In a world where divine races compete for power and influence, the Void Dragons are despised, considered a mistake amidst divine perfection. In an effort to cease the eternal wars, a special school was created to unite the most powerful races of the cosmos, requiring all students to assume more basic forms, such as human forms, as a proof of humility.
Among them is the protagonist, a Void Dragon with unknown powers who prefers laziness to greatness. On the very first day, he ignores the rules and, in his true dragon form, sleeps peacefully on a rock in the forest near the school. There, he is discovered by a girl belonging to the Light Dragons, the most revered race for bringing light to the universe.
The improbable encounter between the Void Dragon and the emissary of light will mark the beginning of a journey filled with mysteries and adventures, forging unlikely alliances and revealing that, even among gods, the void can be more than just darkness.
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