The servant poured out a wine into my father's cup and I noticed the way her hand trembled slightly as she did so, though she tried to mask the fear she was feeling by keeping her head bowed down. If my father noticed her trembling, he said nothing but I knew deep down he was enjoying the effect he had on her and it wasn't just her.
We were all afraid, even Marina who sat down completely rigid not daring to do anything else before my father who sat at the edge head of the table, his position relaxed as ever while he wore a smile on his face, looking every bit like a cheerful father but I knew better than to trust this façade of his.
He never appeared without a purpose, never appeared anywhere with an agenda already set in action which means if he was here he heard about what happened and if he was smiling, it meant he wasn't too happy about it, so trouble was brewing and it was just a matter of time until it blows up in my face.