Chapter 8. "Moving."

I hope that this finds you all well.

It's been one hell of a year already, yeah?

Man oh, man.

I will leave all of that weirdness out in the real world, it is strange enough in here already, yeah? lol.

I have a lot to write about, and I am sure it will be a great year.

I hope that you all have some great goals planned and things set in motion.

My words for this year are "Growth." and "Boarders." 

I am learning to not be less kind but to be only kind to those who deserve it.

It can be tough, but so can I lol.

I will leave you all to it, this one is short and sweet lol.


December 28th, 2017.


Hey kid.'s been a very long year.

New jobs.


Moving again.


Let's hope it all goes well.

I have faith.

That's a VERY important thing.


Man, I remember this move...

It was wild.

I had been living with my ex and her brother for a bit before I stumbled across what I had then seen as an amazing opportunity.

The house that I had once lived in with a couple of old friends was now available for rent, and I happened to know the guy who owned it.

He let me and my lady move in for just $500.00 a month.

It was a full house with three bedrooms, so I was open to roommates at the time. 

My then fiancés brother needed somewhere to stay, so he was welcomed, and at the time I had a really good friend who was also looking for a new start.

$500.00 split four ways?

Plus a water bill once per three months, an energy bill, and wi-fi?

Who could say no to that!?

I had no idea what I was really walking into lbvs... 

Roommates can be either the biggest blessing or one hell of a curse. 

If you know, you know.

You know?

We -myself, my lady, and the aforementioned others- would move once more not too long after we had settled into that house...that really sucked. I ended up losing a really good friendship over that place...

A story for another time, my word. 

Long story short, we ended up moving into a new place just a block and a half up the road from where we were.

It was a very random blessing.

It was also another veiled curse lbvs.

-I ended up switching jobs again that year.

I have always been one for self-respect when it comes to what I do for a living, and that has led to me just not sticking to some things, you know?

But I think that that is HUGE.

You should always know yourself and what you are and are not willing to do and live with.

Leave that shitty job and get a new one, believe me. 

On the other side of fear is everything we want.

Remember that.

I started working for what was essentially an elderly group home.

It didn't pay me very well at all, but that was so far from what I cared about at the time, you know?

I wanted to do something that would give me not only a sense of purpose but also the chance to actually do something that felt like a real contribution to the world. 

I had been a teacher for just over 12 years at that point, in one capacity or another, and after that? Private Security.

Lots of Private Security.

I had decided to take a break from those two things and try out a new field.

And thus I found myself working as a registered Residential Care Worker. 

ANOTHER story for another time lbvs!

-Faith is a weird and interesting word for me.

I was raised in a Pentecostal household that later converted to Baptist, so my views on religion are a bit...different lol.

I don't judge, you know?

Live and let live.

I am very Spiritual, but I don't follow any specific religion at this point in my life.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, both good things and bad.

The Universe is always moving and shifting, and it smiles in some people's direction a bit more than others, you know?

But it smiles.

And good goes around.

That is the balance of it all.

But who am I? 


If you are alive and reading this someday, I hope you stand by and for something.

Please do, or the world will let you fall for anything.

I will leave you all at that.

I hope that this finds you well and that I see you all back here soon enough for the next one, yeah?

Till next time folks:

Stay safe.

Stay healthy.

Stay vigilant.
