The Hero And The Demon Lord (2).

After my long discussion with Guy, I immediately went to meet Rain and Misery.

They had also been so bored with nothing to do, so I decided to accompany them a little.

We sorta got into a cooking competition.

Well, it all stemmed up from Rain.

She said that I was still lacking in my cooking skills when she hadn't yet tasted my newest creation.

Seeing this as a challenge, I took their offer.

The result.

Of course, I destroyed them with pure cooking skills.

Well, I have information about various food products and recipes due to me taking part in the development of Silverion's agricultural system.

Not to mention the crazy ideas and experience I already have as an otherworlder.

I was actually one to cook in my time as Fubuki.

I mean, Makime couldn't cook. It was a painful fact I had to accept.

I helped her mom in the kitchen whilst Makime did the house chores.

I would never allow her to go to the kitchen.

You can only sympathize with me.

Although weird, it seems like it has, in a way, helped me.

They asked me for the recipe, but I turned them down.

After some time with them, I just had to leave there.

I had other things in mind to do. Hence, I wasn't going to neglect my duties.

I teleported back to the forest to receive my daily reports from Xavier, who was my official spy.

It seems like that red dragon was now accompanying the new hero.

He also had a sister they called Lucia or something.

It is a very interesting party if I do say so myself.

I also got wind of some monsters from the forest assaulting the local villages nearby.

I only needed to send Akihiko to handle the matter.

They needed experience aside from training. Hence, I send them to handle menial tasks that raise their experience points up.

Akane is currently on a mission to dispatch some bandits.

I never knew these kinds of people existed in this era. Weird.

With my daily tasks completed, I decided to just chill and enjoy what nature has for me.

Once you think of it, you find out that the world is a completely weird place.

I mean, look at Space-Time. I've always wondered what space-time was.

When special relativity first came out, it changed the way we all thought about space-time.

At least it did change my opinion of it. I used to think that it was absolute and that both these things are not related to each other.

But that's somehow wrong.

For example, two or more observers moving relative to each other do not agree on the time at which an event happens.

If that's correct, then that means my past would be happening in your future, to which you consider your past, right.

So that means any event can't be officially or globally assigned a past, present, or future.

I had always tried asking my teacher about this, but what I got was, "There are things beyond you, boy. Just shut up and accept what's reality instead of asking questions on things that are beyond your reach, in the realm of imagination."

I nearly smashed my head on the wall, hearing a school teacher tell me that.

Anyway, with what I'm saying, if the two mentioned observers don't agree on how much space is between two events, as long as they are moving, they will measure distance differently.

This is an undeniable fact.

But if you look at things from my perspective, reality is something on which we all (all observers) agree.

I'm pretty sure that's a good argument.

So, if you are following what I'm saying, if we think of what I explained initially, that would mean space and time can't be real.


Two observers measure the space and time at which an event occurs differently, but if time and space are considered real, we all have to agree on the same space and time of an event.

This is because reality is a term used to define an individual observer's own subjective perception of that which is real.

We all believe in reality. Hence, one of these contradicts the other.

All this makes no sense to me.

I always get depression thinking about such things.

I think I'll stop here for today. I can't let physics from my old world haunt me here in an isekai life now, can I?

I stood up from my position and looked up to the sky.

Sariel: 「I think I'll visit Velda now. Perhaps he might answer my questions. He is a capital "G" God, after all.」

Using my 『Space-time Administrator』, I appeared in the Heavenly Star Palace.

As I appeared, I felt the intense holy aura of the star palace pressure me a little.

But this was not a big deal. I had always felt this nauseous feeling with all my visits but shrugged them off.

It's not an unendurable feeling. It's just like an innocent, inexperienced teenager in the midst of a public bar or casino.

Well, I walked through the pathway leading to Velda's resting place.

On my way, I encountered a familiar individual.

「Note: Without looking below this sentence, guess who she is.」

Looking at the person, I could only give a slight smile.

Ot always brought a weird type of joy seeing this person.


Don't ask me. I don't know either.

Clearing these thoughts from my mind, I spoke.

Sariel: 「It seems like even a royal chicken has its own rebellious stage.」

「Note: Ha! Gotcha all!」

Feldaway: 「Tch. As repulsive as ever.」

Seriously. What's the deal with this dude and demons.

Sariel: 「Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, is Velda around?」

Feldway: 「And why should I answer you that?」

Is that how you want it? Fine.

Sariel: 「Because that's the only thing you're good for.」

As I said that, his facial expression contorted to that of pure rage.

Feldway: 「Shut it, demon! You have no manners!」

Sariel: 「Huh? If my memory serves me right, I was the first primordial to be born, even before you. You should call me Sariel-san brat.」

There's no way I'm gonna let this opportunity pass by.

I'm gonna rub the truth on his stupid femboy face.

Feldway: 「Damn you!」

As he roared, he drew out his mythical grade weapon 『Arc』, and began to assault me.

I was surprised to see that no one in particular had come to stop us from fighting already.

Did they want to see just how strong I am or what?

I summoned my own special weapon 『Ares』, to do my bidding.

He sent a strike to my torso, to which I parried fluently.

The attack sent ripples to the atmosphere. I began to parry each strike he sent towards me.

From this little clash, I can tell he's extremely skilled.

Since I could use Storm and Frost-type Magic, I think it's time I tested them out.

「Notice. With the analysis of their dragon factors, it was possible to copy their intrinsic abilities. The abilities in particular being 『Deceleration』 and 『Dividing Ability』.

The intrinsic skill 『Deceleration』 has been merged with the subskills 『Temporal Deceleration』, 『Temporal Chronostasis』, and『Temporal Acceleration』to form 『Temporal Manipulation』.

Additionally, the intrinsic skill 『Dividing Ability』has been merged with the subskill 『Space Severance』 to form 『All Creation Severance』.」

Wow, that's really just like you.

Well, let's make a good test subject of this royalty chicken.

Utilizing Veldora's magic, I sent an expanding 360⁰ electric destruction wave towards no one to be exact.

The attack is not directed at a particular person, so it can be said to be directed at no one.

Even so, the attack struck him.

I'm pretty sure he has some sort of shock nullification type skill.

But this is dragon magic we are talking about, man.

I think before the attack landed, he had some defensive barrier as he was still intact even after that attack.

He was still affected by the attack as I saw him tremble a little, only for him to shrug it off.

He's really strong for a chicken.

He recovered from my attack and launched one of his own.

「Notice. This is a space distorting slash that crumbles anything that comes into contact with it.」

I see. I activated my 『Multidimensional Barrier』, successfully blocking the attack before pulling out a counter.

Sariel: 「Let me show you what a real space attack can do!」

As I said that, I unleashed my devastating attack towards him.

『All Creation Severance』.

This skill is capable of outright severing the bond used to hold infons together.

The force of attraction pulling them together are destroyed, and this is capable of cutting through anything in the world.

There is no way to defend against this skill as it can cut through anything one can think of.

For something to defend against this skill, it had to be an anomalous event.

I used this skill as a counterattack, making it extremely difficult to defend against.

As the attack neared his neck, I could only watch in excitement.

"Finally, the brat's gonna learn his place!"

That was the thought that clouded my mind.

I had even used my 『Thought Acceleration』skill to the fullest of my abilities, preparing myself to savor the sight of it all.

At least I had the chance to make my imagination run wild.

Once again, life gave me the middle finger I had always hated.

My attack came into contact with a sturdy divine golden barrier that shrugged it off like water splashed on a wall.

With my thoughts accelerated to the nearest tens of million seconds, I was forced to watch the agonizing scene in slow motion.

Karma really exists.

I turned to look at the perpetrator with wrath.

"Of course it was the fucking dragon!!"

I looked at him with frustration and fury.

Sariel: 「Oi! I was about to humiliate him big-time! Why did you stop me!?」

He turned to look at me with an exasperated expression on his face.

He then spoke.

Veldanava: 「How would you feel if I killed your subordinates?」

Sariel: 「I wouldn't feel bad because I trained them well!! They would never disrespect you even if they don't know who you are as long as you're my friend.

None of them would dare raise a hand against someone I consider important!

I taught them manners, unlike some "God" who can't even do that.」

I spat back with a solid argument. That is an undeniable fact he can't refuse.

He looked away from me, trying to avoid eye contact.

Veldanava: 「Fine then. Sorry about that. And Feldway...」

As he spoke, he turned to look at Feldway, who faced the ground with shame.

I couldn't care less about him. He was the same prick that started it to begin with.

Wait, wasn't that me? Meh, whatever.

I wasn't gonna tell anyone about this.

In the end, Feldway got scolded, and the look on his face was worth eating shit.

He looked as if he was gonna die as he had committed a sin.

I laughed my ass off when I saw this.

Veldanava: 「*Sigh*. These guys are really something.」

Sariel: 「You're one to speak. Anyway, let's forget all that just happened.」

Velda nodded firmly and led me to his private garden.

We spent a few days messing around, reading mangas, and slacking off.

We both had a little conversation that led us to this point.

Sariel: 「Hey, have you heard of the new hero that rose to power recently?」

Veldanava: 「Oh? Do you mean Rudra and his sister Lucia?」

Sariel: 「Okay—were you stalking them?」

Veldanava: 「Why would you think so lowly of me!? I didn't stalk them! I was only observing them to see their purpose.」

Yep. That's all I need to hear.

Sariel: 「Sure thing. Besides that, don't you think him becoming a hero would go against your plan for Guy?」

I asked him this question. He hasn't done anything yet after seeing the birth of this hero.

He must have a plan for him, too, considering the way he's reacting to this piece of information.

Heck, he might be the mastermind behind it all.

Veldanava: 「Oh. Don't worry about that. His arrival marked a new plan for me. I am even personally training him.」

Eh? That's an important piece of information. Why did he only let it slip now?

Sariel: 「Why are you only telling me now? God, you're so careless.」

I spoke in a disappointed tone. His carelessness could even make an almighty figure like him die one day.

Well, it's not like I'm any better.

Veldanava: 「Yeah, yeah, I know. At least I haven't died over a hundred thousand times!!」

Wow. Nice comeback. I'm really teaching him well. I'm so proud.

I comically erased a tear that slipped out from the corner of my eye.

He looked at me, baffled by my action before shaking his head.

He then spoke up.

Veldanava: 「Well, sorry for that. How about this piece of information for compensation.」

As soon as he said that, he caught my attention. He always says this type of thing.

But when you hear the news itself, it turns out to be really important information for me.

Veldanava: 「He acquired one of the virtue series skills.」

Great, another thing I don't know about that he has yet to explain to me.

The amount of information this dude has is boundless.

If you don't indirectly inquire about it, whoosh, it's gone.

Who knows what else he has in store for the world.

Sariel: 「Start explaining shithead.」

I said that a little too bluntly.

He looked confused at my sudden shift in my demeanor before understanding his mistake.

He sheepishly looked downwards with an embarrassed blush on his face before looking back at me with a neutral expression.

The way he acts like a high school girl at times is really uncomfortable.

Veldanava: 「Sorry about that. Let me tell you the truth behind ultimate skills.」

As he said that, I could feel Raziel-san literally turn on『Thought Acceleration』along with『Analytical Appraisal』to catch every piece of information that was about to be released

I nodded my head in exasperation.

Velda began to speak.

Veldanava: 「There are four series of ultimate skills I personally created. These series hold immense power, and a few represent my authority as a God.」

What!!? This is.... astonishing.

I never knew that type of thing.

He just dropped a bomb on me like a life story.

I remained silent, hinting for his continuation.

Veldanava: 「The series in particular are "Virtue Series" and "Angelic Series."

But as the same that happened with the creation of angels, there were also skills that were formed as counterparts to these series.

That is; the "Sin Series" and the "Demonic Series."」

I see. That's one hell of an info. That means there are like four series out there.

Now that I think of it, I got Raziel, which is an angel's name.

It was named after an angel. Does that mean I got one of those?

Sariel: 「Hey Velda. I recently got a skill named Raziel.

I'm not sure, but I think it's in the angelic category you mentioned earlier. 」

As I said that, he looked at me with interest. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, which I totally ignored.

Veldanava: 「Interesting. Demons are not supposed to possess any angelic skill. The same goes for the angels.

The only way that's possible is if the particular individual is a hybrid between the two, which you are not.

You're really something, Sariel. I didn't expect this.」

Sariel: 「Don't give me that look. You can blame someone for that.」

「Accusation denied!」

Yeah. That's what most terrorists that blew up a church would say.

Veldanava: 「As I was saying, these skills were initially supposed to be seven, but with your arrival, along with Rose, it all changed.

I had to create two extra skills in every series, making it nine in each of them.」

Sariel: 「That shit's not my problem.」

Veldanava: 「Do you need me to list out all the skills?」

Well, it's something I might need to know about in the future so–

Sariel: 「Yes.」

As I agreed, foreign information I never possessed assaulted my mind.

It seems like instead of explaining it all to me, he directly manipulated infons to do so.

I really need to learn how to manipulate them properly.

I could ask for help from him, but Raziel-san said she wanted to do this on her own.

I guess we can't forever continue to bother the old dude.

After that, we discussed a bunch of things. Apparently, this new hero acquired one of the virtue skill series.

The one I am talking about is a skill called 『Covenant King: Uriel』.

It seems like Velda sent me detailed information about the skill in the form of infons.

This is when Kalisha comes into play.

From Raziel-san, I was told that Kalisha is a thing called a "Digital Life-form."

Due to Raziel-san's previous unevolved self as 『Wise Sage』, she couldn't gather information accurate enough to use.

It turns out that all the time spirits that exist today are called [1]Semi-Digital Nature races.

「Note: Although digital life-form and digital nature all mean the same thing, I'm gonna use digital life-forms for people that became one and digital nature for races that are innately one.」

When they manage to evolve into a spirit lord, they become full-fledged digital nature.

This is what I got from Raziel-san.

Since I have a time spirit as a spirit lord inside me, she is also a digital nature.

This is a subspecies of spiritual life-forms that are capable of permanently existing purely in information form.

They are also capable of exercising exceptional control over infons.

She has been the one managing infons, with Raziel-san learning from her.

In exchange, Raziel-san teaches Kalisha how to use her innate abilities with her subskill, 『Skill Domination』.

Although it seems like a business deal, they are genuinely caring for each other in their own weird way.

It's like they've become sisters.

They let me be the target of all their frustration when they fail in their secret experiments.

Kinda cute if you ask me.

Although I would prefer they picked another target instead of me.

They're really annoying when frustrated.

As I was saying, it's Kalisha that handles the work of deciphering and processing the information stored in the set of infons Velda throws at me.

It would normally be impossible for her to do so. Why?

According to Velda here, the highest a manas or whatever that's called can do is to manipulate infons to the level of merging and separating skills.

I could use Raziel-san's 『Fusion and Separation』 skill to merge and separate my own skills, but this skill can't affect others.

What I mean is that this skill can not affect external sources unless the target has a soul corridor existing between us.

Plus, this skill does not directly interact with infons.

It happens indirectly.

To make myself clear, an example would be better.

It's like the way we interact with atoms.

Although we can't directly touch them, we can indirectly touch them.

This is because in my previous world, everything is made up of atoms.

Hence, when we touch an object, we are indirectly touching atoms.

Although a bit confusing, it's really simple when you look at it from my perspective.

Now, back to the topic, a digital life-form has the ability to manipulate external infons in order to merge or separate the skills of other individuals.

Although that requires a digital life-form with an extraordinarily high level of control over infons even among their level.

According to Velda, Kalisha is the only greater time spirit that was ever born and the only one that will ever exist.

Now that she has evolved into a spirit lord, there will never be a greater time spirit ever again.

The number of lesser and medium time spirits are so small that they can't even make it to the summoning ritual.

Their total number combined is less than twenty, according to Ramires.

Kalisha might be a medium time spirit that broke through her limit and became a greater spirit of time.

This is normally almost impossible, but it seems like she gave life her own middle finger.

At least life got what it deserves even though it hurts that I wasn't the one to do so.

Anyway, due to her being the first spirit lord to exist, on top of that, the first time spirit to do so, she must be the first digital nature to exist.

According to some old man, no manas have yet to be born. He's just making a speculation about it.

It might be a race that will come into existence in the future.

With his omniscience lost, he can only make speculations or guesses.

If such a terrifying existence were to be born in the future, all hell would be unleashed.

I mean, they are ultimate existences that have the capability to stand above even true dragons.

I can only imagine how scary one would be.

After some exchange of information with Velda, we parted ways, not without me giving him extra volumes of manga I possessed.

I laughed at the sight of a God on his knees begging me for extra volumes of Black Clover.

At the time, my ego had reached the heavens. Just ignore the fact that I'm already in heaven.

Ascending to heaven in heaven, heh.

I teleported out of the palace and arrived at the Jura Forest.

It seems like not much had happened after my departure.

As soon as I said that, a huge earthquake that shook the whole world occurred.

Sariel: 「Murphy's Law strikes again.」

I joked out loud.

I need to learn how to avoid raising red flags and jinxing stuff.

——— Raziel-san. ———

「Understood. Activating skill, 『Universal Perception』.」

After a few seconds, she spoke again.

「Notice. The source of the earthquake is from the ice palace in the frozen continent.」

Is that so? Guy must be doing something funny.

As I spoke again, another earthquake occurred, this one more powerful than the last.

The earth below me cracked open, swallowing up some trees and lakes in the process.

If this continues, the number of aquatic monsters would drop significantly.

Not to mention the ecosystem. The food chain would be messed up.

I think I'll have to intervene. Since it was from Guy's castle, I thought he would handle it by himself. It seems like I am placing too much trust in him.

I'll have to stop such habits. I was about to teleport out of the forest when I was approached by Rose.

She held my shoulder, successfully stopping me in the process.

Rose: 「Did you seriously forget about your partner in crime.」

Sariel: 「Hehe. Sorry about that. Let's go.」

Rose: 「Hm.」

With a firm nod, she held onto me as I prepared to teleport there.

She gave me a sly look and spoke.

Rose: 「I hope you still remember that you owe me a favor.」

Ah, shit! I know where this is going.

Sariel: 「*Sigh*. Fine! If there is a situation where I'll need to fight, I allow you to fight anyone of your liking. Happy!?」

As I said that, she smiled so brightly, I was almost convinced that she was an angel.

Rose: 「Have I ever told you how much I love you?」

Sariel: 「No.」

I think I get how Raziel-san felt when I said that once.


Yeah. I was such an asshole huh?


Ouch. My heart. So cruel.

——— Kalisha. You're still there for me, right? ———

Kalisha: 「Don't worry. I'm always there for you, Sariel-sama!」

Well, I don't think I need to worry.

Sariel: 「*Sigh*. Let's just get going.」

With that said, I teleported out of the Jura Forest once again.

As the teleportation process was completed, we appeared in the vast expanse of ice land.

Today, particularly, the temperature was beyond low.

From that, I deducted that the frost dragon Velzard was in action.

She barely made an impact on the world with her actions.

For her to be on the move, this must be a serious situation.

As I turned to look at Rose, she understood my obscure message.

With a firm nod, she put on her serious demeanor.

That was all I needed to start moving.

Each step we took marked the iced land behind us.

The weight of this situation made me throw away all my silly behavior, and with a stern expression, I continued moving forward.

The closer we got to the ice palace, the colder it got.

The cold seemingly bypassed our nullification type skills.

It signified how dangerous this event was.

On our way to the ice castle, we met two unconscious demons.

Surprisingly, they were the demon peers who assaulted me in the past.

Looking carefully, there was a small but obvious slash mark across their chest.

Their wounds had remnants of holy energy.

I intended to ignore them and proceed forward but decided against it.

With my『Soul Lord』, I devoured the stagnating energy, relieving them of the effects of the holy energy.

Their stiff expression eased a little, signifying my success at saving them.

I continued moving when I heard Rose speak up in front of me.

She had a smile plastered on her beautiful face as she spoke.

Rose: 「You're as kind as ever, aren't you?」

I looked at her, confused for a moment before a pang of realization dawned on me.

Rose: 「I already know of what these demons did to you. Yet you still decided to help them.

Even I, who was not offended by them, would've decided to ignore them. That's what makes you special.

But I must advise you not to make it a weakness. Because once it becomes a weakness, it hurts the most out of any weakness you can think of.」

I see. She has experienced more than I know of.

I would like to ask her, but I think it's a personal matter that I should stay out of.

Understanding what she meant, I gave her a slight nod.

She smiled once again. A beautiful one at that. This is a rare side of her that I usually never see.

A side I don't think I can ever get used to considering her behavior.

Sariel: 「Alright. Let's continue.」

I opened, or should I say, smashed the door of the palace, bursting in with speeds comparable to sound speed.

Rose decided to walk past the door like a civilized person.

It made me feel like a delinquent, but that was the least of my worry.

I found Rain and Misery lying on the earth, weakened.

It seems like they were both fighting off the holy energy rampaging inside of their body as they both had the same slash mark I treated before.

I decided to help them too by using my『Soul Lord』.

After that, I dashed to where the whole incident was occurring.


As I shouted at them, they all turned to look at me with a confused look.

I spotted four people in particular who caught my attention.

They were the two dragon sisters, along with a handsome blond guy fighting Guy.

There was also a pink haired lady maintaining a holy barrier above Guy and the blond dude.

I then understood the situation.

It was the hero and his party.


[1] Semi-Digital Nature/ Life-form is a type of spiritual life-form that can temporarily exist purely in information form.

Although they aren't full-fledged digital nature, they are still capable of manipulating infons, although at a much lower level compared to digital nature's.

The ability to transfer their existence between infons is limited to their mental capabilities. They waste much more energy to do so.

The only known semi-digital life-forms are time spirits.


「Note: This is not a cannon existence. It's purely from my imagination. Let me know how you think of the idea in the comments. I think I did a pretty good job on it. 🙂🫤🥲」

「Word Count: (4747).」