When Master Fights

Since the two heads had now grown resistant to her spell, they grew fast—but not fast enough to dodge the water beads that flew through the air, each glowing with a faint light.

Dienro could only watch in mild horror as the attack crossed the distance between them in a blink, not slowed down in the slightest by the spell.

The middle head closed all its eyes, and the air thickened around Dienro, enveloping him in a cocoon of force. The water beads slammed into him with bone-jarring force, and he grunted.

Most of the water beads were stopped by the cocoon of force, but some broke through, and his stomach bloomed with blood. As for the remaining head, it had been torn through completely—but it was already growing back.

Without wasting time, Pomora launched her next attack. The newly grown heads fixed their eyes on her.