Sapphire's expression cracked upon hearing Abrielle's taunting words. How dare she? In Sapphire's eyes, Abrielle didn't hold a candle to her. What was so great about the Temple's support?
Her hand clutched her dress while her expression remained neutral. She was trying her best to maintain a serene expression, showing she wasn't affected by Abrielle.
A smile crawled up her stiff face, "You are overconfident. What makes you sure I won't get you thrown out once I become his wife and show him my worth? Don't underestimate my charms." Sapphire jabbed at Abrielle, expecting an adverse reaction, but to her shock, Abrielle didn't even react, still maintaining her serene smile.
Hearing how confident Sapphire was, a little hope bloomed in her heart that maybe if Cedric was occupied with Sapphire's advances, it might create a chance for her to slowly disappear. She was more than certain nothing would make Cedric spare Sapphire a glance.