"Oh sweatheart, I love you soo much."

Chapter 13

Monica lifted her head, stroking his shoulders with her long nails. "Maybe not, but I'm sure it's the kind of sex that you think about while you stroke...isn't it?"

Alex got a big grin, continuing to jack his rock-hard dick. "Maybe."

He felt his mom's big squishy boobs slide up his chest as she brought her face above his. He sensed that her lips were very very close.

Monica whispered soft and seductive. "I'm sure you lay there at night...pulling on it and thinking about a sexy girl...kissing you..." she said, then gave her son a wet peck, letting her luscious lips close against his.

"Licking you..." she said, then gave him another lip smacking kiss...then another...then another.

"Ummmhh" Alex moaned, his body shuddering with wicked excitement as his hand flew up and down his cum lathered shaft.

After the last kiss Monica stayed close, letting her lips barly graze against her son's. 

"Ssssucking you," she whispered, then fed him another kiss.

Monica planted a few wet kisses on his cheek and moved her lips to his ear. Alex's hips started rocking up and down as he stroked on his pulsing dong.

His mom spoke softly into his ear. "That's my baby, you're FUCKING her hard now, aren't you? 

You're fucking her tight slippery pussy hard and fast just the way you like to."

Alex's head spund and his heart about leaped out of his chest. Never in his life had he heard his mom use the F word, especially not in the way she just did.

"Ohh geeez, Mom!!!" He muttered, as his cock seemed to stretch another inch.

Monica gently slid her hand down the side of his body and down between his legs. She planted her middle finger between his balls and butt-hole and started to massage his perineum.

Alex's balls jumped and he felt his scrotum tighten. "O-H-H-H WOW, MOM!!"

"Does that feel good baby boy?" Monica asked.


"And you don't mind mommy helping a little?" She asked lovingly.

"Nooo way!" Alex muttered.

She kissed back up his cheek and planted a series of soft wet pecks on his lips. "Oh sweatheart, I love you soo much."

"Oh God I love you too, Mom and I'm feeling really really good." Alex muttered.

The whole situation, as mind-blowingly erotic as it was, seemed almost surreal to Alex. Alone in the darkness, masturbating naked with his own mom, while his father was right down the hallway. What a rush!

Monica's kisses were wet and tender. "Oh Alex," ...kiss. "My baby,"...kiss. "My sweetheart,"...kiss, kiss.

"O-h-h Mom, I'm gonna cum!"

"YESSS,"...kiss, kiss. "Oh sweet baby, cum all over us!" Kiss...kiss...kiss...

It was all too much...his fingers, his mom's fingers, tender kisses, warm fleshy mommy-tits smothering his young chest.

Alex grunted as the first huge milky blast rocketed out his piss-hole and sailed four-feet in the air. HHHUUUNNNGGHH!!!!

His young body jerked as rope after hot creamy rope squirted from his lance and splashed down on him and his mom.

"Ohhh honey, you're squirting sooo much." Monica said, planting a few more kisses on his moaning lips.

Alex had shot huge loads before, but never anything like this. As his mom's two fingers rubbed against his taint it was if she were pulling more and more cum from his balls.

"Ohhhh shit," he finally sighed, as the last of it oozed out onto his belly.

Monica's finger stopped and her hand slid up and cupped Alex's soft scrotum. She gently clutched his balls and let her long nails slowly rake across the tender meat of his nuts. "I bet they feel so much better now, don't they?"

"Yeah...oh God yeah." he answered, still catching his breath.

Monica released his sack and let one of her long nails tenderly drag up the underside of her son's shaft. His cock twitched and his breath quivered as her nail scraped across the super-sensitive cock-head.

She reached the pool of cum on his chest and began rubbing it against him like a lotion. She could feel streams of spunk running down in between her tits.

"Sorry, I think I really made a mess." Alex said.

"Mmmm, it's a good kind of mess." Monica answered, coating her son's chest with it. "Here, open your mouth."

Alex opened and his mom's finger swiped a big warm gob of his own cock-cream onto his tongue. 

"Gross," he said, swallowing it down.

"It is not." Monica said with a giggle, scooping up more and sucking it into her own mouth.

 "It's yummy."

She fed him one more tender peck on the lips. "Let's go get back in bed."

Monica stood up and after Alex stood he felt his mom once again clutch her tiny hand around his scrotum. She tugged gently, leading him by the balls to the doorway.

"Shouldn't we get dressed?" Alex asked.

"No," she whispered.

The moonlight placed a warm magical glow in their bedroom and the first thing Alex made out was his mom's tan bare buttocks. It swayed seductively only a couple feet from his bobbing erection.

Monica's cute little bare feet padded against the floor as she walked her son over to their big bed. She gave her son's balls a quick squeeze before letting them go and crawling up onto the mattress.

Alex couldn't help but stand there , mouth agape, watching his naked mom crawl towards the center of the bed. Her luscious ass, her clean shaven snatch, her huge dangling tits...they were right before his eyes.

Monica paused reached her hand back for him. "Come on," she lovingly whispered.

It was all like a wild erotic dream to young Alex as he took his mom's hand and climbed in bed naked with her. Monica slept close to him that night, her big squishy bare breasts plastered against him.

"Good morning." Monica said as she joined her husband and daughter in the kitchen.


Note: full novel is available

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