Alex's boxers.

Chapter 14

"Well, welcome to the land of the living. You're usually the first one up in the morning." John said.

Monica poured herself a cup of coffee. "Yeah, I think all that work moving rooms around finally caught up with Alex and I."

John took a second to run his eyes down his wife's luscious legs down to her sexy little bare feet. Just the site of her in that short silk robe always made his heart skip a beat.

"Well how bout a nice relaxing day at the beach. I can call the clinic, they can bring the van and wheel us right over."

"Oh honey that would be great, but Alex and I have plans to go to the fair today." Monica said.

"Well, cool bout we all go?"

"YEAAAHH!!" Maria cheered.

"Uh, that's a no, young got to go yesterday," Monica said.

"Well so did Alex."

John tried to smile through his next comment. "You and him sure have been spending a lot of time alone together the past few days."

"And Mommy was sitting on Alex's lap." Maria chimed in.

Monica gave her a stern glare. "Hush!"

"You were momma, you were sitting on Alex's pee-pee."

"Young lady!" Monica said in a scolding tone.

With an overdramatic pout Maria turned and stomped out of the kitchen.

Monica sat at the table and crossed her legs. "It's a good thing she's so damn cute, it makes all the whining half-way tolerable."

John noticed Monica's robe had opened slightly when she sat, revealing a good deal of cleavage. " slept naked last night huh?"

Monica took a sip of coffee, feeding him a quirky smile. "And what makes you say that?"

"Well last night when you came in and said goodnight I could have sworn you had on a nightie on under your robe."

Maria peeked around the corner. "Please, please can I go?"

This time it was John who glared. "Maria, you heard what your mother said, now drop it."

With a whine Maria diappeared again.

Monica took another sip of coffee. "You should go talk to her, see if you can cheer her up. She went almost two months without seeing you, John. It might be good for just the two of you to spend some quality time together today."

"Yeah, I suppose," he said, wheeling himself away from the table.

Before he could pass her, Monica stuck out one of her legs, blocking his exit. She gave him sweet smile, batting her eyelashes. "I love you."

They both leaned forward and kissed. "And I love you...but you still didn't answer my question." 

John said almost playfully.

John found himself strangely aroused at the idea that his wife might have actually slept naked with their own son. The fact was, he himself was a horny teen once and could only imagine what is would have been like sleeping in bed naked with his big breasted mother.

Monica smiled almost guiltily then gracefully curling her naked leg back under the table. "Stop asking a billion questions and go calm your daughter."

After Monica and Alex left John watched a Disney movie with Maria, until she did what she always did while watching movies and fell asleep.

The fact that his wife was naked under her robe this morning was eating away at him so he decided to snoop through her and Alex's bedroom a little.

Because they were in such a rush to get to the fair the bed was still unmade. John went to the closet, Aka. The Man Cave. Laying on the floor just inside the door was his wife's little nightie, the one he was sure she was wearing the night before.

A little further back was her panties, laying right next to Alex's boxers. It was pretty clear that his wife and son were taking off their clothes together in here. Strangely, he found himself grabbing his own flaccid dick and giving it a few tugs.

He wheeled over to the bed and studied where his wife and son had slept. There was nothing out of the ordinary until he lifted the blanket and saw huge ribbons of dried spunk plastered against the underside of the comforter.


Misty, John's sister, arched her back as she came, thrusting her big tits up against the young man on top of her.

"OH, MISSES YOUNG...OH SHIT!!" The 18 year old cried as his dick went off like a cannon inside her.

A few minutes later the youngster was throwing his clothes back on as Misty lay there sucking on a cigarrette.

"Wow, Misses Young, that was soo awesome," he said.

Misty's cell phone began to go off. "Well don't think that just because I'm giving you an A on that test that you don't have to do your homework. I want those assignments turned in tomorrow."

The young man threw on his shoes and hurried towards her bedroom door. "Right on, Misses Young. See you at school."

Misty answered her cell. "Hello."

"Hey Sis, it's John."

Misty got a big smile. "'s my big brother? Glad to be home I bet."

"Yeah, that damn hospital food just wasn't doing it for me." John said, making his sister giggle. 

"Say are you um...busy today at all?"

"No, I have to grade a few papers, but Steve's still out of town on business so no big plans. What's up?"

"You still good with that camera?"

Misty laughed. 

"Are you kidding, photography is my passion, you know that."

"Well I have a huge favor...and it may seem kinda weird, but I...uh...I promise I'll explain later."

In the late afternoon John greeted Misty at the door.

"Hey," she smiled, seeming her cheery self.


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