Big change for him

Monica smiled and patted his hand. "That's great sweetie."

"Yeah, awesome, Dad." Alex added.

"Well, I better get the kids home so they can get started on their homework." Monica said.

"Awww, I wanna stay with daddy. " Maria whined in protest.

John hugged her tight. "Daddy will be home in a few days, pumpkin."

They gave their hugs and said their goodbyes and John watched his little family move down the hallway towards the elevator. 

Monica was wearing a pair of low cut jeans that looked as though they were sculpted around her luscious ass. She also wore a sexy white tank top and mini platform sandals with 4 ½ inch heels.

As they waited for the elevator John took a second to admire how sexy her little feet looked etched in them. Her cute little toes peeked out the bottom, with their red painted toenails. There's no doubt that his wife of twenty years was built like a brick shit house.

Again he remembered peering back at her in the mirror as they made love so many times through the years. 

He remembered staring at those smooth golden brown legs as they kept his body locked between them. Her muscles tensed. Her sexy little bare feet flexing.

Normally John would feel his penis get hard about now, but this time it wasn't happening. He glanced down at his lap as it lay flat and motionless.


The elevator door opened and just before they entered John noticed that Monica's hand slowly crept over into Alex's, interlacing her fingers between his, then led him and their daughter into the elevator.

Later that evening Alex was hanging out in his large walk-in closet. He appropriately called this place his "Man Cave." 

He sat in a padded swing chair that was suspended by a large metal stand and was surrounded by a lot of his favorite things.

"Alex?" He heard his mom call from inside his bedroom.

He glanced up from his laptop where he was chatting with pals on Facebook. 

"In here Mom."

The closet door opened and Monica stepped inside.

"I should have known you'd be hanging out in your Man Cave," she giggled.

"You know me," he said.

Monica closed the door behind her. Her hair was still damp and slicked back from a shower and she wore nothing but a white short satin robe.

"Well I finally got your sister to sleep. Whiny little thing," she said, making her son giggle.

"You can say that again," he added.

Monica smiled as she moved past a large poster on the wall of a voluptuous woman in nothing but a white bra and panty set. 

The woman's deep tan was nearly the same shade as her own. 

"She's pretty. Who is that?"

Alex looked up the poster. "Umm her name's Denise Melani."

Monica smiled and pointed at the woman's lacy, almost transparent bra.

 "That's funny, I think I have that same bra."

"Really?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I had no idea they had matching panties for it. Hmmm."

Monica strode past her son and sat down on a small bench in front of him. The robe gathered a bit at her waist exposing her smooth shapely legs in their entirety. 

She rested both palms on the bench by her hips, thrusting the swell of her huge mommy-boobs out just a little. Her legs were together and her knees were slightly cocked to one side.

Alex could smell the sweet scent of her recently applied shea-butter and noticed that her tan legs looked nearly as smooth and shimmery as the satin robe she was wearing.

"So, you must be excited for dad to come home finally," he said.

"Yeah...I guess," she answered unenthusiastically.

"It's gonna be a big change for him, huh?"

Monica looked at her son and smiled. "It's gonna be a big change for all of us, which is kind a what I wanted to talk to you about."


"They're sending your father home with his own bed, one of those fancy automated ones. He'll be in a wheelchair, so he'll need a lot of space. I thought maybe if you didn't mind, we could move the king sized bed down here and...I could share your room with you for a while." Monica explained.

Alex's heart began to thump hard in his chest. "You mean a bedroom to sleep in...together?

Monica giggled. "Of course...that is what you do in a bedroom knucklehead."

Alex smiled awkwardly. "No...umm, I don't mind. Whatever I can do to help, Mom."

"I know your father's not gonna like the idea, but he has to deal with the realities of his injury. It's just the way it has to be for now."

Alex nodded, still flabbergasted by her request. "I agree."

"Thank you sweetie. Are you sure you're okay with being roommates with Mom?" Monica asked with a smile.

"Yeah, of course."

Monica placed her hands on her knees, leaning forward a little. 

"You know buster...sharing a room with me might just have its advantages."

"What kind of advantages?" Alex asked.

Monica peered up at the poster of the nearly naked woman, then back at her boy. "You'll see," she said, with a mischievous smile.

"If dad's coming home this weekend how are we gonna move all your stuff down here by Saturday?"

Monica nodded. "Well, tell you what, why don't we keep you home from school tomorrow and we can spend the day setting up our bedroom."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Oh great now you tell me, after I did all that homework."

Monica giggled. "Oh stop your whining, You're starting to sound like your little sister."

"I don't think that's possible, Mom."

Monica stood up, making her heavy tits bobble beneath the loose thin covering.

"Sadly, I think you're right. Stand up here and give me a hug."

Alex stood and he and Monica embraced. The euphoric feeling of warm braless breasts against his young chest nearly took his breath away.

"Don't stay up too late. You and I have a busy day tomorrow," she said.

"I won't."

Monica started out, but then stopped at the door. 

"Oh, and I'll make a deal with you...cuz I'm gonna need some closet space. I'll let you keep the back half of the Man Cave, but in return I get to doll up our bedroom."

"Doll up?" Alex asked.