Damn, trouble has arrived

That night, I returned to my dorm after leaving Aurëalis in her room. As impossible as it seemed, I had actually managed to get her there without anyone discovering me. Well, no one except the director. At that moment, when he looked at me as if he knew I was there, I could clearly feel that his gaze didn't represent a threat to me. On the contrary, there was a mix of relief and, perhaps, gratitude for some reason, and that probably meant I wouldn't face any serious problems because of this, which, for me, was already the greatest outcome of that night.

- "Sigh… what a crazy night… Ugh... what was I thinking when I decided to bring her to her room? She knows how to walk and fly…" I muttered as I walked through the male zone dormitories, already in my human form.

- "Well… at least, I think she can fly. After all, I've never seen her true form…" I thought.

- "Sigh… whatever. What's done is done. At least no one caught me in the middle of all this…" I said, as I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm down.

- "Ugh… no one except the director. I'm sure he saw me."

- "How did he manage that? I had my skill active at the time; no one should've been able to see me…" I asked myself, puzzled.

- "Sigh… maybe my energy was running out, and the skill lost its strength. In that case, for someone as powerful as the director, it would've been possible to sense my presence, even if just slightly…" I concluded

- "Sigh… honestly, thinking about this only makes me more tired." I yawned, already near the dorm.

- "Well, but as I said, what's done is done. From now on, only fate knows what will happen…" I said, as I took the key from my pocket and unlocked the door.

- "And I hope the future doesn't bring me headaches… sigh." I thought, closing the door behind me.

With a sigh, I walked to my room.

- "Hmm… it seems Karix is still in the infirmary… Ha, he got hurt badly, huh? — I thought as I noticed his absence.

- "Well, I'm sure he'll be fine soon." I reflected while entering the room and locking the door.

- "Sigh… now it's just taking a bath and sleeping. FINALLY!" I exclaimmed, excited, while stretching.

Finally, from that moment on, I could sleep peacefully, even though so many things had happened. However, this peace lasted only until the next morning when that cursed alarm clock went off again.

...Sound of alarm ringing intensely...

- "Ugh… noooooo… " I thought, burying my face in the pillow to muffle the sound.

- "Sigh… this won't stop if I keep lying here, huh?" I said, defeated, as I got up and quickly started getting ready to leave.

Thus, a new day begun, like nothing had happened the night before. After getting ready, I left the dorm and headed to the main corridor, which, as always, was crowded with people everywhere. Unlike the previous day, when conversations revolved around mundane topics, that day, a rumor was circulating about the disappearance of Princess Aurëalis the night before.

To me, it didn't matter. Honestly, I couldn't care less about what they thought or didn't think. I just wanted to get to class quickly so I could sleep, and this thought stayed with me until I overheard a group of Light Dragons discussing the case of Aurëalis's disappearance the previous night.

- "Sigh… people already know what happened, huh?" I thought as I tried to push through the crowd.

- "But honestly? I couldn't care less. What I care about is my sleep… DAMN IT, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" I thought while, with great effort, making my way through the corridors.

- "Sigh… looks like today we have a class on "The culture of the main peoples of the lower dimensions and how to profit from it"… What a long name for a subject. I said, exhausted.

Then a voice caught my attention.

- "Lyrielle… but are you sure about this?" one of the Light Dragon girls in the group asked.

- "Yes, Sophie, I'm sure…" Lyrielle replied.

- "But… this has never happened before…" said another girl, visibly confused.

- "I know, but it is what it is… and we can't question His Majesty's will. After all, if it were your daughter, wouldn't you do the same?" Lyrielle said.

- "Yes… thinking about it that way, it's true…" replied the other girl.

- "Sigh… look, I understand it's not ideal to start tensions with other species because of what happened to Aurëalis, but this is important. After all, we all could be in danger here. Thank heavens nothing happened to her, but imagine if it had? That could mean we might be next on the list of whoever did this. And besides, another war could break out." Lyrielle spoke seriously.

- "So, let's just wait and see what happens next, right?" she concluded.

While I listened to the conversation from afar, I realized they were talking about the king of the Light Dragons and his potential reaction to last night's incident. Since I was the main person involved, I felt compelled to find out more, even against my will. So, I waited for the group to disperse and approached Lyrielle to try to understand what was going on.

...After some minutes...

- "H-Hey, Lyrielle…" I greeted with a forced smile as I walked closer.

- "K-Kyrion? H-Hello… How are you?" she asked, visibly embarrassed, very likely because what had happened the last time we met.

- "I'm… sleepy…" I replied bluntly.

- "Haha… Why doesn't that surprise me?" she joked, trying to ease the tension.

- "Well, still, let me apologize for what happened last time. I didn't believe you and almost did something terrible…" Lyrielle said, bowing deeply in a gesture of regret.

- "Sigh… It's fine. In the end, nothing happened to me…" I replied, struggling to keep my eyes open.

- "But, Lyrielle, that's not what I came to talk about. It's about what I overheard you discussing earlier. What's going on?" I asked, trying to hide my anxiety.

- "Is Aurëalis okay? I heard about what happened to her yesterday…" I added.

- "Sigh… You haven't heard yet, have you?" Lyrielle murmured, looking tired.

- "Well, yes, Aurëalis is fine. Actually, very fine. This morning, when she woke up, we tried to ask what had happened, but she said it was nothing. She claimed she fell asleep near a tree and, upon realizing it was getting dark, rushed back to the school. However, since she was still groggy, she wandered through the hallways until she reached her room. There, she knocked on the door, but before anyone could open it, she fell asleep again, leaning against the wall.."

- "Really? Well, I guess it's good nothing happened, then…" I said, relieved that Aurëalis hadn't told the truth, but completely frustrated with such a poorly constructed lie from her.

- "Sigh… Yes, of course, it's good. But that was before one of the maids alerted King Keltherion about the incident."

- "G-Gulp… A-And what did he do after that?" I asked, swallowing hard as I realized the magnitude of the problem brewing.

- "Well, and that's exactly what we were discussing…" she began.

- "Unlike what many expected, His Majesty Keltherion didn't let it slide. He became extremely angry. They say that, in a private audience with the principal, he shouted and said that such a prestigious school should have a better internal defense structure to protect its students."

- "But he didn't stop there. This morning, some Light Dragons representing the kingdom here at the school received an official letter stating that, even though nothing serious had happened, the king could not allow the school to continue with such mediocre security — especially with important individuals like his daughter studying here."

- "He declared that he would send a significant contingent of Light Soldiers to protect the students and, primarily, his daughter, though he didn't explicitly say that. Additionally, he mentioned forming an investigative team to look into the incident and find those responsible, even after the principal insisted it was unnecessary since Aurëalis said nothing had happened."

When Lyrielle finished speaking, I realized my situation was far worse than I'd imagined. The bomb I thought I had defused was about to explode — directly in my hands.