?

When we weren't playing games, I asked her questions about herself, and also admittedly a little bit about devils. I wanted to learn about her, as a person, and appreciate her as a person... but also I was only now learning about devils existing and Kiyome was totally useless as a source of knowledge!

She was the head of the Occult Research Club, and she thought of the other members as like a family to her, who she doted on and took care of. I almost asked to join the Occult Research Club on the spot, but I stopped myself! It would be too obvious! She liked to read, and apparently quite liked sappy romance novels, especially ones where the female protagonist gets rescued from an arranged marriage.

Apparently, devils had fought a massive war that killed a whole bunch of them, and now they were trying to replenish their numbers. Not by sex! (I asked.) But instead, they would 'reincarnate' people as devils. Which gave them a bunch of devil powers, so it seemed like a straight upgrade. Well, apparently devils were more night people, so it wouldn't be too good if you were a morning person, but other than that...

Overall, the date seemed to go well! I talked a lot about Rias, she seemed interested in me, and even found my desire to form a harem 'cute'!

"So, did you decide on any wishes?" Rias asked, a smile on her lips as the date completed. What a dedicated saleswoman!

"Oh, I completely forgot about that," I admitted. "Oh, wait. Do you know why I have so much magical power? I mean, maybe I should have a little more power than average, but... sixty-two times as much?"

"It is strange," Rias admitted. "You had no familiarity with the supernatural before our meeting?" She asked.

"W-well." I scratched the back of my neck. Should I admit it? She seemed like she would know! But also, it was kind of weird! "I... filledoutaCYOAandgotthepowersfromit," I said really fast to try to make it less embarrassing.

"I'm sorry?" She asked. "My Japanese isn't quite that good, it seems..." Failure! I even made her feel bad about her Japanese, but she didn't even have an accent, so that was totally unfair!

"I filled out a CYOA and got the powers from it," I explained.

Rias just blinked. "A... CYOA?"

"Yeah. I can show you? I guess?" I probably should have mentioned this CYOA to Aika and Kiyome, since they were my girlfriends... but I thought I was living in a normal world where I was the only one with powers, not some kind of secret supernatural world! "This is what I bought for my build," I told her, handing her my phone. "I did it the night before coming to Kuoh, so I had a growth spurt."

She quietly read through the CYOAs, wearing a strange assortment of expressions. "...this must simply have been some kind of instinctive use of magic."

"I tried changing the build like a hundred times and wishing really really hard," I explained.

"Hm. Well, you have a lot of magical power, and if..." She trailed off, looking at the build again. "Women who give you blowjobs or titfucks gain power?"

"W-well, yes," I admitted, flushing. Gah! I had just made that build because I was horny! Not to be judged!

"This actually works?"

"All the girls in the tennis club got better at tennis!" I told her.

"Hrm... and gaining power yourself, that works too?"

"Yes ma'am!" I declared. "I'm much stronger than a normal human at this point."

"Very strange..." She frowned, handing me back my phone. "I'll have to research more to find out what might have happened."

"Wait! Could I wish to find out what happened?" I asked, the thought suddenly coming to mind.

"That's a good idea. You are smart, Issei," she told me, with a warm smile as she played with her phone. "You can," she said.

"Then I wish that I knew why my CYOA filling out thing worked!" I pointed at Rias, who then took my hand in hers, running her fingers softly along the back of it. It was weirdly intimate and also kind of made me feel ticklish - and then there was a magical glow on the back of my hand!

"The Goddess of Smut empowered Issei Hyoudou after he finished her CYOA," the magic circle on the back of my head said.

"Oh." Rias said. She just tilted her head, staring at the back of my hand. "Well. I didn't expect that."

"Can you just ask whatever with magic?" I asked.

"No, we could ask this because you are directly connected to it. Also, probably because it says as much in the CYOA itself, so it isn't a secret." She just stared at the back of my hand. "Haaa..." She rubbed her forehead with one hand. "What a bizarre case. I really don't know what to think... what sort of goddess picks a random teenager who fills out her CYOA to bless?"

"W-well, maybe it's not random?" I suggested. "I mean, you said I had a lot of magic power, maybe she likes guys with lots of magic power?"

"Perhaps. Maybe her blessing could only take with you due to your natural magic? This is definitely very interesting, Issei," she said, with a smile on her lips, a certain glint in her eye. "I hope you'll allow me to work with you in solving this mystery."

On the one hand, yes please to the onee-sama spending time with me and finding me interesting! On the other hand... "Is it really a mystery? I filled out the CYOA, the Goddess of Smut gave me superpowers like the CYOA said." Seemed straightforward to me!

She pursed her lips. "Well, yes... I suppose, what is the mystery... did other people fill out this CYOA?"

"They did, I'm pretty sure," I said.

"But only you were actually blessed."

"I don't know that." People would probably say, but maybe they would keep it a secret, like me!

"Ha... I'll have Yuuto fill it out, and we can find out," Rias suggested.

"...please don't tell him it was from me."

She let out a small laugh. "I won't mention the connection, but Yuuto is smart."

* * *

My other date was with my new girlfriend: Asuka! We went hiking, which I found pretty easy, probably thanks to my Harem King boost! There were some nice hills, and even a small cliffside, which Asuka took me to. "Let's fly, Issei," she said, one feathered hand going to mine, her boobs on full display. "You brought the hang glider, right?"

"I couldn't find one that I could buy," I admitted. Honestly I would have thought she had noticed right away and not brought it up out of politeness! I didn't even have a backpack on! "At least, not one I could carry while hiking."

"Huh... humans really are weak, I guess..." She mumbled. "I thought you were stronger than normal?"

"I am! I totally am! But it's about size!"

"Ohhhh, yeah," Asuka said, nodding along. "But you got a paraglider, then?"

"No!" I said, gesturing vaguely to myself, trying to point out I obviously wasn't carrying anything. "I'm sorry, Asuka. I'm ruining our first date, I guess."

Asuka pursed her lips at that point. "You didn't ruin it, Issei," she said. "I guess it was silly to expect a normal human to be able to fly..."

"Wait! I wonder if I could wish to be able to fly?" I asked.

"Wish... you mean like a devil contract?" I was already getting out my phone - and Asuka put her hand on top of my phone, stopping me from calling Rias to see about the contract. "Issei. I'm enjoying our date, okay? Don't call another girl in the middle of it? Not even to be able to fly." She sat down on the cliff's edge, legs dangling over the side, and she patted right next to her. "Sit with me. It's a beautiful view, isn't it?"

I sat down next to her, making sure my butt was firmly planted in the 'not falling down the cliff' zone. The actual drop would probably be like... ten feet or something, since it wasn't a huge cliff or anything, but still! "It's nice," I said, and she leaned into my shoulder.

"You really think I'm cute, right? You weren't just saying that?"

"I wasn't!" Her foot absently rubbed at my calf. Well, her talons. She had bird feet, kinda. She wasn't scratching me or anything, just rubbing. "You're super duper cute, Asuka." She blushed bashfully at that. She was definitely weak to praise! "I also... really like your big boobs!" I admitted.

"Oh?" She smiled. Yes! I was in the zone! "Would you like to touch them?"

"Yes!" I reached out for her breasts, then paused as my balance momentarily worsened. "Um. I don't want to fall."

"Oh! Teehee," she said, flap-hopping to her feet in a single movement. "I forgot you humans have basophobia. That's where you're scared 'cause we're high up." She glanced at the cliff. "Really? That short a cliff?"

"Yeah," I said, as I got up to stand across from her. Then my hands went to her boobs, and she let out a soft breath. "That short a cliff." I leaned down to kiss her as I fondled her breasts, and she panted softly into my mouth. She was an inexperienced kisser, clearly! My tongue could wiggle all around inside her mouth, while hers just kind of sat there, or nervously batted at it! For a long minute or two, I made out with her, and she had a cute flush to her cheeks as I pulled back. "Can I suck your boobs?" I asked her.

She bit her lip cutely. "Oh, what the heck!" She declared. "Kiyome raves about your paizuri skills! Let's just do that!"

Jumping straight to paizuri?! Were harpies sluttier than humans? Not that I was going to complain! I could definitely make her come a lot more with paizuri than fondling her boobs, thanks to the rule about 'fucking' a girl! "Yes! That sounds great, Asuka! I think your breasts are beautiful!"

She was only really wearing what amounted to a bikini top, and so it took her no time at all to get naked from the waist up. I decided not to make her feel alone, pulling off my shirt, and she stared and drooled a little at my bare chest. I just flexed in front of her, and her eyes darted across my body. "Harpy boys don't have muscles like that," she breathed out - and then leaned in to suck on my pec!

Wait, that's what I was gonna do to her, before she suggested a paizuri instead! Well, I couldn't complain. Her lips kissed and sucked at my bare chest, while her big boobs softly jiggled back and forth, nipples scraping along my skin. I was in heaven! Heaven! A big-boobed monstergirl was lovingly suckling and nuzzling my chest, kissing, licking, ahhh! She was practically worshiping my naked body, her hands coming up to clasp my sides, her tongue dancing along my bare skin. Then she looked up at me, with this wonderfully smug look, as if she was completely aware of how captivated I was by those actions - and then she plopped on her back on the ground. "Come get me, Issei!" She declared, spreading her winged arms invitingly wide.

I got my pants off and stuffed my dick right in between those big beautiful breasts of hers! Her fingers immediately clamped down on her breasts, squishing them around my cock, and I made her come as I started to thrust back and forth. She moaned by way of response, her fingers intensifying their pressure, and I could hear her talons dig into the earth behind me. I just groaned in pleasure, upping my pace between her breasts, my balls slapping against her big, soft tits. "Oooo," I groaned out, fingers reaching down for her nipples, pinching them lightly. Her boobs were so soft and nice! Not lubed up though! I was pretty dumb to forget that, but she was asking me to fuck her tits, how was I supposed to think about things other than fucking her tits?

She was just moaning on the ground beneath me as I pumped into her tits, and they were a little rough since they were unlubricated, but it was fine, I decided. They were so big and soft and nice, I didn't really mind at all. She certainly didn't mind, on account of I kept making her come, over and over. Seeing her kind of cold, kind of sweet, kind of vulnerable face twisting up in pure pleasure was definitely a delight, her cheeks glowing as I fucked her breasts. "You're really pretty!" I said, on pure instinct, and her cheeks grew an even sharper shade of crimson. "I like you a lot, Asuka! Please be my girlfriend forever, okay?!"

"Ih, Issei," she moaned, quivering beneath me, her breasts getting even tighter on my cock as she squeezed. "You're, ahn, so good at sex," she admitted, quivering underneath me. She started trying to massage her tits up and down my dick as I fucked them, which definitely made it feel even better for me! Then she leaned up towards my dick, her tongue stretching out for it, tapping at the tip - and then she leaned up further, holding her mouth in a big oval for my cockhead to pump into on each thrust!

"Your breasts are so nice and soft," I told her, the honest truth. "You're cute, and sexy, and-!" I got the impression I should go for it. I thrust deep into her breasts, my cock pushing past her lips, and came, just gushing out cum directly into her waiting mouth. She moaned by way of response, her lips tightening up on my dick as she sucked and swallowed. She gulped, and gulped, and gulped down as much of my cum as she could get, while I just groaned in pleasure. She hummed in delight at my taste, tongue swishing around inside her mouth, and it was only once I finished coming that she stopped swallowing - leaving the last spurt to rest on her tongue.

At that point, I started fucking her tits again, just thrusting away in those big, soft boobs of hers, groaning in pleasure as she upped the pressure. She didn't swallow, letting her spit and my cum slowly mix together in her mouth, her mouth kept open to invite in my dick, until at last there was too much drool and she leaned her head back, her tongue dancing inside of her mouth, swishing around the mix of cum and saliva with wanton delight. It was incredibly sexy!

"I want to make you my monstergirl bride!" I declared. Her cheeks glowed, but the smile on her lips told me that I'd said the right thing. "Yeah! I'll have a huge harem, and you'll be one of my many wives, okay, Asuka?" She nodded lightly, still keeping my cum in her mouth, not wanting to talk, which was just too damn sexy. By this point, the sweat she was starting to build up was helping to lubricate my passage in her tits, and I just fucked away like a wild man, growling with lust as I went at it. "A sexy harpy wife!"

She gulped down my cum. "That's right, Issei!" She declared, her voice hot and husky as I fucked away at her tits. "I'll be your monstergirl wife! In fact, you could have a whole monstergirl harem! My sisters might want to be your wives too! There's more harpy girls than boys so we're used to harems!"

Such a wonderful girl-! I bottomed out in her tits again, and she hurriedly wrapped her lips around my tip, fully anticipating what was to come. I came, and just gushed inside her mouth, spraying hot cum all over the place, groaning and shuddering as I did so, quietly closing my eyes and losing myself in the blissful moment.

When I was finished, I pulled out from her breasts, admiring her sweat-soaked core, her panties clinging to her pussy. She just swished my cum around inside her mouth, and I just admired the scene beneath me. Eventually, she swallowed. "Um. That was just dirty talk, by the way," she said, sounding a little awkward.

"That's alright. Wait-! Is it dirty talk that there's more harpy girls than boys?"

"No, that was true." Yes! Yes!!! "But I think we need to go on more than one date before I introduce you to my family." Aw- wait, what?!

"Wait... are you saying after more dates, I might get introduced to your family, full of cute unattached harpy girls like you?"

"Um... yeah, I guess that is what I'm saying, yeah?" She asked, a little unsure. "My sisters are all older than me, but only Chizuru is married."

"I see... and you won't mind if I add them to my harem!"

"W-well, if I introduce you, it's cause you proved yourself as a man... so no?"

"Yes! Thank you, Goddess!" I proclaimed.

"Goddess?" Asuka asked.

Oh, right. I had to tell my other girlfriends about the CYOA thing, didn't I?