First Night after the incident

Tenderly, Monica's brushed her son's bangs out of his eyes with her long nails.

"That makes two of us kiddo." She said.

After a short silence Alex heard his Mom sniffle.

"Don't cry Mom. It'll be ok."

She rubbed his strong shoulder. "I know sweetie. It's just..."

"It's just what?" He asked.

Even in the dim early morning darkness Alex could see his mom's misty eyes, gazing down at him.

"Can I just...lay here with you for awhile. Do you mind?" Monica asked softly.

"No, not at all, Mom," he said, scotching over on his small twin sized bad.

Monica slipped her little feet from their heels and curled her luscious legs up on her son's bed. Alex was on his back and she slid over close to him, laying on her side and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Will you hold me?" She sniffled.

"Sure, Mom," he muttered, curling his arms around her.

Alex felt the supple flesh of her big mommy-breasts squash against the side of his chest. They felt full and heavy, much different from those of the girls at school.

Monica grazed her hand across his cheek.

"My precious baby...such a strength to me."

"Anything you need, Mom," he answered, giving her arm an assuring rub.

Monica slid her naked leg up across the top of her sons, grazing her tiny bare foot up his thigh. Alex was excited by the feeling. Soft smooth skin rubbing against his own.

"Thank you sweetie. I'm gonna need you a lot I think."

Two hours later, sunshine peered though the shades.


Monica lifted her head off her son chest and saw her daughter Maria standing beside the bed, still in her pajamas

"Good morning sunshine," the Mom smiled.

Maria looked at her brother and the way her mom was nearly sprawled out on top of him.

"Why are you in Alex's bed?"

"Alex and I were cuddling some this morning."

Waking, Alex was kind a surprised by the way, his mom laying on him. One of her naked legs was still draped across his midsection and both her big tits were now mashed against his chest. A few of the top buttons to her blouse had popped open and he could see a huge bulging cleavage straining again the lacy hem of her white bra.

"Fucking hell."

Alex thought as he felt a surge of blood enter his pecker.

"Oh, will you come cuddle with me next?" Maria asked, with a cuteness that no mother could resist.

Monica giggled. "Well I would, but it looks like it's time for you and your brother to get ready for school."

Maria stomped out of the room in a tiff.

"Aww, I hate school."

Monica giggled again, then propped herself up on her elbows, gazing down at her teen.

"Good morning" she said affectionately.

"Guess we fell asleep huh?" Alex said.

"Yeah, I guess so. Wish we didn't have to get up though," she answered, making a cute little pouty face.

Alex's erection was now at full attention. Having risen to her elbows, his Mom was exposing a lot more tit-meat. Huge bulging mounds of soft flesh were spilling over the tops of her bra cups and Alex found himself gawking into the deep gaping pocket of exposed cleavage.

"Thank you for letting me snuggle. I sooo needed it," she said.

"Anytime, Mom," he said, half-blushing.

As she slid off him, Monica's inner thigh rubbed across her son's long rigid love-muscle.

"I suppose I should get you two some breakfast."

Alex laid there awkwardly, attempting to conceal the tent in his sheet.

"Yeah, I'll get up in a sec."

Rising to her feet, Monica stood bedside, placed her hand on her hips and smiled down at her boy.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about that you know."

"About what?"

She glanced at the still obvious protrusion, then back into his eyes.


"Ohh...yeah." He mumbled timidly.

"You may be my first, but I do know some things about teenaged boys. It's called a piss hard-on and it probably gets like that every I right?" Monica asked, feeding him a quirky smile.

"Yeah...pretty much."

Monica smiled proudly, bent over and poked her son in the ribs, making him squirm.

"See, I know more about you than you think."

Alex watched her stroll towards the door. He could see the indentation of the hem of her panties through her skirt and her meaty buttocks seems to have little extra sway as she stepped towards the hallway.

Before rounding the corner, she peeked back, smiling almost naughtily and gave him a cute little wink.

The sheet rose upward as Alex's rock hard erection flexed and throbbed beneath it.

Monica glanced at it and giggled.

"Show off." She disappeared from the doorway.

"Ho..oly shit." Alex muttered excitedly, under his breath.

That afternoon Monica took the kids over to see John at the hospital. Maria snuggled up beside her daddy and John's wife sat on the other side of him. Alex sat across the room in a chair.

"I missed you daddy." Maria said.

John kissed his daughter on the forehead. "Missed you too pumpkin."

She squeezed her father. "I want you to come home."

"Maria, be careful honey, your daddy is still quite sore." Monica said.

She kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry, daddy."

John looked across at his son. "That's ok, precious. Alex, how you doin' buddy?"

"I'm ok dad," Alex answered.

Maria seemed jealous that the attention was drawn from her. "Mommy slept in Alex's bed last night."

Monica fed her daughter a stern look. "Maria, hush your mouth."

"Well you did, Mommy."

Monica looked at her husband as he returned an inquisitive smile. "Alex and I were having a chat after I got home and I fell asleep on his bed."

"Mommy was laying on top of him this morning." Maria said.

"Maria Hall...I most certainly was not, now I told you to hush. I was giving Alex a hug when she walked in...wasn't I?" Monica asked, looking over at Alex.

Alex nodded, knowing his Mom was lying and that he woke up with her on top of him. "Yeah."

"Well I got good news. The doctor said I can come home in two days." John said.

"Yay!" Maria cheered.

"I'll have to come back for physical therapy twice a week, but otherwise I'll be good to go."