Shadow that suck

The stone spikes rammed into the curtains and pierced through, but nothing touched Sevrix. The man was using the darkness created by the curtain to jump from one place to another, performing shadow steps at an extremely fast pace.

Takoda watched him for a while, then calmly finished the chant he was reciting. The ground shook, and any stone or rock he wasn't standing on floated up and began to blend together, merging to form a pillar that shrunk to the size of a staff.

He ignored Sevrix's rapid movements and gripped the staff. With his hand tightly clamped around it and his muscles twitching slightly, he heaved the pillar up and then swung.

As the staff came down, its upper side lengthened and grew gigantic, as if it were a pillar holding up the mountains. The place where Sevrix had been jumping, along with all his dark curtains, was wiped away as the pillar passed through.
