Progressing Through Years (4).

In the underworld, where demons reign supreme, it was a place filled with all sorts of emotions.

The most prominent one of them being bloodlust and malice. A dimension filled with chaos and menace.

This is the place of origin to all demons, primordials inclusive.

A plane shrouded in mysteries and menace, separate from the edges of the central world.

This dimension is the battlefield of the millions of demons inhibiting it.

In this same dimension, there were thousands of demons gathered at a particular site.

Surprisingly, they all shared a similar trait.

The demons had their eyes on a particular setting.

This setting was the birthplace of a certain primordial.

Noticeably, there were nine demons positioned in front of the thousands of demons that were gathered.

Although they all possessed the same trait, there were obvious differences between them each.

As they stood in anticipation of an oblique event, their eyes were full of joy.

They all had smiles on their faces as if blessings were individually bestowed upon them.

As if answering their internal prayers, a rainbow colored light erupted from their line of sight.

The light covered the entirety of the environment, filling the void space within this dimension with a stunning view.

The intensity of the light show made a few of the demons to block their line of sight with their arms.

This was all a testament to the greatness this event carried.

As the light settled down, there was a figure in the midst of this event.

This enigmatic being possessed silver colored hair that seemed to absorb the light around them.

Their blood red eyes shone with brilliance, piercing through the space around them.

With skin as white as snow, along with a gracile yet majestic figure, it was no exaggeration to say that this being was a godlike existence.

There is only one being that possesses all these features.

It was the primordial silver Argent, otherwise known as Sariel.

As soon as he appeared, all the demons that were present fell on their knees.

With their heads facing the ground, they all shouted.


Sariel's eyes, which initially retained a cold and detached look, softened upon returning to its golden color.

After laying his eyes on his subordinates, he smiled happily and spoke.

Sariel: 「Seriously? You guys are all idiots... Thanks a lot...」

「Note: Was this shit even needed? Time I could've used to make money.... spent on this.... crap.... *Sigh*.」


As I felt my consciousness return, I heard two familiar voices that filled my mind with joy.

「Notice. The host has awoken.」

Kalisha: 「Honestly, you big meanie! I told you to let me help Sariel-sama!」

It's really good to hear them again.

Even though I have to deal with two grumpy women...

As my perception of light was regained, I could see the demons of the "Silver Age" gathered in front of me.

They were all on their knees with a giddy smile.

With their heads facing the ground, they all shouted in unison.


Seeing this amazing view, I could not help but flash a smile.

Sariel: 「Seriously? You guys are all idiots... Thanks a lot...」

Their smiles got brighter upon hearing my words.

It has been really weird for me.

Although you barely feel the passage of time during the reincarnation process, you can still feel the shift in time.

I mean, once you reincarnate, your perception of time still operates on the temporal coordinates of the time you died.

Hence, once you get reborn, you immediately start to feel the changes.

Your spiritual body begins to adapt to this change. That's why it's pretty weird for a reason.

Well, ignoring that, I decided to spend some quality time in hell.

I can still imagine my past self giving me a complicated look upon hearing me gain a sense of nostalgia for hell.

Well, that's behind me now.

I was nagged to death by two invisible individuals.

I know I do a shit ton of stupid things. Is it today they realized it?

I don't even want to think of Velda. I know I'm not gonna survive this.


Anyway, after spending some time in hell, I finally went to the cardinal world.

As I crossed the hell gate, my spiritual body got transformed into the material body I possessed before.

Since that was a fake body, it got destroyed as soon as I died.

As I arrived, a wave of nostalgia washed over me.

It had been so long since I saw the Jura Forest.

Well, not so long as I could not even perceive time, but still...

I'm back!!

As soon as I appeared, I was met with a familiar individual.

Rose: 「From fighting the dragon to becoming his friend to naming him... you are definitely one of the craziest people I've ever met.」

Hearing that, I could only lying smile awkwardly. She's not completely wrong, though.

I've lived a pretty crazy life upon my arrival to this world.

Woke up as a demon, destroyed a nation, became best friends with a capital "g" God, fought and won against a lesser god, fought a world-destroying dragon, and so on.

It's really amazing how far I've come.

Putting that aside, I had a little reunion with Rose.

Though I ended up getting frustrated with her teasing.

To be direct, she said, "That pantie was really a bad luck charm, wasn't it? From getting slapped by fishes to dying from stupidity."

I resisted the urge to give her a slap.

After our little reunion, we left the forest and headed out to Silverion.

I don't know how they'd react to what I did.

Come to think of it, I can not sense the dragon I named "Veldora."

He wasn't able to hide his aura, so the fact that he did not emit a single thing was worrying.

When I inquired about his whereabouts, I received shocking news.

Rose: 「He's dead.」

Those were the only words that I needed to hear.

Apparently, after I died, he threw up a tantrum on how his very first friend was killed.

Due to that, his sister killed him. As simple as that.

I suppressed the urge to invade the ice castle.

I mean, fucking shit?

You kill your own brother for that? If it were someone unrelated to me, I'd at least warn you or try to calm you down.

But straight-up killing the person is a no-no for me.

In this case, the one she killed was her brother.

Even I, whose forest was destroyed, did not do such a thing upon the fact that he had no sort of relationship with me.

That was really messed up.

Well, the deed's already done. There's no need to complain now.

I entered the royal capital where I spotted a few changes.

The road that led to the royal palace was now well built along with the presence of new shops.

Although it wasn't a huge step forward, it was still an impressive improvement.

Besides, it all starts with baby steps.

I did not want to make a fuss, so I hid myself well using a cloak.

I could just use 『Existence Concealment』, but where's the fun in that?

I wanna look suspicious a little.

Kalisha: 「Uum, doesn't that go against your desire to remain in secretion?」

As I slipped through the crowd, I was able to arrive at the palace gate.

Kalisha: 「Hey! Don't ignore me!!」

I teleported directly into the palace to avoid meeting anyone.

But as fate would have it, I met Ken-chan, who was with Akane at the time.

Akane: 「Sariel-sama!!」

As we met, Akane rushed up to me and gave me a hug.

Well, that's surprising. I never knew Akane could be so... expressive.

I guess she was kinda worried. Heh, it's nice to know that you are actually cared about.

Apart from that, I was thoroughly scolded by her. I guess I did look like a clown when I did what I did.

I met up with the rest of them. They have really gotten good in their combat abilities.

Three of them follow the way of the sword, whilst the other two follow different paths.

The three sword users are Akane, Akihiko, and Aika, whilst Nagisa is more of a magic expert.

In terms of swordsmanship, Akane is a monster among them.

Ken-chan told me about how capable she was at swordsmanship.

He said that ever since he began their training, he was only able to hit her eight times.

Considering the fact that centuries have passed since they began the training, it's a very admirable feat.

Her ability to predict an opponent's next two steps is stupefying.

She also has a cool headed personality like what you would expect from her.

Enough of her. It's time to talk about Akihiko.

He is less skilled in the way of the sword compared to Akane, but his swordsmanship rivals hers.

He is also more skilled than Aika, but his skill set is also amazing.

He's now capable of completely defeating an arch-demon.

That's a great achievement of I do say so myself.

As for Nagisa, she's under Reidner, who taught her how to use Incantationless Aspectual Magic.

This is an extremely difficult thing to learn, considering the fact that the mental capability of humans is quite low compared to spiritual life-forms.

Although they're all [1]enlightened individuals, they still find it difficult to do such things.

But I got word from Reidner that she is able to conjure small elemental flames to do her bidding without the use of words.

That's an improvement, at least.

At this point, she will be able to match a greater demon's magical capability.

Onto Aika, well, she's a monster on her own league of power.

After Haruka's tie against Aika, she vowed to train herself to be of use to me.

I don't see any reason for her to force herself for me.

I mean, sure, you might be feeling too weak to do anything, but that doesn't mean you're completely useless.

Well, that decision will be left to her. As I was saying, Aika has really grown strong.

She is strong enough to match a demon peer, and the scary fact is that she still has more room for growth.

That's just how strong she is.

I asked Sage-san to gather information about them along with their skills like she always does.

「Notice. It has been done.」

I see.

——— If you say it's ready, show me. ———


This is the information I received.

Name: Nagisa Tomoki.

Race: 「Enlightened Human」.

Blessing: Sariel's Protection.

Title: None.

Magic: Aspectual Magic, Holy Magic.


Unique Skill: Protector.

Resistance: Pain Nullification, Magic Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Abnormal Condition Resistance.

Wow. That's really amazing. She has a decent defense along with a very good magical capability.

Well, her unique skill was born due to her desire to aid others.

She may act like a brat at times, but she's really kindhearted.

The subskills of her skill are also good for any magician.

She has the basic 『Thought Acceleration』 along with some type of perception skill called 『Magic Perception』.

Apparently, this is a type of sensory skill lower than 『Universal Perception』.

It allows the user to use magic as an extra sense to perceive the surrounding magicules and see a full 360 degrees around them without leaving a single blind spot.

Even though it is a lower perception-type skill, it's still very useful to someone like her.

I can't see a regular human gaining this type of skill easily.

She also has a new subskill I knew had,『Magic Domination』.

This skill allows the user to gain total control of magic by allowing the user to manipulate magicules directly to control the paths of molecules in the air.

It's a really useful skill for any who desire to become a magic sage.

As for her last subskill, it is a new one I never knew of.

The skill itself is called『Great Barrier』, a barrier type skill that represents the user's will.

With a will strong enough, the user can block any type of attack against them.

The barrier looks like a green sphere around the target with tiny hexagonal particles as its building block.

This skill is easily one of the greatest barrier-type skills for any spiritual life-form with an extremely powerful will.

Although attacks powered by ultimate skills could outdo this skill.

Imagine a true dragon possessing such a skill.

She really lucked out on her unique skill.

Now, show me Akihiko's stats.

Name: Akihiko Harami

Race: 「Enlightened Human」

Blessing: Sariel's Protection

Title: None

Magic: Aspectual Magic, Holy Magic.


Unique Skill: 『Blazer』

Resistance: Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, Natural Effect Resistance, Abnormal Condition Resistance.

Oh? That's a pretty impressive defense there. He's a tough cookie, huh?

His unique skill is very powerful, too.

I mean, he has four subskills, with one of them being 『Thermal Excitation』.

A skill that rapidly increases the thermal state of a target.

With high enough magicules, you could endlessly increase heat for as long as you can.

That's a deadly skill fit for him. He's the one with the highest magicule quantity in the group, so this skill was made for him.

The second subskill, 『Solar Flare』, creates flames as hot as the sun itself.

Mix this skill along with his first subskill, and you've made a deadly combo.

That would definitely bypass any Natural Effect Resistance.

He's already at the level of high-ranking arch-demons with this skill.

When you evolve this type of skill into an ultimate skill, all hell would be unleashed.

He's a very dangerous foe to have.

With the training we're giving him, he would likely be in par with Ken-chan if he evolves into a Saint or whatever it's called.

The third subskill is 『Spatial Manipulation』.

Well, it allows the user to control and interfere with the space around them based on the user's proficiency.

That's also a pretty useful skill that could perform some teleportation magic.

Well, last but not least, the subskill 『Heat Prison』takes last.

This would be a really useful skill if used properly.

With this, he could entomb a target in a complex imaginary heat prison, or so I understand.

This heat prison distorts a target's perception and sensory skills by releasing heat haze alongside heat waves that distort space and weaken skill effects.

Hence, making escape extremely difficult.

When this heat is amplified by his other subskill, it is capable of outright killing a target instead of just sealing it.

This is easily one of the most unique skills I've ever seen.

It's even stronger than some of my unique abilities.

The only problem we have now is that he doesn't know how to wield his skill properly.

Even so, if he learns how to use it well, he would likely surpass Aika in terms of skill.

Now, let's see what Akane has for me.

Name: Akane Masami

Race: 「Enlightened Human」

Blessing: Sariel's Protection

Title: None

Magic: Aspectual Magic, Holy Magic, Dark Magic.


Unique Skill: 『Battle Sage』, 『Destroyer』

Resistance: Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, Natural Effect Resistance, Abnormal Condition Resistance, Spiritual Attack Resistance.

Fuck! The hell, man!? Two unique skills!? Look at the defense!

When did she even learn dark magic!?

I never knew she was this capable. I mean, she's just an enlightened human.

What would happen if she evolved into a saint? Who knows.

But even so, her skill set is too crazy to be real.

Well, it's a good thing she decided to serve me a few months after we met.

Now, let's talk of her subskills.

The 『Battle Sage』 is a very useful skill used to enhance one's fighting style and experience.

Its subskills are 『Thought Acceleration』, 『Magic Perception』, 『Chant Annulment』, 『All of Creation』, 『Warrior's Eye』, and 『Enhanced Reaction』.

Since I already know the functions of the first four subskills, I'm gonna look into the last two.

The 『Warrior's Eye』subskill allows the user to see the outcome of any type of battle that takes place.

For example, the user can accurately foretell the victor of a battle that will happen between two or more people by just accessing basic information about the said person.

A way better version of『Danger Prediction』as this will only alert you when absolutely necessary.

The second one, which is 『Enhanced Reaction』, allows the user to perform appropriate reactions to any attack as long as the user possesses the power to do so.

This is a unique skill made for war and strategy situations.

Imagine the potential she has as a war general and stuff.

Damn, I've got some potential hero candidates for myself.

If I didn't save them, they might have been wasted because of human greed.

The same people that they would've looked up to as heroes are the same ones that would've died if not for my intervention.

Small world.

Her second unique skill is just as broken as the latter. We have two subskills for that one.

These are 『Effect Annihilation』 and 『Law Manipulation』.

As the skill name implies, it destroys various effects of things like magic, skill, energy, etc.

If this skill evolves into an ultimate skill, it would be one of the most powerful skills to ever exist.

I would've had the tendency to seal this skill because of how dangerous it is, but there isn't a need for that.

Now, onto Aika.

Name: Aika Kanroji

Race: 「Enlightened Human」

Blessing: Sariel's Protection

Title: None

Magic: Aspectual Magic, Holy Magic.


Unique Skill: 『Assailer』, 『Defender』

Resistance: Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Resistance, Natural Effect Resistance, Abnormal Condition Resistance.

As expected. I remember when Sage-san alerted me about her having two unique skills.

I guess the two ladies are our group's powerhouses.

Let's have a rundown on her skill set.

『Assailer』 has the subskills 『Attack Amplifier』, 『Battle Adaptation』, 『Resistance Break』, and 『Durability Negation』.

As for her second unique skill, it has the subskills 『Damage Alleviation』, 『Battle Armor』, 『Spatial Manipulation』, and 『Enhanced Reaction』.

Well, I'll only talk about a few of them.

As the name implies, 『Attack Amplifier』 increases the effect of any attack.

Quite the powerful skill. The second one 『Battle Adaptation』is an adaptation skill that allows the user to match their opponent's fighting pace.

The third one allows the user to bypass any type of resistance skill to do direct damage.

And the last subskill of the first unique skill, 『Durability Negation』.

It allows the user to destroy any type of physical enhancement skill or magic, reducing the target's toughness.

Now, down to her second unique skill. The first subskill lessens the effect of any type of damage that affects the user.

The second grants the user an armor made from the user's pure energy to defend against attacks.

The third and the fourth is something I've explained already, so that's everything I have on them.

It is really surprising to see people you could call babies back when you met them grow up so quickly.

I guess that's how parents feel watching their little baby grow to be something big.

Let's put all that aside.

「Notice. Project completed. Your soul can now be purified. Start the process? [YES]/[NO]?」

Wait, seriously!? Finally! My soul is gonna become free again!!

——— If what you said is true, start the process immediately! ———

「Understood. The process will end in two days.」

Two days, huh? I really can't wait for it to happen!


[1] Enlightened humans refers to the next stage of the human race. They are seen as humanity's guardians with much greater strength than ordinary humans and are deemed literal superhumans, with enough power to rival Demon Lord Seeds.

「Word Count: 3315」