Chapter 6. "A little faster..."


And a happy new year!

I hope that 2025 is going great for you all so far and that your health and income are stable and stay that way.

I have been doing just as well as I can, 36 years old doesn't feel much different than 35 I tell you lol.

I have been quite busy with quite a few things...but I will be posting regularly again soon enough, starting this week even!

I won't keep you long, the next few chapters are a bit short so I will just jump right in, yeah?

I will see you all soon enough.



June 29th, 2017.


Dear You.

Hey kid.

As always, it's been a while. 

You still haven't been created as of yet...

But worry not, there is still time.

In truth, I have no idea if I can even have a kid,

I have to go run some tests to find out.

That idea...that you may never be born really scares me.

At work,

I'll continue later.

I love you.




I currently work at a small school/daycare called XXXXX...

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

My interview with XXXXX XXXXX is on the 12th of July...

It needs to get here a little faster...


Spoiler alert!


Still no you as of 2025 lmao.

We will keep that up until it's no longer true I suppose.

-I still kinda have no idea if I can actually have kids or not...a part of me has just given up on the idea of having a kid at this point.

My cat -Kiba- does a grand job of keeping me company, and alternatively keeping the perpetual baby fever at bay. 

-I worked for a place that I won't name -much like the people in this journal series- in order to maintain some semblance of privacy.

AND to avoid a defamation lawsuit lbvs! 

I was sooooo unhappy working there, although this had not initially been the case. 

I had started off with them as an Assistant Teacher, being tasked with doing anything that the classroom Teacher didn't care to do. 

I changed diapers, managed nap times, prepped, served, and cleaned up after list a few things.

It was a lot, and I am used to a lot lol.

To keep this as short as possible, I'll tell the diet version of what drove me away.

I had been suddenly promoted to a full-fledged Teacher and tossed into a class of my own.

I didn't mind that at all, as I had more than enough experience to handle 6-12 kids at one time.

I was not expecting said children to range from five years old up to nearly 13...

Can you imagine how nearly impossible was just to write up a simple lesson plan, let alone make it flexible enough to educate several different age groups!? 

I can.

I did.

Or at least tried.

I quit because during one of the daily nap times I was approached by a pair of young ladies who should have been asleep some time ago.

They came down from the lofted area -where the girls were assigned to sleep- and came over to my desk to tell me that... of the other girls had made a crayon disappear utilizing the back door...

I will leave it at that.

The center either did nothing about it or simply didn't tell the parent(s) because that very same student returned the next day WITH her mom, who proceeded to kiss her goodbye and simply leave without even a word to me.


Not my kinda establishment. 

I hope that they have been investigated, or just shut down by this point. 

The mother of that child as well.

I quit that day.

I did.

I left on my hour-long lunch break and one of my good friends who lived nearby rolled us a really fat blunt.

It was like...aroma therapy lol. 

I remember watching my phone ring, and ring, and ring, and ring.

Voicemails began to pile up.

Text messages began to roll in.

I was nice and numb and high.

I didn't look back.

That behooved the hell out of me. 

-My interview went very well and I started that job expeditiously. 

Ya'll...I checked Google, and I spelled that word right the first time!


We read, and we don't judge.



Anyway, that was a wild one.

Welcome to 2025 lol.

I hope that the next one finds you as well, if not better than this one did.

Safe travels folks, and see you soon.

As always:

Stay safe.

Stay healthy.

Stay vigilant. 
