
You might think that telling my girlfriends that I got to be super sexy because I filled out a CYOA and then a goddess gave me powers would be an interesting, heartfelt affair with plenty of drama - nope! I just told them and they nodded their heads in acceptance! Well, Aika thought I was being chuuni until I introduced her to Asuka, which I would have had to do anyway because now they were both my girlfriends! What, was I going to hide the fact that I now had a harpy girlfriend from Aika? No! She was my girlfriend too! Duh! Also, if they didn't know about each other, then they couldn't have threesomes with me!

Basically: it all went great!

Except that Yuuto was avoiding me. He was my one guy friend at a new school, with whom I had bonded over the fact that all the girls muttered among themselves about how we were totally fucking. (We were not!) I didn't even know what had upset him! My best idea was that maybe he was upset about me having too much sex? But there were plenty of girls available for him to have instead. It wasn't like I was monopolizing Kuoh Academy's entire population of girls, just Aika, Kiyome, Rias, and the tennis club. When you took into account the ratio of boys to girls, and the fact that I was really hot, that was actually totally reasonable!

And, heck, even the tennis club was only a work in progress, with the girls refusing to become my girlfriends!

I decided to confront him after a day of classes. "Yuuto," I said, my voice firm.

"Sorry, Issei. I have to get to the occult research club," he said, fast-walking away from me. He may have been trying to be polite, but he couldn't hide his true intent! He was avoiding me!

I didn't let him. "Cool. I want to check it out," I told him, and his expression twitched a bit at that, his lips squirming momentarily on his face.

"Isn't it enough to have a girl you like?" He asked me, his voice chilly.

Whoa! Yes! He was opening up! "I have multiple girls I like," I told him. He let out a sigh. "Come on. Tell me what's bothering you!"

"I..." He stopped suddenly, and I almost bumped into him. "Fine." He spun around to face me. "I grew up in the Church. I may be a devil now, but I can't act like your behavior doesn't bother me."


"Men and women are supposed to get married. That's the natural endpoint of a relationship. I'm not brainwashed by the Church - I'm fine with you having premarital sex, or a relationship that doesn't work out, but that's not this. How exactly are you going to get married to eight different women?"

"With eight different weddings?" I suggested, knowing it wasn't the right answer but not having a better one. (Wisely, I did not correct the number to nine!)

He huffed and turned around, and I followed after him. I didn't have anything better to say, so I just thought for a bit to come up with something good.

We got all the way to the Occult Research Club without me coming up with anything good. It was in a three story building, which was pretty crazy! I guess when you were a devil you could do that kind of thing with magic, maybe?

"Are you really following me all this way?" Yuuto asked, glancing my way as he paused at the door.

"Uh... yes."

"You know I'm a devil, right? And so are the other members of the Occult Research Club. This is our lair, where we plot and plan."

I understood now: he was trying to scare me off! I was his friend, though, so I wasn't going to be scared off that easily! "Great! I want to meet your secret devil friends you never introduced me to!"

Yuuto let out a deep sigh in response to that, then shook his head and opened the door. "Rias!" He called out. "Issei followed me all the way here, and I couldn't get rid of him!"

"It's fine, come on up," Rias called back.

Yuuto walked to what was apparently the main meeting room of the club, and I learned then that Yuuto had a terrible secret he had been keeping all this time, besides the fact that he was a devil...

All his club members were cute girls! Not only his beautiful busty foreign childhood friend, Rias, but a beautiful black-haired girl with breasts that were- yes! Even bigger than Rias's! And also there was a petite girl with white hair and golden eyes, who was glaring at me for some reason. "Did you really have to bring this pervert here?"

"Yuuto-" I clasped one hand to my chest. "You've been calling me such nasty things behind my back to such a cute girl?!"

"I haven't!" Thank you, brother! "I honestly didn't explain it even to Rias..."

Oh yeah, that's right. Wait a second! "Wait! That's right! You just called me a monster to Rias without explaining anything?!"

"How could I explain it?!"

The petite girl spoke up then. "I don't need Kiba's help to tell that you're a pervert."

Gah! No! How did you figure it out so quickly?! "That's right," I said, putting confidence into it. "I am a pervert."

That did not work as the parry I had hoped for, with the girl just shaking her head quietly. "Seriously... disgusting... you should beat this guy up, Kiba."

"That- that's a little far, isn't it?" I countered, glancing over to Yuuto. If he was a devil, he probably had powerful devil powers that would let him beat me up. Wait, was I in danger?! Had I actually walked into the lion's den, even though he warned me?! "Rias-sama?" I prompted, pleading with her for mercy.

"There is no need for anyone to get beaten up, Koneko," Rias said calmly. Thank you, Rias!

"I didn't say he needed to be beaten up," Koneko said. She crossed her arms. "Just that he should be."

"S-seriously, what did I do?" I was innocent! Innocent! I even bought Safe With You, so Koneko shouldn't be seeing me as dangerous! Though I guess being a pervert didn't necessarily mean you were dangerous...

"The first thing you did when you entered the room was stare at Akeno's breasts, then Rias's breasts, then back to Akeno's, repeating that several times," Koneko explained, her voice cold.

"I-I did?!" I mean, yes, I did compare Akeno and Rias's breasts to determine who was bigger... but I thought I did it subtly!

"You did," Yuuto agreed. Akeno also nodded, though she wore a pleasant smile as she did.

"Did you decide on a new wish you wanted to be fulfilled, Issei?" RIas asked.

"Oh." Right! I was here for Yuuto! "I wish that Yuuto would accept me as I am! Wait, that came out wrong," I added, waving my hands desperately.

"Wow..." Koneko said. "I see why Yuuto was trying to get clear of you. Nobody likes a clingy guy."

"No, that's not what I meant at all! As friends! I'm his friend! I don't want our friendship ruined! Rias, help!"

"It isn't for me to decide who Yuuto is friends with," Rias said. "Why did you two have a falling out?" She asked, glancing at Yuuto.

"I already explained the issue to him," Yuuto explained, which was true.

"He really is clingy, huh," Koneko said, purposefully misinterpreting it. "You need to take 'no' for an answer, Issei."

"Mhm," Akeno agreed. "You can't just force someone to like you."

Gah! They were ganging up on me! It was almost like they were all Yuuto's friends and not my friends, and I'd barged in on their private club! Wait, that's exactly what had happened. "I'm sorry! I just don't want things between us ruined, Yuuto. You're my only guy friend at Kuoh," I explained.

Yuuto sighed. "Our friendship isn't ruined," he told me. "I just don't approve of your lifestyle."

"Oh my," Akeno said, raising one hand to her mouth in a perfect ojousama pose. "I think that's a cruel way to put it, Yuuto. No one chooses who they love. Even if you can't return his feelings, you should be gentle and let him down easily. I can give you some advice on how best to turn a guy down," she added.

Gah! Don't say things that can be easily misinterpreted, Yuuto! "No! I'm not into guys! Yuuto's talking about me having three girlfriends and another six sex friends and dating Rias and Uroko!" Wait, wasn't that worse? By the look on Koneko's face, and the small shock on Akeno's, it probably was!

"Why did I even bother..." Yuuto said, looking up at the ceiling.

"You're dating this perv?" Koneko asked Rias.

"We did go on a date, yes," Rias said. "He was a perfect gentleman." She smiled pleasantly as she remembered our date, which was super awesome! "It was nice. I did learn something very important about him, too... I don't think I should say it, though. It would break poor Yuuto's heart."

"Oh, did I misunderstand?" Akeno asked. "Is the one-sided love the other way?"

"Stop shipping me with Yuuto!" I demanded, planting one hand on Yuuto's shoulder. "We're friends! Men can just be friends! Which is what we are, right, Yuuto?"

"Yes," Yuuto said. "We're friends. Nothing more."

"Very convincing," Koneko said.

"It's just because you people keep suggesting it!" I said. "The whole class fantasizes about us being seme and uke, two words I wish I'd never learned the meaning of!"

Akeno tittered a little, a smile on her lips. "You're too easy to tease, Issei."

That cute titter made her breasts do a tiny little bouncy thing in her top. "Wait!" I pointed at Akeno. "I wish you would go on a date with me!"

"You can just ask her on a date, Issei," Rias said. "Devils like being courted the normal way, not with wishes and contracts."

"Oh. Sorry. Please go out with me, Akeno," I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in a boyfriend right now."

Rias just giggled as I got shot down. Gah! I put myself out there, only to be cruelly rejected by the bustiest girl I'd seen at Kuoh! Oh well. I reminded myself I had three girlfriends already, and eight more cooking.

"Definitely a pervert," Koneko muttered darkly under her breath.

You know what? Why not?! "Koneko. You're cute, and you clearly don't take anybody's crap," I said, making her jerk a little in surprise at my addressing her that way. "How about you give me a chance and let me take you out on a date!"

Koneko seemed to consider it for just a moment - but then the moment passed. She shook her head. "I don't want Akeno's rejects."

"I promise, I would have asked you out even if Akeno had said yes!"

"That doesn't make it better," Koneko told me.

I guess it didn't. I slumped my shoulders in defeat. "Oh. What kind of wishes would be good, Rias? I don't want to just mind control a harem or anything, but I don't know anything about the whole... demon-wish-contract thing," I said.

"Mm. Well, I was actually hoping to talk about our other clients with the club... but I suppose you can listen in, as long as you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Ugh. I don't want this guy hearing about my clients," Koneko countered.

Yuuto took a deep breath, then shrugged. "I suppose I can talk about mine. Akeno?"

"Oh, I don't mind him overhearing."

"Then you'll leave when we get to Koneko's clients," Rias said to me.

"Yes, ma'am!" I agreed immediately.

So, I listened in to learn about what they did with their clients. Yuuto's clients were apparently older women who thought he was cute and liked having him cook for them and/or listen to their troubles and/or give them massages after a long day at work. Akeno's clients were corporate bosses or rich wives, and she would also mostly just listen to their troubles and drink tea with them. As they talked about how things were going with various clients, I couldn't avoid the obvious conclusion:

"Wait a second, Rias," I said. "Isn't this all just G-rated prostitution? It's totally G-rated prostitution, right?" I looked to Akeno and Yuuto for support, but they provided none.

"Pervert," Koneko said with disgust. "This is why I didn't want to talk in front of him."

"No, listen! These are the kinds of things you would do with your clients if the author originally meant for you to be prostitutes but then the editor came in and forced you all to be virgins! Right?! Come on! I'm totally right!"

No one was in support of my obviously-true claims!

"I thought you guys were granting wishes, like winning at the stock market or something! This is just prostitution but you don't get laid, the worst kind of prostitution!"

"Well, I can't deny that I am very bad at being a prostitute," Yuuto said drolly.

I ignored him. "Wait, does that mean I'm just another client to you, Rias?" I could feel my heart breaking already-! If she was just going on dates with me as a client-! She even did that magic circle thing at my request! Tears were welling up in my eyes at the thought!

"No," Rias said, with a shake of her head, and my heart soared. "My clients are ones who need me to do things like remove curses and defeat monsters."

"See? That's totally what I was expecting, not all these massages and older single ladies making a cute young guy cook for them."

"I really..." Yuuto started off, then frowned. "Now you're ruining it. I'm sure they don't think of me that way."

"There's no chance that they wouldn't all bone you if you asked!" I declared with absolute confidence.

"Yes, but that's because Yuuto is very handsome and kind," Rias pointed out. Don't compliment your childhood friend like that in front of me, Rias! That's a bad flag for our relationship! I don't want to be the guy who goes out with you, causing Yuuto to realize his feelings and finally make his move! I want you to become my girlfriend and let me see your big boobs!

"Don't listen to him, Kiba," Koneko agreed. "If you think about it like that, you won't be able to work." She was really making it sound dark and scary... what sort of things are you doing, Koneko? Perhaps even- for real prostitution?!

Images of Koneko, her body naked, some ugly old guy atop her as she tried to dissociate floated into my mind. No! Poor Koneko! She doesn't deserve things like that! Tears started welling up in my eyes at the mere thought.

Koneko caught my gaze of pure pity. "What are you thinking...?" Her cheeks flushed, perhaps realizing what I was thinking, and she scowled at me. "Pervert, pervert, pervert," she said, stomping her foot. "Stop staring at me!" She was getting really angry now! I looked away, just like she surely looked away from the ugly old guy who stole her first time! Koneko! You poor girl! I'll make you happy, I promise! I don't mind that you're not a virgin! Virgins and non-virgins are both welcome in my harem, as are both big-boobed girls like Akeno and flatties like you!

"I think it's time for you to go, Issei. We can talk about contracts later, alright?" Rias said.

"A-ah, yes, Rias," I agreed. I left the room, and the door closed and locked behind me. I considered just listening at the door... but I had to respect poor Koneko's privacy. She had been through so much!

Probably. Well, I didn't actually know if she'd been through a lot. Maybe she just gave guys foot massages and I was being the weird one.

I waited, taking out my phone to play some phone games. After I defeated all the fruits being thrown around on the screen, Rias called out to me. "Issei! Please, come in," she said.

Immediately, I entered! It was now only Rias in the room! I looked around in confusion. I expected Koneko to be here calling me a pervert...! No, having a kuudere loli calling me a pervert wasn't awakening anything weird in me, okay?! I just had gotten used to her doing it already and now she was gone!

Rias let out a small, melodious little laugh. "They used teleportation to leave, Issei." She smiled, still seated, exuding confidence. "Now, I suppose you are correct that a lot of the contracts we fulfill are more about helping people with stress... but it really isn't just G-rated prostitution."

"Sorry, but it totally is," I said, and she just smiled like an onee-sama whose kouhai refuses to listen to reason. Nnn! Now this was awakening strange things in me! "A-ahem! Contracts!"

"Yes." Rias said. "Now, I suppose we could make a contract where we go on a date..."

"No! I want you to go on a date with me because you like me and think I'm hot," I said, "not because of magic or contracts!"

"Oh? What if I want to go on a date with you because I like you and think you're cute?"

"E-ehehe," I said, my cheeks starting to glow a bit. How was I acting like a virgin despite having three girlfriends whose boobs I had fucked?! Well, I guess that's just the power of the onee-sama! "That's okay too."

* * *

In the end, we didn't come up with any good wishes after a couple minutes of brainstorming, so I decided to just take her out on a date instead. We went for a walk in the park, and then had a nice meal at an ice cream shop, and I suggested she could come back to my place to play video games. Since we'd gone on our first date to the arcade, I knew what sorts of games she liked, and I could mention a co-op shooter I owned! It worked to lure her to my house!

Wait, that sounds bad. It worked to bring her over to my house, where if she wanted to, we could do sex stuff! My mom was very supportive of my sudden success with girls, a thing I definitely wouldn't have expected in advance. Thank you, Mom! Though, also, she did mention that I'd brought two other girls over, but Rias just smiled and said she already knew.

We played a couple levels of the shooter, and then Rias just leaned back against my bed, glancing over at me with a smile on her lips. My heart beat a little faster as she looked at me like that. "Thank you, Issei. This was fun." She leaned forward, and kissed me on the cheek! Even though I'd done it with multiple girls my cheeks immediately heated up at the contact! She made it feel so sensitive and intimate and I just was going to explode-!

"W-well, the date doesn't have to end here," I said. I swallowed as I stared her in the eyes. The beautiful, soft blue eyes. I leaned forward to kiss her, and it was on the lips, and she didn't stop me... but I got the impression she wasn't willing to go further than that as I pulled back-! My little guy refused to listen to my supernaturally enhanced woman reading skills, though, and was surging to life in my pants after a couple of kisses. Whatever! I'd say it anyway! "We can do... stuff," I told her.

"Stuff?" She batted her eyelashes at me, pretending to be confused.

"We can have sex!"

"On our second date? Isn't that a little fast?" Her voice was teasing yet sultry, her hand casually caressing my cheek. I could tell she was teasing me, on account of I could tell she didn't want to do it just yet, but still-! It was working!

"I-I mean, I've done it on the first date before!" Kiyome and Asuka both put out right away! Wait, that's a bad way to put it, and they were my girlfriends, so I have to put it nicely... the time I spent with Kiyome and Asuka was wonderful, and both of us were full of desire for the other, so we had sex! Just breast sex, in Asuka's case, but she enjoyed it!

I can't defend my conduct with Aika, though. We just fucked 'cause we were horny.

"I don't think it's bad to do it on the first date, if you like the other person," I told her.

"And you like me, Issei?"

"W-well, yes," I admitted with a gulp.

"What do you like about me?"

This was the moment of truth! I couldn't say her big boobs, or her beautiful looks! I had to comment on her as a person, who just so happened to have beautiful luxurious red hair and large bouncy breasts! "You're very sweet and thoughtful, and I'm really impressed by your magic stuff, and I like the way you respond to me saying something goofy by just smiling and thinking it's cute!" There! That was good, right?

Her hand went to my groin! A powerful urge laced up my spine to my brain as she felt my hard-on through my pants. "Oh, wow," she said, actual surprise in her voice. "It's so big." She was jerking me off through my pants, pretty much! She stared down at it, biting her lower lip. Even though she didn't really want to, she was thinking about it? Don't just have obligation sex with me, Rias! Wait, how does she feel obliged to have sex with me, what did I doooo? "Will it really fit?"

"Yes! Remember, the CYOA said it would always fit."

She giggled at that, my words apparently breaking the tension. "That's right... the CYOA. It says that there's nothing I can do to make you come faster or slower, right?" She started just jerking me off through my pants. Actually stroking up and down, rather than just feeling me up! It felt so good! "It's all up to you when you come. You could come the moment I stick it in, or never, right?"

"Yeah," I breathed out.

"I could jerk you off for hours and you'd never come unless you wanted to?"

I nodded, swallowing, as she kept going.

She bit her lip, her blue eyes going down to my cock in my pants. Her fingers reached for my zipper, pulling it down slowly, her eyes flicking for a moment to elsewhere in the room, like she was expecting to get caught. My new girlfriend was about to give me a handjob. We could take our time to move on to sex and paizuri, that's okay, Rias! We can go your speed! I reached up for her breast with one hand, not wanting to touch it without permission, but when she didn't stop me, I went for it!

Ahhh! Huge, nice, breast, in a bra so I couldn't fully enjoy it, but still-!

I was practically drooling as I felt her up. Rias seemed to mostly ignore it (and I couldn't just make her come because groping a girl doesn't count as fucking her), and popped the top button on my pants, fingers hooking into the top of my underwear, pulling it inch, by inch, down, my huge cock requiring her to really tug the thing down to reveal it-

I jerked in shock as light suddenly started to glow in the bedroom, and Rias sighed, yanking my underwear up. "Quick, pull your pants up, Issei," she said, straightening herself out. I hurriedly moved to dress myself, since she said it really seriously. My eyes spun around to spot a weird glowing design on the floor. It looked kind of like a really elaborate circle, except it was glowing, and on my floor.

Wait, isn't this magic?

A tall, beautiful older woman with silver hair and huge breasts appeared in my bedroom then! She was wearing a maid uniform! Wasn't this supposed to be good?! Wasn't a sexy maid just materializing in my bedroom something I had fantasized about at least once?

"Rias, are you trying to break the agreement?" The woman asked.

"Hm? I'm just sitting here next to my kouhai. We were just playing Hypercharge Unboxed," she said, gesturing to the TV screen. "Would you like to play too, Grayfia?"

No! I still didn't buy a third controller and now a sexy devil maid showed up in my room! "I only have two controllers," I said, my voice warbling pitifully. Curse you, past Issei! You already faced exactly this problem with the Kiyome/Aika threesome, and you didn't fix it! Why didn't you fix itttt?!

"Rias, do you really think you can fool me so easily?" Grayfia asked. "You were clearly about to have sex with this boy."

"I have a name! It's Issei, nice to meet you, Grayfia!" I said, standing up and offering her my hand.

She looked up at me with momentary surprise at just how tall I was - then schooled her face back to normal. "That won't be necessary. Would you please leave us, boy?"

I just told you my name! There's no reason to call me 'boy'! Now you're just being rude! "For your information, Rias and I are dating, and it's none of your business if we do or don't have sex!"

"Rias is betrothed to someone already."

Wha-?! Rias is betrothed? But she was about to give me at least a handjob and was letting me grope her boobs through her shirt? That must mean...

"You are just being used as part of Rias's tedious rebellion against her betrothal," Grayfia said dismissively.

No! She likes me! Wait a second! Rebellion against her betrothal? Then that means-! "If she's rebelling against her betrothal, that means she doesn't want to be married!" Grayfia just stared at me like I was an idiot. Maybe I was, but I wasn't going to stop here! "Under Article 24 of the Constitution, marriage must be based on the mutual consent of both parties! It's illegal to make a woman get married here in Japan!" I pointed at Grayfia. Thanks, Kyoko! I'm glad you want to be a lawyer when you grow up, it made learning the law really easy! "You're a criminal if you force Rias to get married when she doesn't want to be!" Yeah! That was true!

Grayfia's mouth worked at the air for a moment, shocked by my stunningly effective legal argument. "We are devils, not Japanese-"

"Oh? So you think the law doesn't apply to you?!" I countered instantly.

"It sort of doesn't," Rias admitted from behind me. Rias, no! I'm winning the argument right now!

"Even foreigners must obey the laws of the country they live in! That's what happened to that American guy who messed around with paintings in North Korea! I don't know what it's like in Hell or wherever demons-"

"Devils," Rias corrected.

"-devils live, but this is Japan, not Hell! I'll tell the police if you try to make Rias get married when she doesn't want to be!"

Grayfia was dumbfounded by my impeccable logic.

"However it may work in your backwards nation, here in Japan, we live in the 21st century. So long as Rias lives here, you can't make her get married!" Wait, wouldn't that suggest she just steal Rias back to Hell or whatever?

"...I see." Grayfia sighed, then glanced at Rias, a slight melancholic smile to her lips. "I suppose you knew this when you made your father agree to let you be free until you graduated university," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"N-no, actually, this is the first I'm learning about this," Rias admitted. "Article 24, you said?"

"Yes! It was written into the post-war constitution to affirm equality between the sexes," I said, glad that Akira was really into history. Share Interests, thank you for helping me with my classes, and now with this conversation too! "This sort of arranged marriage is a barbaric practice that Japan moved past decades ago! Now get lost!" Yeah! Go away so I can go back to getting a handjob from a big-breasted girl!

Grayfia frowned. "I don't think the Phenex clan will look kindly on this-"

"Who cares what they think?! Rias is in Japan! The laws of Japan are what matters! Begone!"

"You know, I could wipe you from existence with a flick of my wrist," she said.

I didn't know that, actually! You're dressed like a maid and you're that strong? How is that fair?! Were the non-maid devils even stronger than that, or were you some kind of ultimate battle maid?! I tried to keep myself looking calm and collected despite the fear in my heart. "That's also a crime, called murder. In fact! You're trespassing in my house, aren't you?!"

Rias laughed loudly at that point, and both me and Grayfia turned to face her. Her deep, belly laugh made her breasts bounce a bit, but her smile was the truly radiant thing.

"Haaaa..." Grayfia let out a long breath, then shook her head. "Very well, Rias. I will have to tell your brother of your decision, of course." A threat! But she started up a new magic circle and vanished from sight, meaning the two of us were alone...

"I'm sorry about that, Issei," Rias said, her voice soft. "You were amazing. Honestly, I..." She swallowed. "Our dates were really nice, but I was mostly testing to see if Sirzechs was watching me... sorry to have dragged you into this mess."

Oh! That's why I wasn't getting the impression she wanted to fuck, even as she was jerking me off and taking my dick out and getting groped... Dammit, me! I should have listened more to my supernatural sex powers!

Wait, hang on a second... with the way she was looking at me now, I was getting a very different supernatural feeling? More like, she thought I was amazing and she wanted to bang?

Right! Time to correct my previous failure to listen to my supernatural sex powers, by listening to them this time! I lifted her up and laid her down on my bed. She trembled a little, a cute flush to her cheeks, all that supercharged confidence vanishing as she quietly squirmed underneath me. "I'm a virgin, Issei," she said softly. "I don't know what to do... or... well..." She started to unbutton her blouse, revealing creamy flesh to open air - and then her gorgeous full breasts, still contained in a plain white bra! "Is this right?" She asked, unhooking her bra and then slowly shifting her arms, peeling it away inch by inch until her breasts were fully exposed, her pink nipples perky with arousal.

"It's right, absolutely right," I told her, leaning down over her, kissing her on the lips again. My hands went to her breasts, softly cupping one in either hand, gently massaging them. She let out a cute little noise into my mouth, even as I dove my tongue down into her mouth. My thumbs teased her nipples, perky and hard against my fingers, my length surging inside my pants. I broke off the kiss, grabbing the base of my shirt and yanking it up and over my head, revealing my bare chest to her, and she let out a soft breath as she stared at it, drinking in my half-naked body.

Her hands reached for my chest, feeling me up. No matter how many times it happens, I'll always be happy to have my chest fondled and stared at by a pretty girl! "You really are very attractive," she said, leaning up towards my chest, softly kissing at my pecs with loving little pecks. Ah! No fair! She gets to kiss my chest first?! She let out a muffled little giggle into my chest. "I get the feeling," she said, as she kissed and nuzzled my chest, "like you want to do this to me?"

"I do!" I said, and she pulled back, spreading her arms wide and inviting. I leaned down to her boobs, pushing them together, squishing them close enough that the nipples were practically rubbing one another. I suckled softly on them, my tongue dancing around in soft, sensual, repetitive movements. She squirmed beneath me, one hand reaching down for my groin, fondling my hard-on through my pants - and then she popped the top button, unzipping them, tugging them down a mite, my underwear soon joining them, as she got them far enough down that my cock could burst free. It smacked right into her soft, luscious, thighs, and I definitely couldn't distract myself with her breasts any longer.

I pulled back from her breasts at that point, pulling her panties and skirt down, wiggling my way out of my own underclothes, until we were both completely naked on the bed. For a long moment, we just stared at each other. It felt right to let the moment have some time to breathe, to not just stick it in.

"Do it, Issei," she breathed out at last, and I did it! I lined up with her pussy, already slick and ready for me, and slowly pushed my way inside her. Even if she could have taken it, I didn't just ram away, taking my time as I slid, inch by inch, into her slick sex. My hands gently fondled her breasts, letting her luxuriate in the moment of being slowly but surely filled with my really, really big cock - and I leaned down to kiss her on the lips, pressing my mouth against hers, doing my best to completely smother her in all sorts of pleasure.

Once I bottomed out inside her at last, she let out a soft breath into my mouth, tickling my palate, my tongue, everything... and then I made her come! She immediately orgasmed, her tight pussy going wild around my cock, gripping and squeezing my dick, just working to milk me dry. I groaned into her mouth in pleasure as my dick just throbbed inside her, but I didn't come! Wait, should I not come? Should I come? Would she be happy if I came inside? Well, Kiyome would be happy if I came inside, but I didn't come inside anyway 'cause I was sixteen! So, no, I shouldn't come, even if Rias wanted me to come inside and knock her up so that her arranged marriage guy got cucked. Which I didn't know if she did anyway!

Still, the thought of coming inside was definitely hot! I started to gently pump my hips back and forth, sliding in and out of her pussy as she recovered from her orgasm, softly panting into my mouth. I pulled back from the kiss to just admire her beautiful foreign features, and then leaned back in, kissing at her cheeks and ear and chin, soft breaths tickling her neck. "Oh, Issei," she breathed out. Her fingers slid along my back, and then she spoke up... "Issei, use your power." My power? "Make it so that, no matter what happens, I can always tell Riser that you were better in bed than him." Oh! She meant my orgasm power!

"Yes, ma'am!" I told her - and made her come again. Her moan this time was loud, since we weren't kissing, and her back arched as she pushed her pussy right into my pelvis. Her skin was flush with arousal, slick and shiny with sweat, little pants still escaping her throat as I started to pump back and forth inside her. I groaned as her pussy throbbed and pulsed around my cock, and just held myself inside her like that, making her spasm in pure bliss, following up one orgasm with the next, keeping her in an endless, ecstatic state.

The view was amazing, her pale milky skin having become a beautiful strawberry pink, her breasts jiggling as her body twitched in pleasure. Her nipples were hard as diamonds, and my hands reached up for her breasts, pushing them together, pressing her nipples tightly up against one another, and once more I leaned down to suck on them, watching her gorgeous features twist up in pure bliss.

At that point, I began to fuck her, just thrusting away at her tight pussy once more. I wasn't furious or desperate, but neither was I languid and slow, making a steady, consistent pace inside her. Every thump of my hips against hers was accompanied by another orgasm that I gave her, her squeals filling the air, her hands coming down to clasp and run through my hair. She could just barely make coherent noises, but they ultimately came out to one or two words: "Oh!" "Issei!" "Sogood!" "Thankyou!" "Ah!" "More!"

Each thrust of my hips inside her made her whole body bounce on the bed, a faint jiggling beneath me accompanied by slick, constant milking movements of her cunt on my cock. I just sucked on her tits all the harder, relishing the feeling of them in my hands and my mouth, and watched her face as I pushed her into a state of pure and complete bliss. Orgasms melted into orgasms, and her face soon lost all sense to it, mouth hanging half-open as her back arched, pleasure lacing up her spine. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she forgot to swallow, and she let out wet noises before it finally slipped out of the edge of her mouth, dribbling down her cheek towards the ground in a truly erotic sight. Her whole body expressed her desire in a thousand ways, her pussy milking at my cock, her legs locking around my hips, her hands grasping my hair as she just clawed and grasped at me.

I lost myself in the long, repetitive movements too, slowly upping my pace as she was drowning in pleasure, making her orgasms come just that little bit closer. Her face was hypnotic to me, entrancing blue eyes twisting up with pleasure, peeling back and going cross-eyed and then staring at me with almost worshipful joy. I could hold back for as long as she needed, and I did, thrusting away as she slowly became less and less coherent, as she became more and more of a sweaty, horny, orgasming mess, until my thrusts were coming out hard and fast, each bottoming out of my cock in her pussy accompanied by another fresh spasm of pleasure.

I lost track of time, concentrating on the feeling of her sex, of her breasts, of everything to do with her - but eventually, I pulled out of her, my cock throbbing and twitching. The moment I did, she fell slack beneath me, panting and gasping for air, her eyes looking up at me, dazed and unfocused but still - despite how much I'd put her through - wanting more.

I just stuffed my cock in between her breasts, wrapping those big, pillowy, round things around my dick. Her sweat lubed her tits up plenty, and her pussy had just drenched my cock, so the movements were instantly slick and smooth, as I pushed her tits together and thrust at her tits. The impulse to inflict an orgasm on her on each downward stroke came out again, and she moaned around my cockhead when it pierced past her lips, her mouth a truly welcoming place for my cock on each thrust.

This time, I didn't hold back for her sake, just rutting at her tits for a few long minutes, making her come dozens of times, and then at last slamming myself balls deep into her breasts, grasping her tits tight around my cock, and exploding in her mouth. With each surging splash of cum against her palate and tongue, I made her feel that little bit better, and her body twisted and writhed beneath me, hot breaths spilling out as she tried to gulp my cum down and failed, her mouth soon overflowing with my spunk, some of it dribbling out of her mouth, some of it spurting out of her nose, but she didn't mind any of it.

When I was spent, I pulled out, panting softly and admiring my work on her body. She looked up at me, her face a mess, swilling my cum for long seconds before she gulped it all down - and then she spoke up. "Thank you, Issei. No matter what happens... I'm happy we got this time together..."

"We don't have to stop here!" I declared, starting to pump at her tits again, and she got enough time to let out a noise of surprise and delight before I started making her come again.

She'd asked me to make it so good that Riser could never compete, so I definitely was going to do that! Screw that jerk! Even if somehow he wound up getting what he wanted, I'd make sure that he knew that his dick was too small and that he couldn't satisfy his wife! That's what he deserved for forcing a nice girl like Rias to marry him!

* * *

I came in Rias's mouth a couple more times, and she just laid on the bed, drenched in sweat, her feminine scent filling the room to a truly obscene degree. I'd made sure my girlfriends enjoyed themselves, but this was more than that - this was laying a claim deep to Rias's heart and mind, that no man could ever take! Her best sex, ever! Riser would never beat me in a million years!

Once she recovered enough, she cuddled up to me, pressing her cheek against my chest, her breasts pushing into my flank as she nuzzled me. "That was very nice, Issei... thank you..."

"No problem," I told her with a grin. She let out a little laugh at that, happy to see that I was in a good mood. "Uh. Just... I think I have a wish?"

"Oh? What wish?" Rias asked.

"Well, first, can you use my magic to break the marriage contract with Riser or something?"

"No. It doesn't work that way, I'm afraid," she said, a melancholic smile on her lips.

"I figured. My second wish idea, is- can you make me so durable that neither Grayfia nor Riser can kill me?"

She giggled at that, melodious. "Oh, my. Are you scared, Issei?"

"W-well, I just don't want to die, you know..."

"It's okay." She kissed my cheek. "This side of Issei is cute too." She twisted around, showing off her tits as her arm stretched off the bed, finding her phone in short order before she came back to my side, nuzzling me as she played with her phone. "Hmm. Well, I don't know about making it impossible, but I think I can put together a shield spell using your magic power... it will make you very tough, given how much magic you have, but you won't be able to make other wishes while it's active."

"That's okay." Wait! There's a really good line I can say right now, I just have to word it right! "All my wishes are coming true right now, just by being here with you."

She instantly flushed with delight at those honeyed words, but smiled cutely too. "Ooo... I guess that CYOA gave you a 'killer lines' ability?"

"No, that's an Issei original!" She giggled and kissed my cheek, then slowly creaked her way up atop me, her breasts hanging down as she loomed over me. Her fingers trailed along my chest, and for a second, I forgot all about the magic and thought she wanted to do it cowgirl!

Maybe she even did want to do it cowgirl, actually. That could have been my supernatural senses telling me what she wanted.

She didn't do it cowgirl, though. Instead, she trailed her fingers across my chest in elaborate designs, and after several seconds of that, there was a soft glow on my skin. "Okay. You're very tough now, Issei," she told me.

She then flopped bonelessly back down atop me, letting out a huff of surprise at her own exhaustion. Her breasts pressed and crushed against my chest.

She was really tired! She wound up staying the night! I didn't mind either of those things, though! They both made me feel good in different ways!