Riser's Defeat

"He fell down the stairs," Rias said calmly.

"He's a Phenex. Even if he did-" A woman's voice. I couldn't see her, because I was in another room.

Rias interrupted, letting out a long sigh. "He said it was a fluke that he fell, and insisted on showing he would not be so easily defeated by the banana peel. Multiple times."

"I can hardly imagine Lord Riser would be so foolish," the woman said, her voice sharp.

"He was trying to impress me, I'm sure. You can ask him when he wakes up. Just get him out of here," Rias said.

There was a long silence, and then I heard the magic circle do its magic circle thing, and Rias spoke up again. "Issei, you can come out."

I emerged from my hiding spot in the wardrobe, and the members of the Occult Research Club gave me various looks. Akeno seemed intrigued; Koneko seemed bashfully impressed, like she thought I was super awesome but was unwilling to admit it out loud; Yuuto just looked at me like I'd told him that I had cancer; and Rias still wore much the same melancholic smile. "He will tell them what you did, of course," Rias said. "It won't take too long for our families to get involved..." She sighed. "At least he thinks you're part of my peerage, so he won't try to hunt you down."

"Sorry, I guess I messed things up pretty bad," I said.

Rias just patted my head. "Thank you, Issei. It was nice that you stood up for me like that, even if it was really, really dumb."

"He was groping your butt, even though you didn't want him to!"

"He was. You're right. Thank you." She kept patting my head, which I liked. Also, since I was taller than her, this gave me a great angle to look at her breasts.

"Ugh..." Koneko said. I glanced her way, and she just gave me a look, the sort of look you give a guy who was just staring at a girl's tits.

"Rias is my girlfriend, it's okay for me to stare at her breasts!" I countered hurriedly.

"It is," Rias said. "Now, Issei, just go home. I'll handle things from here. And, thank you. Not just for trying to protect me, but for being yourself. I hope you live a happy life."

Wha- those were like fifty different Bad End flags in so few sentences! "H-hey, you're not just sending me off because things are about to go bad, are you?"

"Issei. Grayfia will show up and annihilate you if you're still here when Riser wakes up," Akeno said.

That's right! Grayfia would know I wasn't part of Rias's peerage, but instead the guy who fucked Rias, and used her ultimate battle maid devil powers to destroy me! That did sound bad, and specifically bad for me! "I'll go," I said. "Um. Is it safe for me to go home, with... Grayfia?"

"Yes. It will be safe," Rias reassured me - so I got going. "Issei, don't worry. You didn't make things worse. The worst that can come is what was going to come without you."

Way to not actually be reassuring despite trying, Rias!

* * *

There was no way that I was going to just leave it at that!

However I had nothing I could really do to help Rias right then! It's not like I knew anything about Hell, or the devil laws, or whatever. The only thing I could do was get stronger, which meant I needed to have sex with even more women!

I would have gone to a brothel, but for some reason, sixteen year olds aren't welcome as clients! Also I didn't have much money anyway! That meant that the best thing I could do would be to sleep with more girls... but who?

I tried just hitting on random girls I saw around town. It was hard, since some of them said no. Even if the girl is nice about it, it hurts to be rejected! Still, I had to power through, since Rias was counting on me! (She didn't know it, but she was!) While I got some numbers, I realized quickly that it wasn't a good path to quick sex to pump up the size of my harem. Girls don't always put out on the first date, and even if they did, the date would probably be at least an hour!

I got home with my phone having five new numbers on it. I'd taken pictures of all the girls who gave me their numbers, so I could remember who they were. The cute short-haired girl with the sporty vibe, the smiling bespectacled older onee-sama, the shy short girl with the huge boobs, and... oh I can't just forget that I beat the shit out of Riser and caused lots of trouble for Rias! Agh! How can I go on a date with one of these girls when I'm going to be thinking about Rias?! They'll totally realize I'm thinking about another girl! But I have to, for Rias's sake...

There was a sharp knock at the door to my house, and I jumped in my seat in surprise. Huh? Who could it be? I went to the door, peeking through the peephole. There was a tall man on the other side, a handsome guy with short red hair that looked remarkably like Rias's. His expression was pleasant, though bored, like he was waiting for me to open the door and let him in.

Wait... had Rias been turned into a guy?!? I'm sorry, Rias! Somehow this is my fault, right?

No, wait, that was stupid. It was probably her father. Riser had said Rias didn't have any siblings, right? So her father made the most sense. Or maybe an uncle, or brother, or something. He looked pretty young for such a guy...

Still. I sucked in a deep breath, my chest rising and falling, and I unlocked the door. "Hello," I said. The guy was tall! He was about as tall as me! I hadn't seen anybody as tall as me ever since my growth spurt, which admittedly was pretty recent, but still... "Who are you?"

"Sirzechs," he said, with a smile on his lips. That didn't really help at all, you idiot! If I knew your name I'd probably know your face! I can't say that to Rias's father, though. He'll be my father-in-law soon enough, so I have to be polite and make a good first- make a good second- make a good third impression! "May I come in?"

"I guess," I said, opening the door wider, and he stepped inside shortly.

We wound up sitting in the living room, with him just sitting there in his own seat awkwardly, acting completely at ease despite the fact that he hadn't even really said anything! What the hell, was my future father-in-law a weirdo! "What are your feelings towards my sister?"

"Your- sister?" Grayfia? W-well, she was pretty and had really nice big boobs, but-! Hang on! There was no way he was asking about Grayfia right?

"Yes, my younger sister Rias," he explained.

Oh! "Wait! Riser said that Rias didn't have a brother, explain that before I answer anything!"

"Ah, that's simple. In order to become Lucifer, I had to leave my family. The Great Satans must be separate from the pillars, for the good of all devilkind."

Ah, I see, it's like that then.

Just kidding! That didn't explain anything!

Still, Sirzechs is looking completely satisfied with his own answer, and I guess it kind of counts, so... I took a deep breath. If this really was her big brother who wasn't technically her big brother for some arcane reason I don't understand, I needed to make a good first impression. He'd be my brother-in-law, soon enough, after all! "I really, really like her," I said. Kind of lame as a starting line, but what the heck! "She's sweet, and kind, and really pretty and sexy and I love her big breasts in particular."

Sirzechs let out a small laugh, so fortunately my mention of breasts didn't turn him off. "I suppose that explains why you attacked Riser, then - jealousy can drive men to do-"

"Whoa! I didn't hit Riser out of jealousy!" I interrupted before he could keep going. He paused, waiting for me to continue. "He was-! He-!" Should I even say it?! Girls didn't like it when you talked about that kind of stuff! But this guy was her big shot big brother, so probably I should say it! "He was groping her butt and she didn't like it! I didn't do anything until he did that, that's why I started beating him up!"

"Oh my." His expression darkened quite a lot. "No one told me this part of the story." Whoa! Was he on my side now? Would this situation now be resolved completely? "When you say groping her butt, could you demonstrate?"

"Uh... how?" I responded.

"Hmm." Sirzechs stood up. "Just do to me what you saw Riser doing to Rias."

"That- that's too weird, you know? We're both guys."

"Hm. So that's the limit of your love for Rias..."

The manipulation was so obvious! Yet it worked anyway! "Fine! He was like this," I said, snaking one hand around his back. "Then, he did this!" I sild my hand down towards his butt. "Then he squeezed!" But I didn't squeeze, on account of only being interested in women! I released my hand from him altogether. "Then I punched him. I would've stopped, but when I stopped for a second, he tried to use his stupid fire attack on me."

"I see." Sirzechs' calm and peaceful expression had a cold note to it now, a tension you could cut through with a knife. "Well, thank you for offering my little sister your aid, Issei. I'm sorry my wife threatened you."

"Wife?" I had met his wife?! I would think I would remember meeting Rias's sister-in-law!

"Ah. My apologies. I mean Grayfia, of course."

Grayfia was his wife?! I guess that explains why she's so dangerous (maybe?), but then why was she dressed as a maid?!? "Why does your wife dress like a maid?"

Sirzechs chuckled at that. "It's a hobby of hers."

Being a maid as a hobby-? That's too ridiculous, isn't it?! Wait, wasn't it actually really sexy? Gah! Now I was jealous of Sirzechs' happy marriage to a big beautiful busty woman who liked dressing like a maid! I'm going to tear my hair out because that's not me! Riajuu go-

No, no. I am the riajuu now. I have four beautiful girlfriends, and will soon make some new girlfriends! Assuming Riser doesn't kill me! Maybe I can talk Aika into being a maid as a hobby...? Or maybe I could sell it to Kiyome as a sort of, 'Oh no, I, the noble scion of the Abe clan, am now forced to be your lowly maid' kind of thing? That did seem like her kind of thing...

"Thank you for sparing me your hospitality, Issei," he said, heading towards the door. "I may come by again in the future."

"Um. Okay?"

* * *

Interlude: Sirzechs

"It's simply natural that Issei would act the way he did," Sirzechs said, spreading his hands plaintively. "He saw Riser touching my wonderful little sister in a way that made her unhappy. Any man in his position would have done the same thing."

"It's my right as her fiance to do that sort of thing," Riser said, looking in an incredibly foul mood as he was massaged by Yubellena.

Honestly, children could be so annoying. Couldn't he understand that simply by touching Rias inappropriately, he had made himself unworthy of continuing to live? Sirzechs restrained once more the urge to kill the boy in front of him, reminding himself of the folly of youth.

Also, he was pretty sure that Rias would be upset if he simply extinguished Riser's life. She had even seemed upset about Issei's perfectly justified and proportionate reaction. His little sister was so innocent and pure...

"You aren't married to Rias. You can't just do that sort of thing before you're even married."

"That little shit did a hell of a lot more with her," Riser said. "Aren't I being considerate by not just throwing her out?" Sirzechs felt his smile briefly flicker, and the young man straightened up in his seat, suddenly aware that he was speaking of one of the most wonderful, sweet, and beautiful young ladies that had ever been produced by Devilkind, and that his words had been completely out of turn. "What I mean is- that, perhaps my behavior with Rias was inconsiderate of her feelings, born of my deep attraction to her beauty and character overcoming my good sense-" Much better. "-but surely a human can't just be allowed to freely attack a member of one of the pillars!"

"Oh? Would you like to duel him?" Sirzechs asked, raising one eyebrow in challenge.

"Yeah! I'd kick his ass in a fair fight!"

"Really? If that's how you feel," Sirzechs said, straightening up, "then I would be perfectly happy to allow you to duel Issei for Rias's hand in marriage."

"Fwh- why would I have to duel him for that? He's human anyway, he can't be allowed to marry the heiress of one of the pillar families. We have to maintain ourselves as pure-blooded devils."

"Ah. You know, I've been spending some time studying humanity, since my little sister is so interested in their culture. I believe that the humans would respond to such a statement like this:" He placed twin fists into his armpits, and began to wave his arms like a bird's wings. "Bawk bawk bawk! Chicken! Bawk!"

Predictably, the boy couldn't resist a challenge made with such technique. Humanity was truly a race of poets.

* * *

Rias had called me up and said she was coming over, because we needed to talk. As we both sat down on the edge of my bed in my room, I was ready for her to tell me that she was leaving to Hell forever to be groped (and worse!) by that jackass Riser, and that this would be our last time speaking to one another...

"Riser wishes to duel you," she said.

"Huh? But I kicked his ass already?"

She laughed lightly at that, a smile appearing on her lips. "He says you only won because you had the element of surprise."

"I mean, he hit me with his fire thing multiple times... the element of surprise wasn't that important, was it?"

"Mm... Issei, you did have him tackled to the ground before he knew what was happening." She took a deep breath. "It's fine not to participate, Issei. From what I know, Riser would actually be glad if you backed down. It would let him save face without risking a fight."

"Oh. Well, why would I duel him, then?" I asked, a little confused. I don't care about his stupid face.

"Well... my brother... suggested the duel be for my hand in marriage."

"Wha-! Then obviously I'm not gonna back down! Wait, do you have to marry me if I win?" I asked. If I just made her marry me, then wouldn't I be no better than Riser? Okay, I'd be at least a bit better than Riser, but still!

"No. You wouldn't have to follow through on the marriage, and we could wait to get married if you want."

"Whew. I'm only sixteen, getting married that young's too young!" She smiled at that. "In that case, I won't back down! Rias, you're my girlfriend, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you!"

Her smile was warm, and she reached for my head, ruffling my hair. "You're my adorable Issei," she said, and I couldn't help but feel my heart soar, having such a simple compliment given to me by such a cute onee-sama! I should make Kiyome pat my head too! "Never change, okay?"


She giggled at that. "My adorable Issei." She leaned in to kiss me. "How can I reward you for saving me?"

"You don't have to reward-!" I started, then I realized my supernatural sex sense was triggering: she wanted to have sex! She was just talking about rewards as flirty dirty talk and not her actually thinking of sex as transactional.

Whew! I didn't want a girl to have sex with me just because I did something nice for her, I wanted her to have sex with me because she liked me and/or thought I was hot and/or because the sex was really good! Preferably all three!

"How about paizuri?"

She giggled. "You really like paizuri, huh?" She teased, even as she started to unbutton her top, revealing beautiful, luscious, pale milky titflesh, inch by inch, my mind and gaze utterly consumed by the beautiful things. "I think I like it too," she noted. I have no idea what expression was on her face as she spoke, because my eyes were totally drinking in that bare flesh there, the line of her cleavage one of the most enticing lines ever seen by man. She undid her bra, and out came her breasts! Bouncy, fully, enticing, I didn't even let her hop off the bed for the paizuri: instead, I just grabbed those big breasts of hers and mushed my face into them.

She let out a pleasant giggle at that, softly running her fingers through my hair as I kissed, sucked, and licked on her breasts. "Mm, that's true, they do need some lube," she said, in this playful tone of voice that pretended I wasn't doing this because her boobs were so nice. "Good boy," she breathed out, just closing her eyes and softly enjoying it, her expression one of gentle joy as I kept massaging and working over her tits. "Oh, Issei..." She hummed. "You know, if we do get married, that means we'd do this pretty much every day, right?"

My cock tried to break free of my pants at that idea! Every day, getting paizuri from Rias?! I mean, I was sixteen, but when I was older, then-! Wait a second! I pulled out of her breasts. "We can do this every day, even without getting married!" I told her, making her laugh pleasantly. "Now let's do the paizuri proper," I declared.

"Alright, Issei," she agreed, getting down on her knees in front of me, unzipping and unbuttoning my pants, letting my cock burst free as she tugged them down. For a moment, she simply drank in the sheer size of my length with her eyes, and she leaned forward to lick my cock. Her tongue ran across it in hungry movements, and she stared up at me with her beautiful blue eyes as she did. She tried to coat every last inch in spit, her eyelashes softly fluttering as she went this way and that, kissing and sucking and attending to every last inch of my cock - and when she finally felt she'd done enough, slathering up my whole cock with her saliva, she leaned up for the paizuri.

I groaned as those soft breasts of hers wrapped around my cock, and she started to bob on my dick, panting softly already. Her breasts rose and fell as she just massaged my cock in her big beautiful tits, and I could see her perky pink nipples. She looked up at me as she leaned forward, wrapping her lips around the very tip of my cock as she continued to rub her breasts all over, shifting to a "both breasts working in opposite directions" movement, one breast rubbing up my length as the other ran down.

"Your boobs feel super great, Rias," I told her, and she hummed pleasantly around the very tip of my cock, her tongue dancing out to run along the underside of my cock. "Oh, Rias," I grunted, reaching down for her breasts and teasing her nipples, "your breasts feel so nice!" I made her come at that point, enjoying as she moaned around my cockhead. The vibrations sent sweet, gentle waves of pleasure up through my cock, as she quietly jittered in place around my cock.

Her breast massage just became a tightening of her breasts around my cock, the soft flesh just squeezing around my dick, distorting and running along my whole length as spit smeared around. Her eyes unfocused as she moaned around my cockhead, one long orgasm running through her body - and once she was done coming, she popped off my cock. "Ahh, Issei, that feels nice... but this is supposed to be your reward, you know?"

Her voice was teasing and light as she pumped her breasts up and down my cock, but somehow I came up with a great line instantly! "I love making you happy and seeing you come, Rias, so this is my reward!" She immediately flushed in response, a cute little smile on her lips. Maybe one of my other girlfriends was more experienced than I thought, and I was thus getting really good at lines like that?!

"Ah, Issei," she said, leaning forward to slurp on the tip of my cock, noisily suctioning her cheeks around my cockhead, her tongue dancing across my slit. Her breasts started to get really emphatic as they bounced on my cock, rubbing up and down my whole length, the soft pillowy things pretty much jerking me off. Occasionally, she'd need to stop sucking to breathe, which she always did through her mouth, the soft rush of air enticing me still further.

I reached down to play with her nipples some more as she bounced, and she let out hot little breaths around my cock in response. She didn't even slow her titfuck, though, because my hands followed her breasts exactly in their up-and-down motion, the two of us perfectly in sync. Her pace on my cock only quickened, her arousal seeming to climb with anticipation - and then I made her come again.

I groaned as once more she moaned around my cock, her breasts squeezing taut around my cock. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly as she tried her best to keep slurping and tonguing my cock through her orgasm. Her cheeks flushed, the glow running down to the tops of her milky white breasts, turning them pink with exertion and arousal, and I just groaned in still further pleasure, my fingers tightening up on her tits.

When her orgasm finished, I got the feeling that she was starting to feel a little uncomfortable in that position: she was doing most of the work, plus she was on her knees on the ground! So I just pulled out of her tits and mouth. She let out a cute noise of unhappiness at that, but I just hefted her up onto the bed, laying her out... and getting back in between those big tits of hers! "Don't worry, Rias, you were doing great! I was just worried about your knees and stuff," I said.

I started to piston my hips back and forth in between her spit-lubed breasts, my cock bursting free of the soft warm confines of her tits on every thrust. She squeezed tight around my cock, leaning forward to slurp on my cockhead each time I burst free from her breasts. Now that I was on top, the pace of the titfuck accelerated a lot, my hips just banging against her tits, my balls smacking against her underboob. She didn't mind at all, even noisily and purposefully slurping on my tip each time I rammed my way to the base inside her breasts again.

I lost myself in the pillowy delight of those big, huge tits, and Rias definitely enjoyed herself too. Even when I wasn't making her come, she was still humming and moaning softly, her cheeks flush with arousal, her tongue dancing excitedly along my cock each time it popped into her mouth. She did her best to add her own note to the furious pace of the titfuck, squeezing tighter and then loosening up, shifting her breasts up and down this way or that. Each time I made her come, she'd just squeeze down on my cock, clamping up with her breasts.

I was the one doing most of the dirty talk at that point, since I kept pumping past Rias's pretty lips on each thrust. "Ahhh, Rias, if we get married, you'll definitely have to give me a paizuri every day, okay?" She hummed and nodded in response, clearly quite delighted by the thought herself. "In fact, you should do that anyway!" She let out a little giggle around my cockhead at that, stimulating me still further, but nodding along. "I love paizuri and want lots of it, Rias! Your breasts are so nice, and-!" I cut myself off and finally came in her mouth, groaning as I just sprayed hot cum all over her mouth and tongue and palate, filling her up.

She let me, eagerly sucking on my cockhead, trying to work out every last dollop of cum. When I was spent, she swilled it for a few seconds, tongue rolling around inside her mouth, then gulped it down. "Your cum is really tasty, Issei," Rias said with a smile. My cock twitched, and she absently batted at it with her breasts, squishing one way or another. "Can you give me another load?"

"I can!" I said excitedly, immediately starting to pump away all over again. If she was asking, I was definitely going to give it to her!

* * *

An hour and many orgasms on both our parts later, I laid down in bed, cuddling up with Rias. We'd both gotten completely naked during the sex, so that we wouldn't completely soak our clothes, and also so Rias could stroke my chest and enjoy looking at my naked body.

"Rias, I think I have a new wish," I said at last, a plan having formed in my mind during the sex itself.

"Oh? Do you want more paizuri?"

"Always," I said, making her giggle. "But I want you to move my magic power around a little... I have an idea. How long until the duel?"

"There's no schedule yet, why?"

"Can it wait at least a week?"

"Sure," Rias agreed immediately.

* * *

Rias had brought me to this weird otherworldly colosseum kind of place with her teleporting magic circles. (I needed to learn how to make those - since I was banging Rias, it would be easy!)

There were a whole bunch of devils here, ready to watch the fight. They chattered among themselves, and from what I caught, they all thought I was gonna lose.

I'd show them! I'd beaten up Riser once before! My fury at his despicable behavior, and my burning lust and love for Rias, had only grown since! I'd beat him down like the dog he was!

My arm was encased with my Sacred Gear, which was ready and waiting to Boost me so I could kick his ass. Apparently it burned some of my stamina to do that, so I shouldn't use it all the time, but once we were about to fight, I was absolutely going to do it.

"Dog," Riser spat. "Don't be surprised if I kill you. I'll try to hold back so you can go home with your tail tucked between your legs, but flame isn't inclined to nonlethal applications."

"Don't be surprised if I whoop your ass, again," I responded. "Boost!" My power boosted, and I could feel every muscle in my body ready and waiting for the moment we'd fight. "This time, I'm gonna kick you in the dick." It was the worst thing I could think of! Well, I could think of worse, but it was the first worst thing I could think of.

It worked, though, because Riser just snarled.

"No striking until the duel has begun, Riser," Sirzechs said calmly. Unfortunately, Riser did not start in fisticuffs range.

That would be his one - and only - advantage.

"The duel will begin on three. One. Two. Three!" Sirzechs called out.

I rushed forward for Riser, and he just leapt into the air, wings sprouting from his back. I jumped after him, arms outstretched to grab his legs - but he managed to just barely dodge me, letting me hit the ground. He laughed. "Fool. I guess you had no plan for what you'd do if your opponent - who has wings, of course - takes to the air?" Did he really not realize this was classic villain talk that the bad guy makes right before the hero does something to totally mess him up?

He shot some fire at me, but it was pretty easy to dodge, because he was really keeping his distance up there. "Wow, you're really bad at aiming, Riser," I said, and he growled in irritation at that, just firing more blasts at me - but of course, it didn't work to accomplish anything! I could dodge two giant bright fire bolts just as easily as one! "Heh. I guess you plan to just hide up there, like a big old chicken."

I was just egging him on, trying to make him lose his cool. Since I'd already beat the shit out of him once, and was now making fun of him in front of all his family and friends, he was definitely losing his cool, shooting more and more bolts of fire at me, faster yet not more accurately. I had a lot of stamina right now, but eventually he paused, realizing what I was doing. "You're just trying to tire me out," he said. "But you can't reach me up here, and using Twice Critical is draining your stamina too. I suppose it's not very heroic, but-"

I didn't pay much attention to his jibbering. He wasn't talking to me, he was trying to win the crowd over to his tactic. Unfortunately for him, he'd played right into my hands, and his eyes had left me.

I had more than just Rias as my girlfriend! I had skills I could learn from the rest! I had, in fact, been ready for him to be able to fly around!

That was why I had used Rias's magic to make a hang glider transform into a necklace, and then would turn back when I willed it to! Instantly, I had a hang glider on, earning noises of shock from the crowd. Riser paid attention to me, but I was already leaping into the air, a flying missile aimed directly at him. Thank you, Asuka, for giving me flying lessons! I'm sorry I'm not good enough yet to fuck you in the air!

With the hang glider to let me adjust my path mid-flight, his attempt to dodge to one side failed, and I grabbed onto his ankle, tightening my grip as hard as I possibly could. He let out a brief noise of pain - then blasted me with fire.

The hang glider couldn't handle it, leaving me dangling from his leg, but I just grabbed onto his leg with my other hand. "You may have my foot, but-argh," he grunted, as I just punched him right in the knee. "Hell Fire!" He roared, sending the flames washing over me, and I could feel the defensive magic hold. I clambered up his leg, my fingers tightening with each step, and I wanted to crush his leg in my fingers even more than I had ever wanted to crush anything before!

"Boost!" Came the sound of my Sacred Gear.

Huh? I could do that?

"Huh? You can do that?" Riser said - but I didn't answer. I'd gotten up to his thigh.

I punched him as hard as I possibly could in the dick with my gauntleted hand.

He let out a pitiful noise and the pair of us immediately began to descend to the ground in a spiralling corkscrew downward as he lost all control over his body.

Suffice it to say, I proceeded to pummel him into the ground, and it went even worse for him than last time. After all, I had two doublings! That's a quadrupling! Plus I'd learned grabbing his head in one hand and punching him with the gauntleted hand worked better than just regular pummeling.

He passed out in like, twenty seconds, tops, at which point the crowd just gasped in shock, and Sirzechs declared me the victor.