Those we are killing

Atrox returned to the Forsaken Tribes after his visit to the two enemy and an ally.

Takoda met him in his room, the big man almost filling up the space as he asked him how it went. Atrox explained what happened to him and then gave instructions on what they should do next.

Atrox told Takada to instruct Pomora to join them so they could all talk about the next steps of their plan and how they're going to move.

He also found out that Tiber and Slya weren't back but he wasn't surprised. He expected them to return, but he knew Steelclaw would drag his feet. The only thing that mattered was that they should return before it's too late.

He spent the rest of the day in meditation and then he went out with some Knights to hunt monsters in ruins so he could fill his core up faster.