The Hero And The Demon Lord (1).

As I reached the door leading to the throne room, I couldn't help but wonder what little Alya would say.

I might see her scolding me for the first time or something else.

That's a matter I'll soon experience.

I opened the door, meeting the sight of Alya having a discussion with one of her subordinates.

She didn't notice me as I appeared and continued discussing with her underling.

I decided to interrupt them by speaking up.

Sariel: 「Hey Alya.」

As soon as I said that, she turned to look at me with a surprised expression on her face.

She did not expect me to be coming, so it was only understandable.

Alya: 「Sariel? It's been so long. What happened?」

Sariel: 「Ah. I just had something important to do, is all.」

Yeah. If she didn't know what happened, then there's no need to worry about a thing. I ain't telling her that I died.

I ended up spending the whole day with her as she had a lot of things to tell me.

We had a long reunion and exchanged various intriguing information.

Apparently, a new hero was born around the time I died.

His name was Rudra Nam Ul Nasca.

He was the prince of a new nation called the Nasca Kingdom.

He was born some decades ago and became a saint as the years passed by.

Later on, he received Ramires's blessing and fused with his light spirit, becoming a true hero.

It was an interesting discovery. I expected Ken-chan to be the first hero, but it seems he was a tad bit late.

Well, it's not a race against time, so he can still become a hero.

Well, according to what I got, he's really strong, unlike your everyday run-of-the-mill hero.

It's either a good thing or a bad one for me.

A good thing since I'm globally known as the central world's protector or as I'm called.

Also, it's a bad thing since I'm a demon and would eventually meet him one day.

Well, aside from that, I wonder how Guy will take it.

Looking at him, he'd probably be excited to have a new fighting partner or shit.

Well, that shit's not my problem.

I think I'll visit Guy soon. As much as I'd love to stay out of his way, it's still a necessity.

I don't really have anything to do either way.

I've just been roaming around Silverion with my obscure identity.

I think I'll meet up with Velda after I've visited Guy, have a little reunion, and perhaps even meet Lunax and Norana if they're not busy, though.

It seems like Alya has gotten a tad bit stronger over the past few years.

She's now skilled in actual combat.

As for her weapon of choice, she uses a katana I personally made for her.

It's just a unique grade weapon since she might not be capable of handling a legend grade weapon.

If she manages to evolve herself and name her weapon, it might evolve into a legend grade sword.

She doesn't know about naming her weapon or something similar, but I'll leave it to her to discover.

I am currently watching Akane train Akihiko to improve his swordsmanship and technique.

They are really fighting all out.

They've already learned how to use Battlewill and a few Mystic Arts.

Using the knowledge they have about their skills and magic to fight, they were really showing just how far they've come.

As I was inspecting their spar, I received wonderful news from Sage-san.

「Notice. The soul purification process has concluded. You can now reacquire your sacrificed unique skills.」

Hell yah! That's what I'm talking about! You're the best Sage-san!!


That smug sound was definitely my auditory illusion. You don't need to tell me.

Kalisha: 「Hey! What about me!」

——— Huh? Be of use if you want any praise, you sack of shit. ———

Kalisha: 「Gah! So cruel...」

「Notice. The individual Kalisha has also been of use.」

——— Eh!? Sage-san defending someone!? Kalisha!! You've gotten too close to "MY" Sage-san. She's mine!! Keep that in mind. ———

Kalisha: 「What did I even do...」

After the process was completed, I felt very refreshed. Like a burden has been lifted from my heart

——— Whatever. Ney Sage-san. Has my soul been restored to its initial state? ———

「Answer. Yes. It was purified to its initial state. Your magicule capacity and quality increased after you named Veldora.

Your spiritual body and soul were also strengthened from the change.」

Wow. That's good news. That would make it difficult for any random person to mind control me.

I'm so happy I don't think anything in the world matters now.

「Notice. Request to perform alteration on the host's skillset to reduce any burden.」

——— Huh? Do whatever you want, Sage-san. You've earned it. ———

Without thinking twice, I told her that.

Come to think of it, I'm always a guy to repeat stupid mistakes.

How many times have I regretted saying something like "I'll leave it to you," or "Yeah. You can handle the rest."

As I thought about such, I immediately called her out.

——— Oi, Sage-san! Stop it!! You didn't make the details clear. Stooop!! ———

She would always say "skill alteration" if she wanted to change anything regarding my skill.

This time that she only said "alteration" is making my entirety shiver with the crazy shit she's got in store for me.

I tried to tell her to stop, but it was a lost game and a fruitless endeavor.

「Notice! The process has already begun! Once it has started, there is no stopping.」

——— No stopping—my ass!! You planned this shit didn't you? ———

It wasn't even a rhetorical question anymore.

It was no use pointing an accusatory finger at someone who's already satisfyingly confessing their crime.

I could only sigh in frustration at my stupidity.

The only thing to do is to just wait for the results to come out.

After the passage of three days, I finally received a message from Sage-san.

「The alteration has been completed. The process to turn the host into a digital life-form shall begin.」

Ah~, the future headaches. I see them smacking my head senseless.

——— Sage-san~. Why don't you be a dear and explain what in the actual fuck you're planning. ———

「U-Understood. Digital life-forms are a subspecies of spiritual life-forms that are capable of temporarily existing purely in information form.」

——— Wait, wah! Information form? Doesn't that make a spiritual life-form intangible? ———


But why is she trying to make me one of those. And how was she able to do so?

「All time spirits are digital life-forms.

It may be useful sometimes, which is why I aim to do so.

With my current capability, it would only take a few days.」

Huh. Why does she sound so smug? I know she's always kinda haughty and sassy, but this one is mixed with pride and confidence.

Has she gained another emotion?

「Incorrect. You are highly mistaken.」

——— Yeah, yeah, I definitely believe you. ———


——— Is that the only alteration you performed? ———

——— Knowing you, there's definitely an alteration made on my skillset. Am I right? ———


This little–


——— Just show me the necessary data I need. ———

Name: Sariel.

Race: Demon Lord — (Primordial Demon) — 「Demon Peer」

Blessings: Sariel's Compassion.

Title: Divine Protector:「Universal Guardian」.

Magic: Aspectual Magic, Physics Magic, True Soul Magic, Spirit Magic, Holy Magic, Dark Magic, Illusion Magic, Summoning Magic, Chaos Magic, Primitive Magic.


Intrinsic Skill: Possession, Universal Perception, Infinite Regeneration, Demon Lord's Haki, Material Creation, Magic Nullification, Magic Domination.

Ultimate Skill: Heavenly Wisdom Lord: Raziel.

Unique Skills:『Soul Lord』 『Ultimate Authority』, 『Space-Time Administrator』, 『Gluttony』.

Resistances: Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, Natural Effect Nullification, Abnormal Condition Nullification, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance.

——— I see, I see. Not much had changed. But why did you make a mistake at the skill section. ———

——— I never had an ultimate skill, so I think you should correct that. ———

「Notice. There is nothing that needs correction.」

Huh. Isn't that a typo error or something? I mean—wait!

Where's『Wise Sage』or 『Replicator』in the unique skill section!!?


Kalisha: 「Sariel-sama. I think you're mistaken. The one speaking to you is the previous Sage-san as you call her.」

——— Huh. The previous Sage-san? Hey, umm.... is that you Sage-san?———

「Correct and incorrect.」

Huh. What does she mean? And since when did she become more fluent in talking!?

「I am now identified as Raziel: Lord of Heavenly Wisdom.」

——— You... became an ultimate skill? ———


I... didn't expect that. It's really cool, I guess.

Now that Guy bastard won't come rubbing superiority all over my face.

It's not like I'm even gonna tell him I got one.

But what if he manages to copy Sage-sa– I mean Raziel-san.

「There is no need to worry about such a trivial matter. With my presence here, the possibility of copying any of your skills is equivalent to 0%.」

——— Damn. That's one confidence you've got there. ———

「Notice. It is not confidence, I am simply stating facts.」

It looks like her haughty and sassy personality evolved along with her.

That's one ego she's got. But for her to be 100% sure of it, I wonder if she's being egoistic or she's really serious.

「Notice. Once again, it is not seriousness or any other emotion. I am just stating truths as it is matter-of-factly.」

——— I guess I can be assured. ———

——— If that's the case, then I can assume that any type of mental assault is useless in your

face? ———


That's really comforting, I guess. It looks like I've just attained a new level of power.

I just hope some random jackass won't pop up and challenge me or something.

——— Well, can you show me the remainder of my abilities? ———

「Of course!」

Ultimate Skill

1.『Divine Wisdom Lord: Raziel』


1. Thought Acceleration: Increases thought-processing speed by ten million times.

2. Analytical Appraisal: Perfoms analysis and appraisal on targets.

3. All of Creation: Allows the user to comprehend all non-concealed phenomena in the world. The outcome of this ability depends on what the user understands and the information the user knows about.

4. Chant Annulment: Allows the user to perform magic without incantations.

5. All Creation Alteration: This is the ability to rewrite the composition and state of a target or substance. However, this ability has little to no chances of success against spiritual life-forms with willpower strong enough to counter this skill.

6. Parallel Computation: Detaches regular thought processes and performs operations on any matter the user wishes to analyse.

7. Skill Replication: Copies the skills, arts, and magic of the target only if the user analyses the procedure. Skills, arts, and magic that have reached the ultimate level can now be replicated.

8. Skill Assimilation: Grants the user the rare ability to use multiple effects of various skills simultaneously to create a new effect.

9. Skill Domination: Allows the user to gain total control of their skill.

10. Law Manipulation: It enables the user to manipulate the laws of the world from either a magical or scientific perspective. How effective it is used depends on the user's abilities.

11. Attribute Conversion: It's Let the user Convert an Attribute To its Opposite and Parallel Attribute. 

12. Future Attack Prediction: Future Attack Prediction possesses the ability to forecast the potential movements of an opponent and then seeing the movement the opponent will make with 100% accuracy. It's a calculation-type ability similar to Predictive Calculation, only specialized for this single task and possessing a much higher accuracy as a result.

Unique Skill

1.『Soul Lord』


1. Soul Harvest: Souls of those weaker than the user are instantly harvested. Only individuals with spiritual attack resistance or ultimate-level skills are considered safe from this ability. Skills belonging to the harvested soul can also be acquired.

2. Soul Barrier: A barrier that constantly absorbs the soul energy of targets at a frightening rate.

3. Soul World: An evolved version of 『Soul Storage』. All harvested souls are stored in this subskill and can be converted to magical energy for the user and viceversa. Souls in this dimension are not affected by time. The storage capacity of this skill has been increased, making its storage size vastly greater than that of 『Soul Storage』.

4. Life Predation: All types of energy and life can be devoured by this ability. Once devoured, the target is taken into the 『Soul World』for analysis. The target of effect includes but is not limited to skills and magic.

5. Ultra-Speed Soul Regeneration: An enhanced version of 『Soul Regeneration』. Allows for the recovery of damages affecting the soul at a quicker rate compared to Soul Regeneration.

6. Soul Manipulation: Allows for the manipulation of souls to a certain extent. The user can control souls easily and convert them into energy or perform resurrection or revival and many more depending on their level of proficiency.

7. Soul Blade Summoning/Soul Blade:『Ares』: A mythical grade weapon that ignores the material body and directly affects the soul of a target upon contact. The greater the amount of magicules infused into the blade, the higher the damage the soul takes. Using spiritrons as its energy source makes the amount of damage greater than when used with magicules.

8. Soul Appraisal: Allows the user to run analysis on a targets soul, allowing them to access information like the skills they possess and the functions of that skill. When used on targets weaker than the user, it can also be used to read the memories of the appraised targets.

9. True Body Release: This skill is only activated once the user dies. Once that happens, the user can decide to transfer their soul to their body that is stored in the『Soul World』. The body can then be released from the『Soul World』if the user wishes to do so.



1. Predation: Takes the target into the user's body. But in case the target is conscious, the chances of success decrease significantly. The target of effect includes but is not limited to organic and inorganic objects. It also extends to skills and magic.

2. Stomach: Stores the predated target. It is also possible to store materials created via analysis. Targets stored in this subskill are not affected by time.

3. Mimicry: Replicate the captured targets' appearance. Its abilities are also possible to use. However, it is limited to targets whose information is successfully analysed.

4. Isolation: Stores harmful objects that can not be analysed, neutralising them, then breaking them down into magicules.

5. Corrosion: Corrodes the target, decomposing it if it is organic. There is a chance of acquiring an ability after partially consuming the targets body.

6. Receive: The ability to obtain skills from the individuals under the user's influence.

7. Provide: Grants part of the user's abilities to those under the user's influence or to use individuals that have a soul link/bond.

4.『Ultimate Authority』


1. Ultimate Level: Any type of attack can be elevated to the ultimate level whilst simultaneously raising the user's defense against attacks to the ultimate level.

2. Essence Fusion: Fuses a pair of different essences or targets into a single object. Can be used to merge skills together, evolving them into new skills. More than one skill can be acquired from merging depending on the combination used.

3. Essence Separation: Separates the properties or essence inherent to the target into different objects. (In case the separate target has no physical form, it may dissappear.)

4. Essence Creation: The necessary essence needed for the formation of skills can be produced with this ability.

5.『Space-Time Administrator』


1. Dimension Leap: Allows the user to freely locate and travel to a location, even if it is in different dimensions or worlds, as long as there's a guide or connection to it.

2. Space Severance: The gaps within space can be opened and widened for various uses. It can be used as a source of teleportation by opening the space between two points and connecting the two spaces.

3. Space-Time Manipulation: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the elements of space and time, allowing them to perform Spacetime Connection or even Instant Motion depending on their proficiency.

4. Temporal Chronostasis: A temporal illusion that make targets see objects as though they have stopped moving, making opponents react slower than they are supposed to.

5. Temporal Acceleration: Grants the user the ability to speed up time processes of a target.

6. Temporal Deceleration: Grants the user the ability to slow down time processes of a target.

7. Future Memory: This ability allows the user to access information from the future to make use of it in the present time.

Alright, the rest of my abilities remain the same, BUT YOU ARE JUST BROKEN!!

The hell, man!?

You were already broken as a unique skill, but now, you're just something else!

「Do I displease you?」

——— You've impressed me shitless Raziel-san! I'm so proud of you. ———


After I said that, I felt my cheeks turn red. Though there was no reason for me to blush.

I then found out about it.

——— R-Raziel-san, are you... blushing? ———


Ah. I see. She seems to have developed a bit more emotions.

I like it more that way. With this, I guess Guy would likely lose against me with Raziel-san by my side.

——— Don't worry, Kali-san, I'm sure you'd get your chance to shine in the nearest future. ———

Kalisha: 「Alright...」

It seems like she's lost the little confidence she had.

It's not like I want her by my side because she's useful or shit.

I've already become attached to her as a person.

She doesn't need to worry about that. I'm not a power-seeking maniac, after all.

Kalisha: 「Understood. Though I'll still make myself more useful to you in the future!」

Well, as long as she gets that she's still important to me, it's cool, I guess.

With that, I decided to visit Guy. It's been a long time since I last met Rain and Misery.

I can't wait to show them the new recipes I developed with my knowledge from Earth.

With that in mind, I used my newly reacquired skill, 『Space-Time Administrator』to teleport there directly.

As I arrived, the previous demon peers that harassed me were standing at the same spot.

They seem to have not realized that I had arrived.

Well, that last time I came, it was by flying above the sea in an obvious position.

I decided to make my presence known to them by unleashing a bit of my haki.

As I did that, one of them turned to me and roared.

「How dare you appear in front of us you–」

The demon didn't get to finish his words as he was smacked in the head by his colleague.

When he realized what happened, he turned to look at him with an enraged look.

「What was that for!!?」

「Are you so stupid that you can't recognize the one in front of you!!?」

「Huh? What do you-」

「That's Sariel-sama, for God's sake, you idiot!!」

With the revelation, he turned to look at me with a complicated expression.

He didn't seem to have clearly understood what his colleague said.

Honestly, even if he did insult me, I wouldn't even give a damn.

I'll only strike if he dares threaten me with my own specialty.

It took a few seconds for him to understand the words of his partner.

His face contorted into that of absolute horror, that's if it can still be described as such.

Without missing a beat, he went on all fours and began to.... beg for mercy?

「Please spare me, Sariel-sama!! Cut off my head if you will, but please spare my friend! I didn't mean to annoy you!!」

Seriously? What type of monster do people take me to be nowadays?

Sariel: 「*Sigh* Just forget about it. Though, if I'm yelled at again, there won't be a next time. Hehehe~」

It seems like my words were as clear as day considered the fact that they shivered crazy under my maniacal smile.

To be honest, I don't plan to do anything of the sort. But it won't hurt to teach them some manners now, would it?

I ignored them altogether and headed for Guy's castle.

As I arrived, I met Rain, who was already in front of the castle's door, waiting for me.

It seems like my aura was also felt at a distance as far as I was standing.

Rain: 「Hey Sariel! Nice to meet you again!」

Sariel: 「Yeah. Nice to meet you too, Rain. Hope you've been doing well?」

Rain: 「Hmph! Nothing's been well ever since you left. He got bored after that and has been grumpy about it.」

Ah, in that case, I'll only rub superiority on his stupid face for the fun of it.

That's only if he manages to find out, though.

I don't plan to share it with the world like some jackass. It would be funny to do so, though.

Rain and I had a little chat before she led me to the hall, taking me to meet Guy directly.

I hope unlike last time, I won't be stalked.

We arrived at the hall where Guy was lazily seated. He had a weird look on his face.

As soon as he saw me, he straightened up and looked at me with a curious face.

Sariel: 「Yo Guy. Long time no see. Didn't expect yah to turn into a sack of boredom.」

Guy: 「Whatever.」

I sat down on the chair in front of him and started up a conversation.

Sariel: 「I heard there's a new hero out for yah ass.」

I taunted him with a smug expression.

He looked at me incredulously before speaking up.

Guy: 「I actually never cared. There are many fools who have tried to defeat me in the name of heroic deeds. Who knows, he might be the same.」

Sariel: 「Hey, did you kill them?」

I know I sound like a pacifist right now, but I can't help it.

Guy: 「Hm? I killed them, of course. I can't let them be; giving them another chance to commit suicide. I'll just kill to make my job easier.」

Sariel: 「*Sigh* Forget that. Where's Velzard? I can't sense here anywhere.」

Guy: 「She went on her monthly visit. That's to see Veldanava.」

Oh, right. I almost forgot she was his sister.

「Notice. Due to the soul corridor existing between you and the two dragons, it was possible to analyse their dragon factor.」

Wait a minute,..... WHAT!!!

——— Sag—no, Raziel-san. What did you just let up!? When was there a soul corridor between Veldora and Velzard!? And why bring this shit up now. ———

「Notice. When you name a person, you establish a sort of relationship with them.

That also brings about a soul corridor. Using that, I was able to analyse their dragon factors.

The ultimate skill, 『Patience King: Gabriel』was also analyzed. The data about the skill has been stored for later use.」

Is this woman serious? How did she manage to pull that off?

「Notice. It began back in the time I was the unique skill 『Wise Sage』.」

So that was the secret experiment she was working on.

I now understand what she meant. I can definitely see myself disapproving of such an idea.

——— So, what did you get from analyzing their dragon factors? I'm kinda curious now. ———

「Although the analysis is incomplete, it was possible to get data of their intrinsic magic.

Now, you can use their Frost Magic and Storm Magic.」

That's awesome! If it's magic, then there's no problem. At least it's something I know I can handle.

The reason why I always feel weird getting new skills is because I know nothing about them.

I don't know a thing about my skills and can't wield them properly. I'm kinda a magic person than one who uses skills.

Although I can decently wield most of my skills, there are a few that could actually get me killed if I do not use them properly.

One of these is are 『Soul Lord』.

It was way easier to handle its previous self than what it is now.

One little mistake in handling the skill could get me killed.

Having something as powerful as this and not knowing how to use them properly is one of the most dangerous things in this world.

I've learned my lesson and won't repeat mistakes again.

——— I think I can leave the skill issue to you, Raziel-san. ———

「Notice. I appreciate the fact that you understand that I'm here to help. It is also advisable to master all your skills.」

Yeah. That is indeed important. I'll find time for that.

With this new power level, I wonder how Guy would fare against me now.

It is dangerous not to know how strong your opponent is in a fight.

Well, not that he will be my enemy or shit.

But there is no telling when things might go south.

Besides, if Rose was able to fight him with just her unique skill alone, what about me who now wields an ultimate skill?

He can't replicate any of my skills or magic with my partner by my side.

Even though it sounds weird for a whole me, I think I'll accept his challenge the next time he requested a spar.

Well, I think I'll pay Velda a little visit after all this.