Kaylee thinks she deserves Da-ddy Allen, not true Daddy. Actually, she desires lo-ver Allen, not Da-ddy Allen. She just wishes she could turn back the hands of time and stop the we-dding of Mom and Allen so she would be able to lo-ve without obstacles. It could be an ab-omination to fall in lo-ve with her mother's hu-sband...

Two things she doesn't want to admit give her hope. First, that mother is d-ead and she no longer belongs to him. And that she realizes he li-kes her too. 

His abnormal heart beat was his nervousness. She read in books that when you are ne-rvous around the opposite se-x, you definitely have feelings for them.

She was extra sure he li-kes her and is extra sure he won't tell her until God knows when. Maybe when it's perfect. But it can't be perfect; he is ma-rried to her late mom. It has already been recorded. A pen is really mightier than a sword...

"Kaylee, please answer me!" Dad woke Kaylee from her thoughts...

"I can't go, Dad," Kaylee concluded.

"What do you mean you can't go? I'm your father, for Christ's sake! How can you turn my offer down to be with a man you share no blood relation with?"

"Mum married him."

"He didn't give birth to you, Kaylee. I won't watch another man raise my daughter all by himself. Get your stuff ready; you're coming with me."

"She said no," Allen interrupted. He had overheard them.

Dad scoffed in disbelief. "What makes you think you have a say in a family matter?"

"Kaylee is my stepdaughter, and I believe she has the right to decide if she wants to go with you or not."

"Look at this pëdophilia talking."

Allen became vexed. "What did you call me?"

"What? You think I didn't notice how you've been looking at my daughter with those lustful eyes?"

"Mr. Man, you better be careful. Choose your words more carefully."

"It's very obvious. You want to ruin my daughter's life, and I will not let that happen. So," he turned to Kaylee, "Kaylee, you're coming with me."

He pulled Kaylee by the hand, and Kaylee struggled. Allen came over and punched him. 

The two started fighting, and Kaylee screamed for help, but it took a while before help came.
