Eileen doodled on the paper, her pen moving in a scattered rhythm. It was less an act of recording than a way to release the tangled thoughts swirling in her mind. The sharp tip of the pen scratched across the surface, black ink forming erratic patterns and letters as her emotions spilled out in fragmented bursts.
[Nightmare? Death. Continuity…]
Eileen exhaled deeply as she jotted down her thoughts. Based on what had transpired, it appeared that Cesare was tormented by nightmares about his own death. There was a troubling possibility that these nightmares involved him killing Eileen with his own hands.
'It's not just a one-time nightmare, but one with continuity.'
Cesare seemed to be plagued by persistent and disturbing dreams, which might have blurred into his waking thoughts. Yet, the idea that he could read his own diary within these nightmares seemed implausible.