"I am s-orry, Kaylee; I am s-orry I am late." Dad said, his words melting Kaylee's heart even more. It was as if a fairy nurse had injected another joy injection. 

"I miss you!" Kaylee rested her head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort and security. Now that Mommy is g-one, Daddy is here. When will it be perfect? 

Watching them take the c-offin down made Kaylee feel the lump in her throat again. Tears filled her eyes, and she could hardly see. She was given the sh-ovel to give her mother a rest in peace, but she couldn't dig into the sand. It felt too heavy. Then she started crying. 

"Why did the tears come?" She felt a masculine hand against her palm.

 "Just, don't cry," He said. It was Allen. He assisted her in sh-oveling the sand, and they gave Mommy rest in peace together. True Daddy just watched them, frowning. Kaylee could feel the tingle of Allen's hand. 

"Your mother l-oves you!" Allen said to her, making her cry even more. She dropped the sh-ovel and buried her head on Allen's chest, needing to hide her crying, ugly face. Allen did not expect it; he embraced her, and it was unusual, not normal. 

Allen's heart beat was as if he was going to explode. Kaylee could hear and feel it. Allen bit his lips, unable to stop his fors-aking heartbeat. 

Feelings can't be stopped... Not until they want to be stopped... It was revealing his emotions, his deep secrets... He is in l-ove. With his d-aughter. How could she capture his heart in such a few days? She is extr-ordinary. He started feeling it since the day she squeezed herself on the edge of the bed, after Ph-ilip the r-apist had left.

 He ignored that feeling, thinking it was probably because she was half-n-ked. But then, it grew each moment he sees and thinks of her. It has grown into l-ove. Oh, Kaylee! Don't let the p-oor boy live in secrecy of l-ove.

"Please..." Kaylee's father came, took Kaylee's arm away from Allen and took her far away from the bu-rial ground 

After Kaylee's cry had subsided, he cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Kaylee, forget about your mom's property. Leave it for her husband; after all, I have three times what she has."

"Daddy, I---"

"Shhh... you are my daughter, the rightful heir to my property. Please come with me. You will have maternal care once more and also have a sister."

Kaylee never thought of accepting the offer. Daddy was wasting his time. All she thought of was not leaving Allen. She couldn't leave Allen. It wasn't really because of the cru-sh she had for him, but because Mom told her to stay with him. She

 wrote it in the letter: "Stay with Allen and nobody else."