The Dinner

Finally, peace. I was alone again and could sleep, that time, peacefully, without any other problems.

...The sound of the wind, trees, and birds filled the air...

- "This peace... It's something I wouldn't trade for anything in this universe" I thought as I felt the comfort slowly cradle me.

Until suddenly:

- "Kyrion... I forgot to tell you that you have to attend the dinner. If you don't go, I will report you to the teachers, along with the place where you're sleeping."

Aurëalis had returned, appearing from the woods to give me that message, while seeming to enjoy my reaction.

- "Sigh... Calm down, Kyrion, no need to stress out..." I murmured, now awake again, completely shaken from sleep.

- "O-ok, Miss Aurëalis, thank you for being so concerned about me, even though we just met today. I won't disappoint you and will be at the dinner, right?" I replied with a forced smile, hoping she would leave soon.

- "Concerned about you? I'm not worried! I-I'm just passing on the teacher's message!" she said, blushing.

She hesitated a bit before adding:

- "W-well, see you there then, Kyrion."

This time, she finally walked away.

- "SIGH... Just what I needed..."

I sighed, knowing that if I wasn't there that night, I would lose my peace for good.

This is what I meant when I said I DIDN'T WANT PROBLEMS. But it seemed the universe had other plans for me.

Time passed, and it was getting close to dinner time. Knowing I had to leave soon, even though I didn't want it, I decided to use that interval to check out my room, which I would share with someone from another specie. So I got up with great effort and headed to the male dormitories.

First, I stopped in front of a chart on a board, where the names and room numbers were listed. I located my name and the corresponding room number and headed there, exhausted.

- "Damn... Why did they have to make so many stairs? Couldn't they have a portal for this? Argh..." I grumbled as I climbed.

When I reached my floor, I read the number on the door: 888. That was my room.

- "How many rooms are there in this place?" I murmured, incredulous.

As I approached, I noticed the light was on, so I decided to knock on the door.


- "Is anyone there?" I asked, struggling not to fall to the floor and sleep right there.

The door opened, revealing a boy on the other side.

- "Yes, may I help you?"

- "Humm... Is this Kyrion and… Karix's room?"

- "Exactly. Do you need something from either of them?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

- "No, actually, I'm Kyrion. I came to see where our room was and meet my roommate."

He smiled upon hearing that.

- "Aaah, so you're Kyrion, huh? Nice to meet you, friend, my name is Karix, as you must have seen on the chart."

He extended his hand, and I reciprocated the handshake.

- "Come on in. Dinner is in a bit, and we need to hurry."

He closed the door behind me as I walked in.

Upon entering, I was hit by a wave of relief, as our accommodation was divided into two individual rooms, each with its own door, and that was perfect! I wouldn't have to worry about what happened outside my room once I closed the door.

The rooms were small but comfortable. To access them, we passed through a small living room with a counter that opened to a simple kitchen. The place was surprisingly well-organized.

- "Not bad..." I murmured, feeling a bit more cheerful knowing I could preserve some of my privacy.

- "Ha, look at that, separate rooms, huh? This is great," I thought, relieved.

- "Look, I took the room on the right, so the left one is yours," said Karix.

- "Okay, understood. I'll take a look at mine then," I replied.

...Sound of the door opening...

- "Huh... It even has furniture? Wardrobe, mirror, bathroom... And we have individual bathrooms too, huh? Impressive."

I examined the room carefully. It wasn't luxurious, but it had everything I needed.

- "And the bed... Well, it's not the softest mattress in the world, but it should do for a good night's sleep," I commented, as I sat to test it.

However, as I settled in, I almost fell asleep again.

- "Zzzz... n-no, I can't fall asleep now. Argh! Remember what that princess said... If she reveals my hiding spot, I won't be able to escape the classes..." I grumbled, forcing myself to stand up.

I took a deep breath to motivate myself.

- "Okay, let's take a shower, put on something decent, and get to this dinner. The faster it ends, the sooner I can come back to sleep."

Following this plan, I headed straight to the bathroom, took a cold shower to shake off the sleepiness — even though I doubted it would work — and put on a formal outfit that was already in the wardrobe, along with uniforms and other necessary clothes.

As I left the room, I found Karix sitting on the small living room sofa.

- "Ready already, huh? Shall we go, friend?" he said in a friendly tone.

- "Sigh... Alright, let's go." I replied with a sigh.

As we walked, he handed me a key.

- "Oh, Kyrion, I almost forgot to give you this."

- "Huh... So this is the key? I was wondering where it was." I said, as I observed the object in my hand.

- "Yes, during the distribution, you were nowhere to be found, so one of the staff gave it to me and asked me to pass it on when I found you."

- "I see. Thank you very much." I replied, putting the key in my pocket.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at the grand hall where dinner would be served. The place was already filled with people conversing animatedly. Karix and I began to look for our seats, as the tables were organized by name.

...The sound of the large door opening and the murmur of conversations echoed through the hall...

- "Sigh... Here we go, huh?" I murmured, tired.

- "Kyrion! Here, I found our seats!" Karix shouted, waving at me.

- "Okay, I'm coming."

I walked to the table and sat next to him.

- "Sigh... Just finding this table was an enormous effort. Why do people like to complicate everything?"

- "HAHAHA! I wonder that too." said Karix, laughing.

After a brief pause, he looked at me with curiosity.

- "Changing the subject... Kyrion, you're a Void Dragon, right?"

- "Hm? Yes, I am. Why?" I asked, giving him a quick glance.

- "Man, that's incredible! I never imagined I'd be roommates with the rarest species that exists."

Void Dragons, due to their reduced numbers, were considered the rarest among the five most powerful divine beings.

- "Really? I don't think it's that impressive. In the end, I'm a divine being like any other." I replied, looking at my glass already placed on the table.

- "What? That's something impressive! You guys aren't just any divine beings; you protect the universe by preventing the collapse of black holes. That's something no one, not even the most powerful, can even imagine doing. Your power is unique, Kyrion... It's simply incredible!" said Karix, with eyes shining with admiration.

- "Ha... ha... Y-you're right, it is incredible." I replied with an embarrassed smile, trying to end the conversation. I couldn't stand being put on a pedestal.

Desperate to change the focus, I asked:

- "B-but, what about you? What's your species?"

- "My species? I'm an Pride Eagle. Unfortunately, we're not in the top 5 of the greatest species, at least not yet..." he said, straightening his posture, with a proud smile that matched his race's name.

And, as expected, Karix began to brag about his characteristics and abilities, talking about the exceptional strength, speed, and intelligence of his species.

- "...Furthermore, our species is also world-renowned for our stunning beauty."

As he continued his monologue, I was already on the verge of falling asleep.

- "Zzz... z... zzz..." I tried to stay attentive, but his words were like a lullaby.

Suddenly, the sound of a spoon tapping against a glass echoed through the hall. The noise cut through the conversations, and everyone fell silent.

Lycandor stood up, his presence imposing immediate respect. He began to speak with a deep and magnetic voice:

- "Dear students, today we mark the beginning of a new era. An era in which divine races, once separated by conflicts and rivalries, come together under this roof in search of harmony, learning, and growth. This school was founded with a unique purpose: to promote understanding among our peoples and prepare you, the next generation of leaders, to shape a better future."

He paused, his eyes scanning the hall, assessing the curious, tense, or indifferent expressions of the students.

- "I know that many of you carry the marks of past wars. The weight of traditions and histories that taught us to distrust one another. But here, I invite you — no, I challenge you — to see beyond that. In this school, you are not just Light Dragons, Void Dragons, Moon Wolves, Lust Foxes, or any other of the various species that reside here. You are students, companions on a journey, exploring together the vast potential you possess." He smiled slightly, contrasting with his stern demeanor.

- "Harmony is not achieved without effort. Throughout the time you spend here, you will face challenges that will test not only your abilities but also your values and character. There will be differences, conflicts, perhaps even rivalries. But remember: true power does not lie in crushing your adversaries, but in finding ways to coexist, respect, and grow together."

Raising his crystal glass, he concluded with an almost mystical intensity:

- "So, to all of you — young gods and goddesses who carry the weight of your races, but also the promise of a new dawn — I say: let this dinner be the first of many moments of fellowship and celebration. May your journeys here be filled with learning, and may this place be a space where we can all discover what it truly means to be divine."

He raised the glass once more, with the candlelight reflecting off its crystal.

- "To the future! And to the peace we will build together."

The hall erupted in animated murmurs as he sat down, and the dinner began.

- "Wow... The director really knows how to give speeches, don't you think, Kyrion?" asked Karix, while reaching for a piece of divine chicken.

- "Yawn... Whatever... I don't care about anything he said in that speech. Honestly, I wonder why he needs to give two almost identical speeches, at the opening and now." I replied, taking a sip of primordial grape juice and trying not to fall asleep.

- "Hahaha... You're right, they were quite similar. But tell me... You seem to dislike the school or the people here, by the way you talk. Is there nothing that interests you?" he asked, chewing his chicken.

- "Sigh... It's not that I'm uninterested, but all of this is illusory. Those expectations from the speeches? He knows as well as I do that they are impossible to achieve. The differences between the races are rooted in their cultures, and the culture of a people doesn't change, it doesn't adapt so easily. As for my 'disgust' for people? It's not hate, but laziness. Understanding each of them is an enormous effort that brings me nothing but headaches... or a dagger in the back." I closed my eyes, resting my head in my hands.

Karix was silent for a moment, pondering my words. Then, with a mischievous smile, he said:

- "Hmmm... I see. But still, are you sure nothing catches your attention? Not even the females? Maybe someone like... Aurëalis?"

He discreetly pointed to Aurëalis, sitting at a nearby table. She wore an outfit that highlighted her almost ethereal beauty. Surrounded by friends and other males vying for her attention, she seemed immensely entertained, though I couldn't tell if it was genuine or an act.

I swallowed hard upon seeing her.

- "Aurëalis?" I murmured, remembering everything I had gone through because of her in the forest.

She seemed to notice Karix's gaze and mine, turning in our direction, noticing my discomfort. Then, a slight blush colored her cheeks, but she quickly looked away with an enigmatic smile, returning to her conversation with friends.

- "Just thinking about it gives me immense mental fatigue..." I murmured, clearly rejecting any idea of involvement with her.

Karix laughed loudly, clearly amused by the situation.

- "Ha… you're the first to give me that response when we talk about Aurëalis. You know, she's quite popular..." Karix said, raising an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my lack of interest.

- "I know... And that's exactly why I think getting involved with her would be a headache," I responded, keeping my eyes closed, while fiddling distractedly with the edge of the glass.

- "HAHAHA! Thinking of it that way, you're right... The competition for her must be fierce." He laughed, somewhat loudly, attracting glances from some nearby tables. He then took a generous sip of the divine juice in his glass.

Karix then pointed discreetly with his chin to the table where Aurëalis was.

- "Take a look at how many males are around her."

I followed his gaze. The table where Aurëalis was sitting was like the center of its own small universe. There were indeed many males and females around her, forming an almost reverent circle. With every smile or movement she made, it was as if there was a coordinated dance of laughs and exaggerated reactions. But honestly, none of that mattered to me. I didn't feel anything concrete for Aurëalis, and all that commotion around her seemed... unnecessary.

Among those present, figures that any student at the school would recognize at first sight stood out. There was Caelus Moonfang, a Moon Wolf whose strength and dexterity were almost legendary; Vaelrik Emberthorn, a Celestial Harpy known for his intelligence and combat cunning; and Draxion Bloodhollow, an Ice Phoenix whose cold and calculating demeanor did justice to his title.

- "...Indeed, I see many people there... Even the strongest in the school, right?" I commented, recalling photos of some of them hanging on the champions' mural in the academy corridor.

- "Exactly! Hahaha... Poor fool who tries to get in the middle of that fight." Karix shook his head, as if lamenting in advance for any idiot who tried to compete for Aurëalis.

Karix changed his tone, with a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes.

- "Alright, but since she's out of reach for us, buddy... How about considering other options? Like Lunira. Man, that Moon Wolf is amazing..." He said with a grin from ear to ear, clearly daydreaming.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply.

- "Ha... I don't want to think about that for now. Honestly, it's too much of a headache. Maybe in a few millennia..." I replied, finishing the last of my juice.

I slowly got up from the chair, my body screaming for rest.

- "... Sigh... I'm heading out. I don't have the patience to deal with a crowd right now, and honestly, I'm exhausted. I'll go first, alright?"

Karix looked at me, somewhat surprised, but soon shrugged.

- "Alright. Since today is an introductory dinner, I'll be a bit late to return. So, go without worries, buddy."

He stood up too, but instead of following me, he turned towards another group calling him enthusiastically.

- "See you later, brother." He waved with one hand, already walking towards the others.

- "See you later..." I replied as I left the hall, with the noise of conversation and laughter fading behind me.

Back at the dormitory, I opened the door with a relief that almost felt tangible. I locked it carefully, walked to my room, and threw myself onto the bed as if the weight of the world had vanished. The soft sheets and the sensation of being alone created a moment of true peace.

- "If there's anything like paradise, as the lower-dimension creatures believe, this is the real paradise," I thought, feeling each muscle relax.

But this peace was interrupted a few minutes later, as desperate knocks on the dormitory door yanked me from what should have been the start of a good night's sleep. The sound echoed down the corridor, and my tranquility disappeared like a mirage.