Deals and counter Deals

"So, you are the one they call the Commander," Dienro, the Flagbearer of the CrimsonHood, said.

He had a warm smile on his face, but his black, beady eyes were like cold pebbles.

Atrox gave him a smile of his own. "I am the Commander—Atrox Soryu. Nice to finally meet you, Dienro."

He maintained his smile as he gestured to one of the chairs arranged close to his throne-like seat. "Why don't you have a seat, Commander?"

Atrox walked closer to one of the chairs and used his essence senses to sweep it before he sat. "You sound as if you don't like the title."

Dienro shook his head. "Maybe it's pity. The last person to call himself by that title did not last long."

"And you hold pity for me? Now, that's strange coming from someone who tried and failed to kill me."