Is That Serious? (Part 2)

— We have… a lot to discuss about other things that... happened ? — I repeated, intrigued, narrowing my eyes.

Lycandor slowly rose from his chair and crossed his arms, with his expression growing more serious.

— Yes, Kyrion. You've gotten yourself into some… complicated trouble. — He stated, with his voice sounding far more severe than usual.

My body tensed at his words.

Sigh… The truth is, as you might have already guessed, Keltherion, Aurëalis' father, found out who was responsible for his daughter's brief disappearance at the school. In other words… he already knows it was you. — Lycandor continued.

— Damn it… Sigh… Yeah, I already figured that. — I responded, feeling even more drained just by remembering that fact.

Lycandor nodded slightly.

— Yes, I expected you to say that. After all, you were fighting one of Lumina's spies just a few hours ago. — He added, his sharp gaze fixed on me.

Aertharion, who had been silent until then, let out a small amused breath, as if none of this came as a surprise to him.

— So, he was one of the spies, huh? — He murmured, showing no hint of emotion.

Lycandor simply confirmed with a nod.

— Yes.

Sigh… The truth is, they infiltrated the school a few days ago, most likely using advanced concealment magic. Even I barely sensed their presence… which, I must admit, is quite concerning.

Lycandor pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh of exhaustion. It was clear that this entire situation was weighing on even someone like him.

That was when Aertharion voiced the exact question I had been about to ask myself:

— If you knew there were spies here, why didn't you warn Kyrion earlier?

Lycandor hesitated for a moment before answering.

— I did consider telling him, yes. However, after conducting my own investigation, I concluded that they did not pose an immediate threat and that, therefore, there was no need for unnecessary alarm at that time. Besides, if anything went wrong, I would intervene myself before the situation could escalate. — He began, his tone calm and controlled.

Then, his gaze shifted slightly, his expression growing even more severe.

— Another factor was Keltherion himself. If he found out that I was personally monitoring and protecting the students — especially you, Kyrion — he would quickly put the pieces together, realizing that I already knew about his spies. And, sooner or later, he would also discover that you were involved with his daughter's disappearance. That… well, that would push him to use every possible resource at his disposal to hunt you down personally. On top of that, he would seize the opportunity to discredit Aeternal in the process. As the director, and as someone who must remain impartial, I could not allow that to happen. — Lycandor concluded.

Aertharion remained thoughtful for a moment. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he finally responded:

Sigh… I see. — He muttered, relaxing his shoulders slightly.

— Considering your position and the fact that you didn't even have to be helping us in the first place, I can understand your reasoning.

He then lifted his gaze toward Lycandor.

— Please, continue. — He requested.

Lycandor nodded and resumed his explanation.

— Very well. Now, where was I? Ah, yes.

His sharp gaze landed on me again.

— Kyrion, as I was saying, you've gotten yourself into serious trouble. And, indirectly, you've dragged Aertharion and even me into this mess. — He stated bluntly.

I simply let out a weary sigh, trying to process everything.

— Because of that, Aertharion and I spent some time earlier today discussing how we could ensure your safety against Keltherion's inevitable retaliation — without making things even worse. After considering our options, we came up with three possible solutions for you. These are the only choices available.

His words immediately captured my full attention.

— The first option, and the least likely, would be to allow you to continue attending Aeternal as usual, completely ignoring Keltherion's threats and hoping things would settle on their own.

— However, Aertharion has already dismissed this option. — Lycandor continued without pause.

— What?… Tsk… What do you mean Aertharion dismissed one of my options? — I thought, feeling a slight annoyance creeping up.

— And if this choice was already discarded, why even tell me about it? — I sighed internally, the situation becoming more tiring by the second.

That was when a voice suddenly echoed inside my head.

— Well, we have to tell you everything because we don't want to hide anything from you, Kyrion. — Aertharion's voice resonated directly in my thoughts, startling me.

AAAGH… AERTHARION?! — I thought, utterly shocked.

Tsk… I forgot that royalty can hear and respond to thoughts… agh… — I grumbled mentally.

— Pay attention to what Lycandor is saying, you blockhead. — Aertharion interjected, his tone heavy with exasperation.

— Okay, okay… — I sighed in thought.

I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to Lycandor, who continued his explanation.

— The second option would be to suspend you from classes and send you back home until things calm down. Once the situation has settled and Keltherion has given up on hunting you, you would be allowed to return and resume where you left off.

My lips pressed into a thin line. I didn't like that idea at all. Just imagining the scene of me returning home and my mother — the person who most wanted to see me succeed at Aeternal, the most prestigious school in the universe — finding out about the trouble I had gotten into… That alone was enough to give me a massive headache.

She would undoubtedly reprimand me in the most terrible ways she could think of, not letting me have a moment of peace. And worse, she would probably keep me from getting the rest I needed to recover completely.

So, I simply kept listening to Lycandor's propositions.

— And finally, we have the third option. — His gaze turned sharper.

— This is the one Aertharion, knowing your personality well, considered to be the most suitable for you.

— In this option, you would undergo a general knowledge test. An advanced evaluation, covering everything you've learned since childhood, as well as everything that would be taught over the five years at Aeternal.

— A panel of the school's top professors would review your test and determine whether you are qualified to graduate or not. If you pass, you will be under my protection and assist me with some tasks within Aeternal.

Lycandor then gave a small, knowing smile.

— If everything goes as expected, within a year, you could be released from those tasks and receive your graduation diploma, completing your education three or four years ahead of the other students. That means, in a short time, you could return home and finally rest… without having to worry about Keltherion or any other threat."

A heavy silence settled over the room.

My mind processed all the possibilities, all the choices that had been laid before me.

Then, Lycandor narrowed his eyes.

— So, Kyrion? — His voice echoed through the space.

— Which option do you choose?

At that moment, all the options seemed terrible, as none of them would give me the immediate peace I longed for. However, I had no choice but to accept the situation and at least feel grateful that I wouldn't have to face Keltherion's wrath — an enormous relief for the headache that only seemed to worsen.

After pondering for a few seconds, the third option became the clear choice.

Out of all of them, this was by far the most beneficial. After all, with the knowledge I possessed, that test would be incredibly easy. That meant I could graduate from Aeternal much earlier than expected, return home, and finally rest without having to listen to my mother's endless complaints.

I let out a long sigh before making my decision.

Sigh… The best option for me, without a doubt, is the third. — I stated firmly.

Aertharion and Lycandor exchanged glances, as if they had already anticipated my choice from the very beginning.

— Then, please, allow me to take this test as soon as possible. I want to complete my years at Aeternal as quickly as I can. — I requested, my voice laced with determination.

Lycandor smiled, seemingly pleased with my response.

— Haha… Of course, Kyrion. We will make sure you can take the test as soon as possible. — He assured me, nodding.

— I'll try to gather the professors today, and if everything goes well, within at most two days, you'll be able to take the test. Does that sound good? — He asked.

— Yes, sir. Understood. — I replied, sincerely grateful.

— Good. But remember: if you fail this test, you will automatically be assigned to the second option. — Lycandor warned, his expression turning more serious.

— So, do your best to pass.

My expression tightened slightly at his words.

Agh… O-Okay… — I murmured, already dreading that possibility.

— Well, then it's settled. — Lycandor concluded in a neutral tone.

— Now, considering that Keltherion will be visiting the school in the next few days, it would be best for you to return with Aertharion to Quasares. That way, you'll be more protected from any of his schemes. What do you think?

My eyes widened slightly.

— W-What?! But… if my mother finds out about this… Agh… It's going to be a huge problem. — I protested, already imagining the chaos that would ensue if I returned home.

Aertharion let out a quiet chuckle.

— Don't worry, Kyrion. It will only be for a short while, and your mother and father won't even know you're there. You'll stay in one of the guest rooms at the castle, without anyone being informed of your presence. — He explained calmly.

I blinked a few times, processing the information.

— Are you serious?! — I asked, my eyes lighting up with hope.

— Of course. — Aertharion confirmed, a small smirk playing on his lips.

— That's amazing! Thank you, Aertharion! Thank you so much! — I exclaimed, and, for the first time in a long while, I felt a massive weight lifting off my shoulders.

Aertharion simply nodded with an amused expression, clearly entertained by my sudden enthusiasm.

Lycandor, on the other hand, let out a small sigh and straightened his posture.

— Well, if everything is settled, then I believe it's time for us to part ways. I still have to organize this meeting with the professors, as well as deal with other pressing matters. — He said, already shifting his focus back to the documents on his desk.

I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and nervousness.

Everything was moving quickly now, and in just two days, I would face the test that would determine my future.

Perhaps… I was finally close to attaining the freedom I had been longing for.