Chapter 7. "Mind and spirit."

Hey folks (that includes you, kid.)

I hope you've been well.

Life is so random, you know?

I got a random raise yesterday! And then O.L.K. spiked by 2300 views!

That is wild and rather intimidating growth! 

Not the raise lol

It was 85 cents.

But I am always grateful, you know?

That is more than I had even expected lol. 

I hope that you all had a good day and night and that this new one is just as great.

I won't keep you, catch you on the flip side.



November 26th, 2017.


Dear You.

Still no YOU.


I am a patient man.

It's weird that I look forward to holding and loving you so much and your mom

-whoever she is bound to be- isn't even pregnant yet. 

I love you so much.

So so so much.

And I will love you till the day I die...

Even if you are never born.

I will just go on loving you in mind and spirit.

This year has been a pretty long one.

*I'm writing like this because it seems like no one does it anymore.*

Cursive is simply dying off...

I think about you all the time.

-My little girl-

(Or boy if your mom gets her way)

I have so much love to much that I fear that I will never get to give it all to you.

For some reason I just feel like I can't even have kids.

I hope that that is not the case.

I guess if you are reading this then I've been proven wrong. 

I hope so.



-Well, still no kid.

Still no YOU.

Such is life, yeah?

-Still so much love to give...with no one to give it to.

-I still carry a lot of that love.

I try to seed it across time and space in tiny increments as I go about my days, like a beacon to maybe guide you to me.

A boy can dream, yeah?

I like to imagine that pre-life love matters, you know?

Maybe those stars above us are just souls that are waiting to be laced into a fleshy body lol.

We have to send that love so that their lives are that much better.

Or maybe I am just a foolish, quixotic poet.


-This last entry was written in cursive lol. I did -and still do- that a lot and I think it became a subconscious thing after a while. 

I remember giving my nephew a birthday card a few years back. I had written in cursive on the inside, and after he had tried and failed to read it, he turned to me and asked what language it was in.

That blew my mind.

And that behooved me to act.

I was behooved.

The behoovery was real.

I vowed to consciously write in cursive as often as was possible.

And I still do.

-I've always wanted a daughter, you know?

A little Princess to call my own.

To raise alongside my Queen.

No such luck yet lol.

But it will be, what it will be.

My ex wanted a boy.

I could care less now lol, I just want to be a father.

To experience that blessing.

-I still have no idea if I can have kids as of yet lol

I didn't have nearly enough sex in my last relationship, and I could never gather the courage to ejaculate into a cup and submit it to testing lmao.

-We are all adults here.- 

Again, such is life.

It will be what it will be.

I wouldn't mind being a stepfather lol.

I will leave it at that.

I hope that this both finds you and leaves you well.

All of you random readers, and maybe you kid, if you are a thing someday.

Who knows.

Till the next one folks!

Safe travels!

And as always:

Stay safe.

 Stay healthy.

 Stay vigilant.
