Rias's Love

I was laying in bed, a big stupid grin on my face. Rias, Asuka, and Kiyome were all down on my cock, pushing their big boobs against one another, jockeying for position, trying to smother my cock to the maximum degree! Aika couldn't participate because her boobs were too small to really compete, but she was kissing me while watching the show out of the corner of her eye! Kiyome was talking about how amazing and manly my cock is, Asuka was talking about recruiting her sisters to also be my girlfriends, and Rias was saying how I'm a good boy! Aika wasn't saying anything, because she was busy sucking on my tongue!

It was heaven! The heaven of having four girlfriends all making love to you at once! (I started fingering Aika to make sure it counts.) The only thing better is having five girlfriends all making love to you at once, but I'll get there soon enough!

Then I noticed something wrong. I was in my bed, right? So, logically, there should be walls in all four directions around me, that's how bedrooms work.

But, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the wall to my left didn't seem to be there any longer. I had to break off the kiss with Aika, earning a soft whine from my sweet perverted first girlfriend as I turned my head to face the left wall.

It was even worse than I expected. Rather than there being no wall there, there was actually a giant monster with blood red eyes, blood red scales, and a giant maw right there! "Wh-why is there a monster in my room?!"

"Obviously, it's best to force a monster to sit in the 'cuck chair'," Kiyome said. Kiyome?! Did you summon one of the most powerful beasts in your arsenal just to add to your fantasies about me being super manly? It's not that I don't like the fact that you think I'm super manly, it's just that this feels like it's going a little far! "You're far manlier than any dragon could hope to be."

The dragon let out an annoyed breath. "Kiyome! I think you're pissing off the dragon!"

"I'm not angry," the dragon said, its voice low - and suddenly, Kiyome, Rias, and Asuka were all gone! (Also Aika, though I had to look to find that out, since she wasn't giving me a paizuri.) Its arms and legs were each thicker than my torso, and its teeth were the size of my hand! "It's good that I can finally speak to you, Issei."

"I-is it?" Normally getting a dragon to talk to you is considered bad, especially when your girlfriend says things seemingly calculated to piss the dragon off!

"I'm not angry," the dragon repeated. It was very unconvincing! "Look, it's more important that we can finally talk." I wasn't sure about that, but as long as it wasn't going to eat me, I would listen, at least a little bit. "I'm the one inside your left arm."

Eh?! Then you've been there all along for various things and this and that?

"If you mean all the jerking off, yes. It doesn't bother me." Isn't that worse?! "Let's move on, please. What's important, Issei, is that I can give you power." I already have power, but as I thought that, the dragon quietly stalked around me, leaning in close so that I could feel the heat of its breath against my skin. "Enough to save Rias?"

"You're really coming off like an evil devil trying to make a deal with me, which means I shouldn't take the deal!"

The dragon chuckled. "Isn't Rias a devil herself? Aren't you prejudging me, just as you told Kiyome not to do to Rias?" Wh- a dragon who was inside your left arm and watching everything you did and reading your mind was a dangerous debate opponent! "I can't force you to do anything, Issei. Within you lies my power. All you have to do is reach for it..." Reach for it? You mean like-? "No, not like that!" The dragon actually seemed a little offended. Was it actually bothered by me jerking off so much and lying about it? "No. The only thing bothering me is your inability to stay on track. I'm offering you my power. To use it, you will need to concentrate on your left arm, and focus on gathering as much power as possible there. Do you understand?"

"Sure, but I normally forget my dreams." Especially the ones that aren't sex dreams!

The dragon let out a long, pained sigh, and I woke up.

* * *

My first thought as I woke up was to praise the heavens, because I still had the big-boobed onee-sama that was Rias planted atop me. She looked beautiful as she lay atop me, her beautiful blue eyes closed, the softest of breaths escaping her nose as she gently snoozed away. So cute! Ah, I could also feel her boobs on my chest, which was amazing! My cock was hard with its morning desires, but I controlled it! You can't have sex with a girl while she's asleep, that's pretty much rape!

...unless she secretly had a fetish for getting woken up while she was asleep? I closed my eyes to try to determine if my supernatural sex skills were telling me that!

They weren't. She was just really hot and sexy and I wanted to have sex with her again! My cock throbbed and wetly smacked against her thighs, and then even rubbed her pussy, as it just twitched around down there. She let out a little noise, eyes fluttering open, gently raising herself up. Her eyes were half-open, looking groggy in a very cute way as she woke up. "Mm? Issei?" She mumbled.

She- she didn't forget what we did last night, right? Right? She gave me her virginity and I ruined her for marriage, so she couldn't just forget it, could she?! I had made it really good and she'd been really into me, if she forgot it I was going to cry! "Good morning, Rias," I said. What would a suave, romantic guy do? I gently cupped her cheek, completely ignoring her big breasts as they hung low - okay, I couldn't ignore them, but I tried, and I leaned up to kiss her on the lips.

Not some horny french makeout, either, just a soft, affectionate peck! A peck that says, I like you for your wonderful personality, not just your big boobs! (I did like her big boobs, too.)

"Oh... oh, that's right," she said, softly flicking her head to push hair out of her sight. "We made love last night, didn't we?"

That was an ambivalent way to say it, Rias! It was good for you, wasn't it?! "We did! I hope it was good for you," I said. It was, right? Right?! I made you come like a jillion times, you can't say it wasn't good! I spent a bunch of points to make sure you came a bunch instead of being super-strong which would be really helpful right now, so you should appreciate it!

"It was good," she said with a nod, and I felt a deep and abiding sense of relief. Her smile was soft and warm, her breasts hanging low as she continued to remain straddled atop me. "Very good. Good job, Issei." She patted my head. Uwaaa! A big-boobed onee-sama patting my head! Thank you, Smut Goddess, for making this possible! "There's no way that Riser will ever be able to compete with that."

"Thank you!" I paused for a second. "Wait! There's no way he'll be able to compete with that, because you're not gonna marry him, right?"

Her smile became more melancholic. You can't give up already, Rias! I scared off Grayfia with my excellent legal skills, and she's the ultimate battle maid! "No matter what happens, Issei, I'm glad that you did this for me. I'll always cherish this moment."

What the helllll?! You can't give up this easily, Rias! "I'll beat up that Riser guy! I have big muscles, and now I'm extra tough, so I'll just punch him in the face and tell him to knock it off! If you don't like him, then why would he even want to marry you? Who would want to marry a girl that doesn't like them? Only a huge jerk!"

"I can't say you're wrong," she said, a gentle smile on her lips. Rias! Stop just smiling like you've already given up, okay? I have like a hundred times the magic power of the average guy!

It was time to use my powers for good!

...unfortunately, my powers were mostly about sex. Wait! If I had sex with a lot of girls, then I'd be stronger! Rias, for your sake, I'll work hard to make a giant harem!

No, wait, that'll take too long. I needed something else. I needed something I could do right now! Maybe I could ask Rias to help me have sex with Akeno and Koneko? I wasn't sure that would work, but...

My left hand! Something about it was important!

I could grope Rias's boobs with my left hand! I did that! Her breast felt really nice in my hand, and she let out a hot pant as my fingers just sank into the supple flesh there. "Issei, mm... doing it first thing in the morning..." Her voice was more teasing and bashful than offended. She didn't seem to have any complaints, but also, I felt like this wasn't what I was supposed to do with my left hand... I pulled my hand away, staring at it, trying to puzzle it out. She giggled. "Yes. You did touch my boobs again, Issei. I would have thought you would be more used to sex by now, with your three girlfriends and all."

"I think... I think there's something special about my left hand."

"It is very nice," she said, completely misunderstanding my point.

"No, like, magic, maybe? I think?" She tilted her head, staring at my hand. She gingerly lifted it up towards her mouth, and just popped my index finger into her mouth. My boner roared to life at the action, as she quietly, lovingly suckled on the tip of my finger, my dick just smacking her thighs as it tried to manage to single handedly thrust inside her pussy without any assistance from my hips. It didn't succeed, but it definitely tried!

Rias popped her lips off my fingertip. "Maybe. Hmm..." She took in a deep breath, then nodded. "Issei," she said, suddenly turning from the sexy sultry onee-sama sucking on my finger into the serious older senpai tutoring her kouhai! "I want you to imagine the strongest thing you can think of."

"Um... Goku from Dragon Ball?" I suggested.

She chuckled at that. "That's fine. Imagine Goku, at his absolute strongest."

"Goku... in SSJ4..." I closed my eyes to imagine him.

"Now, imagine him using his most powerful technique," she told me, gently caressing my wrist, raising my hand up towards the ceiling. I drew my hands together for a Kamehameha, and Rias just let go of my hand. I grit my teeth, imagining myself as Goku in SSJ4.

This was embarrassing, but Rias had told me to do it, and I got the feeling this was the key to saving her! "Ka... me... ha... me... ha!" Rias let out a little gasp, and I opened my eyes to see that, whew, she was in fact expressing surprise at the fact that my arm was glowing, rather than how much of a dork I looked like pretending to be Goku.

Oh, yeah, my arm was glowing with magical power! My entire left forearm was a brilliant, shining white! Well, at least I now have a way to see when the power goes out. Then it finally finished glowing and transformed into a red gauntlet, thickly wrapped around my forearm. My fingers flexed.

"That's amazing, Issei," she said, her voice soft. Huh? Say it like that when I fuck you, not when I make a magic gauntlet appear! "A Sacred Gear."

"A what?"

"It's a magical device given to some chosen humans by the God of the Bible." Wait, wasn't the God of the Bible the guy who spread all those lies about Rias? Did that make us enemies?! "Those with a Sacred Gear are capable of accomplishing great things. I think this one will boost your strength when used. Try using it now."

"Using it now? Uh, how?"

"Just make your wish clear to it. Say, I, Issei Hyoudou, want to be stronger!" She looked a little chuuni when she drew up her hand in a fist like that. Also her breasts bounced when she drew up her hand in a fist like that. "...or something like that," she said, clearing her throat.

"I want to be stronger!" I declared.

"Boost!" The voice that emanated from my left arm sounded strangely familiar - but I didn't have time to wonder about that! I felt my whole body roaring with energy!

My cock in particular was surging even harder than it previously had, on account of Rias looked incredibly impressed and awed at me. I could imagine that being the face a girl makes when she sees the guy's really big cock, that was the kind of impressed expression she wore at that moment! Also, she was straddling me, buck naked, and I hadn't even gotten off once since waking up, so that didn't hurt at all! "Wow. Your magical energy just doubled, Issei."

"Does that mean I'm twice as tough, or I have extra magic energy to... do magic with?"

She smiled at that. "Well, you don't know how to do any magic, Issei," she pointed out. "But the way I made the defense spell for you, it should draw on your reserves until they're depleted. You should be very tough now, though. I'm not sure how the boost will interact with the spell, exactly, but it might actually make the spell stronger... oh, and I'm pretty sure you'll be physically stronger now."

There's one advantage to being super strong that people don't talk about enough: being able to just pick up a girl in your arms and carry her like Superman! Which I did, by the way, just hefting Rias up. She let out a playful little laugh, and I carried her into my bathroom with ease. She definitely felt lighter now that I'd been boosted! "Let's wash up," I said, managing to hold her aloft while also turning on the shower. "We did get pretty sweaty last night!"

"Mm, well, I did, at least," she said, a smile on her lips. She leaned into me, taking one quick sniff, just smiling in response to the smell. My cock pulsed again at the sheer sweetness of the act. Rias! How do you make even sniffing your stinky boyfriend cute?! It isn't fair to my other girlfriends!

Once we were in the shower, well-! There was obviously only one thing to do! Help Rias wash up by covering her boobs in soap and then massaging them! Yep! That was totally logical and only being done because I wanted to help her get clean, and the fact that my dick kept smacking against her belly or back (depending on which side I was washing from) was completely unrelated! Rias just smiled dotingly as I kept on soaping up and then washing off her breasts. I did it at least five times before she spoke up!

"You know, Issei, it's fine to wash my breasts, but I do need my other places to get washed too," she said, completely indulgent of my obvious perversion! Ahh! You're so sweet, Rias!

I did what she wanted, though, washing her stomach and back and arms and armpits and thighs and butt and even briefly tracing out her pussy - earning a soft little pant from the woman herself! When I got to her calves and feet, she helped me out a bit, raising one foot, then the other, and once I'd cleaned every last inch of her, she spoke up again.

"Hmm... should I clean you up the same way you cleaned me up?" My cock twitched. "Just focus on the spot I find sexiest and clean it over and over?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I declared. "That's totally fine with me!"

"What if the spot I find sexiest isn't this one?" She teased, reaching down for my cock and slowly running her hand up and down my length.

"Nnn! Then that's okay because I get to learn something new about you, Rias!"

She smiled at that, getting up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss, continuing to stroke me all the while. "You're so sweet, Issei," she said. "Mm... is this the best part?" She asked, glancing down at my cock. "Or maybe it's this?" She pushed her breasts into my chest, rubbing away. Her nipples were hard and perky as she did so, and the closer movement that act produced meant that my cockhead poked at her belly. It was too good! Insanely good! My brain was melting from how good it was, ahn! "Okay, Issei," she said, like she was agreeing to something, but I didn't say anything? "I'll give you another paizuri like you want."

"Thank you, ma'am!" Paizuri! Titfucks! They were the best! I was so glad that I'd picked them for the Booster Cock power, because they were amazing! Rias got down on her knees, sudzing up her tits again, and then wrapping them around my cock as water continued to cascade down my backside. I may not have been getting cleaner, but I sure was getting something even better, as Rias wrapped her big breasts around my cock, softly working them up and down my length as she looked up at me.

"It's good, right, Issei? I've never done anything sexual before," she admitted, "so if I'm doing it bad, tell me, okay?"

"I'll tell you! I promise! It feels great, though! Your boobs are so soft around my cock, I feel really good!" She smiled brightly at that, huffing a bit as she intensified the pressure on her breasts, earning a groan from me, my hips bucking up - my cock made its way up towards her mouth.

She immediately leaned down towards it, licking at the tip tentatively, then letting out a pleased hum and starting to really lap away at my tip, tilting her head down as she focused on the work, her long red hair matting against her bare skin and pooling on the shower floor. I was worried it'd taste all soapy, but maybe Tasty Cock overrode that? I certainly wasn't complaining! Her tongue danced around and around my cockhead, my length furiously throbbing and pulsing, my hips twitching as my length got stimulated like that. There were some very sexy little wet popping noises when my cockhead pushed past her lips for a second, only to fall back a moment later, my dick going crazy with delight at what she was doing to me.

She finally popped her mouth off my cock, and I immediately started to thrust my cock at her tits even harder as she looked up at me. Her expression was radiant: sweet as cinnamon, checking on me to make sure she was doing a good job! "That's so good, Rias!" I decided to make clear just how good by immediately making her come! She let out a little squeak of surprise as the orgasm suddenly hit her, and her fingers tightened up on her tits, the intensifying pressure making me pound at her breasts all the harder. "Ohhh, your breasts feel so good, Rias! I love how good your breasts feel!"

Her expression was dazed, her whole body trembling as pleasure ran through her ,blue eyes staring up at me, a flush running from her cheeks down to her tits, her perky nipples pushing against one another in the sexiest way as her fingers just dug into the soft flesh there. I groaned and grunted, pumping all the harder, losing myself in just how good her breasts felt, how beautiful she looked with my cock plunging in and out of those big tits, each pop up from her bosom having my cock hit her chin from just how absurdly big my dick was.

Eventually, though, she recovered, panting softly as she looked up at me. "Issei, do you like it more when I'm orgasming?" She asked. "I'm trying to make you feel good too, you know? If I'm not doing a good job..."

"I-I was a virgin at the start of this school year, so I don't know much more than you," I admitted, as I slowed down my pace in her breasts, trying to think about what made a good paizuri... Oh! "Dirty talk! Dirty talk makes a good paizuri!"

She smiled at that. "Okay, Issei. What sort of dirty talk should I give you?" She started pumping her tits up and down herself, rubbing my cock with them as she moved. It felt so nice, so sweet.

"T-tell me I'm a good boy," I said.

Her smile widened. "You're a good boy, Issei. Sweet and earnest. I really like that about you. I feel safe when I'm with you, and not just because of the CYOA," she explained, pumping her tits that little bit harder, squeezing them around my cock. "I know I can count on you." Her voice was an angel's, her words sweet bliss to hear. It was better than saying I was hot or had a really big dick or made her come lots! "You're a wonderful young man," she breathed out, her fingers tightening on her breasts, and I groaned in pleasure, casting my head back. "I hope I get to be your onee-sama for many years to come."

If you say something like that, Rias, how am I supposed to resist?! I'm not! I came right then and there, splattering cum all over her face and chin and neck and breasts, just jerking and groaning as she milked me like that. "Keep going. Come. Come and come, Issei. Come all you need to." Her breathing was growing ragged, and I just relished the feeling of being completely milked dry like that.

When I was spent, she released my cock. "Mm... as I remember, you bought Tasty Fluids, Issei, so it's time to enjoy that taste. Keep me safe from the water, okay?" Her voice was sweetly teasing as she started to run her fingers across her face and neck and tits, gladly feeding my cum into her mouth. It was an insanely sexy sight, and I could only relish the show, the gentle smile on her lips.

* * *

"I don't understand why the pervert is here," Koneko said coolly. She was mad that now I was in the Occult Research Club headquarters, again, and this time it hadn't even been because I was following Yuuto.

"Issei is my boyfriend now," Rias declared. Uwaa! I got to be Rias's boyfriend! Four girlfriends, it was official, absolutely official, no takebacks!

Well, you can take it back if you really want to, Rias, but I'll do everything I can to make sure that you never have cause to do so!

"Ugh... look at his face," Koneko said, giving me a disgusted look.

"His face is very handsome," Akeno said mildly, "so I don't think that will accomplish what you want."

"Issei has a good heart. He stood up for me with Grayfia," Rias said, clearly considering that more than enough to settle things. "Even after she threatened to kill him."

Akeno nodded in acceptance of this argument, and even Koneko seemed impressed. "Huh... maybe he is better than just some pervert..." She muttered it under her breath, but I could make it out.

Yuuto planted one hand on my shoulder. "Maybe I misjudged you. I guess it's an assumption from the Church that a man can't really love multiple women, but if you did that... nobody can deny your love is true."

What, was Grayfia really that scary?! Had I doomed myself to an untimely end?! I was just sticking up for Rias, I didn't mean to offend the most powerful woman in the universe by calling her culture barbaric! Even if it is, there are things you don't say to Android 18, you know?

Our peaceful conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a magic circle in the room. "Issei, if he asks, you're a member of my peerage," Rias said quickly. The magic circle showed a shape kinda like some weird pointy claw or something... and flame erupted from it, the whole room heating up as a man seemed to materialized in its midst. "Riser," she said.

This was the jerk who was trying to force Rias into marriage? Well, he was sort of handsome, if you liked the bad boy host club type of guy... oh, who am I kidding, he was definitely handsome! He had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and looked to be in his twenties. He was also going for a girl much younger than him, huh? Absolute scum! Date a girl your age or older, okay? Not for any moral reason, but because then you won't date Rias!

He just rolled his neck around, glancing over the group of us. His eyes settled on me, his gaze piercing and sharp. "Who's this, my lovely Rias?"

Lovely Rias? You know she hates you so bad that she was willing to have sex with me, right?! Wait, that sounds wrong, since sex with me is great. But you know what I mean!

"A new member of my peerage," she said mildly. She had a perfect poker face. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was a new member of her peerage! "What brings you here?"

"Oh, you know. The family is moving up the marriage date."

Her eyelid twitched. "I was told that I would be free until I graduate from university."

"You will be free. You won't move in or anything until you complete university. I'll even only consummate the relationship on your terms up to that time - the wedding night excepted, of course." Uwaaa! This guy was pure scum, wasn't he?! He was basically saying he was going to rape Rias, right?!? I should tell him as much!

Rias spoke first. "That is not even close to my agreement with my father."

Riser just shrugged like it didn't matter much to him. "I don't think you were supposed to pop your cherry with some random human, either," he said, sliding towards her. His hand casually cupped her chin, and she idly smacked it away. "Don't worry. I'm a forgiving man. I don't mind if you aren't 'pure,' so long as you're mine." This guy was just saying evil scum lines, wasn't he? Was he unaware of that?! Could a guy say lines like that and not be aware that he was obviously the villain in an NTR hentai at best, and more likely the scumbag who gets beaten in the first book to push the heroine and the hero closer together?!

"I'm not yours, Riser," she said, puffing up her chest and raising her chin. Her expression was angry as she glared up at him. "This is a matter of my family. As the heiress of the Gremory clan, I will choose who I marry, and not just hop into bed with you because my father says."

"It isn't about your father. You're the heiress to House Gremory. There are only thirty two of the seventy-two pillars left; if you had a sister or a brother who hadn't left the family, I'd be perfectly happy to withdraw. But you're thinking only in an immature way. This is a serious matter. Your House will go extinct if you don't marry a devil. You can't expect me to think..." He slid one hand around her back, and every muscle in her body tightened. You didn't need supernatural sex skills to know that meant she didn't like it, jackass! "You really want to marry some human boy?" He leaned in towards her ear, almost whispering in it. "End the whole line of Gremory? It was a childish rebellion. I'm not upset. I get it. You're young, you feel powerless..." His hand slowly slid down her body, and I watched as it crept closer and closer to her ass. "I'll do my best to help you mature into a fine young woman who can bear-" as he spoke, his fingers dug into Rias's ass, making her twitch again.

For some reason he was getting closer and closer to me? I think somebody may even have said my name? Very loudly like they were trying to warn me? He definitely turned to look at me, his eyes widening.

Oh, I was rushing towards him, and I was landing a fist right on his face, knocking him on his ass on the ground. Now I was on top of him, pummeling his face hard with all the power of a guy who was really strong! "Boost!" My Sacred Gear came out to make my punches twice as strong! His face was going this way and that as I just rammed my fists into it over and over!

"You shouldn't touch girls who don't want to be touched! You shouldn't marry girls in high school who don't want to marry you! Actually, you shouldn't marry girls in high school at all! Or ones who don't want to marry you!"

"Issei, stop! He's-" Rias started, and I paused for a second, glancing her way.

Riser decided to try to use that second to do some kind of magic, though, and I saw the glow out of the corner of my eye - so I went right back to punching him. "He's trying to use magic when I stop punching him, so I have to keep punching him to keep him from using magic!"

"Holy shit..." Koneko said.

"Should we...?" Yuuto asked, unsure what to do. Let me handle this, Yuuto!

"Riser, if you have sex with a girl who doesn't want to have sex with you, that's rape!" Maybe devils had a culture where they didn't know that?! "If you agree not to have sex with Rias I'll stop punching you!"

"Fuck, you, kid," he spat out between punches - and then an inferno of fire engulfed me. I was momentarily blinded, but I kept on punching away anyway! Fuck you, Riser! Rapist prick! I'll beat you until you agree to leave Rias alone! I could tell I was hitting because I could feel his cheeks deform with every punch of my fists against them!

When the fire cleared, everybody was surprised to see me still punching Riser. Well, Riser wasn't surprised.

"Oh my. Issei just tanked Riser's Hell Fire," Akeno said, like the side character in a battle manga explaining all the characters' moves.

I kept punching Riser, on account of he didn't seem that hurt yet. I mean, he let out noises like it hurt when I punched him, but he didn't seem to be bleeding or anything! Well, maybe a little bleeding, but not a lot. Like, look, he still had all his teeth, and I was punching him really hard! I wasn't holding back or anything!

"Nng," he grunted, and another blast of Hell Fire ran over me. It was hotter than the last one, so I tried a new technique, where rather than wailing on his head with big wide haymakers, I grabbed his head in one hand and used the other to do rapid little punches - specifically, my left hand, since it was gauntleted with my Sacred Gear, which was metal and hard. By the noises he made, that technique worked better at hurting him! The flame soon died down, revealing his face to be quite a mess.

"Issei, Riser can regenerate from harm," Rias said, her voice calming. Oh, so I should keep punching him so he can't recover and fight back effectively? Thanks for the battle tip, Rias! "I'm sorry, Riser, this servant of mine must have gotten emotional."

Eh? Emotional? Me? "He's the one who was being emotional! The emotion of being a scumbag villain who rapes people and cackles about it because he's a misogynist!" Just so we're clear, I kept punching him as I said this, though his face was starting to really bleed all over the place and I was pretty sure I'd broken his nose. It would regenerate in the end, so it was fine, right?

One more blast of Hell Fire washed over me... and then died out, Riser's whole body going limp beneath me. I let out a long breath, relief washing over me, a big dumb smile on my face. "Haaa... I won," I said, triumphantly. "That means he has to give up on marrying you, right, Rias?"

Rias's melancholic smile did not reassure me that I'd done the right thing.