Day 4: Assassin's magic

Emiya here, it's day 4 of my survival log in this worldfirstly, today at 2 am, i have acquired the most overpowered skill to date that I have made from sage's craft.The skill's name being 'acute magic control'it lead to me getting a 28 hour cooldown on sage's craft, but honestly? it was worth it. It was worth it very much because this skill allows me to manipulate magical energy at what feels like it's smallest levelcombining it with accelerated thinking and I can make my magic so dense that it feels like it can pierce anything.It allows me to even utilize 'strings'I made a method of making strings from my finger tips that can bind and also burn opponentsThey are made of pure magic, so they burn people when they come in contact.Without acute magic control, it took a lot of focus and it was very hard to control but now?I can control all 10 strings from all 10 fingers with great efficiency, it was amazing.Even more so, since the strings are made solely from condensed magic, i can still change their form into water or even combust them into fire.It was a surreal feeling, it felt like an amazing addition to my arsenal.other than that, training went as usual today. We simply covered basic magic which I was a decent level above nowFor the lesson, Yewinda just offered me tips on utilization of magic.It was honestly greatly appreciatedafter said lesson, I just continued practicing more and also.... getting some more toolsTwo main sets of skills I found in areas of the library I shouldn't have been'buffing magic', which I need for my eventual goal of becoming a magic swordsmanand...assassin's magic, i need to find better ways to gather information and this has the tools i needI firstly focused on assassin's magic.It consisted of 5 main partssilenceinvisibilityPrecisionpoisonsuicideI.... decided to learn them all in the end, they are handy to say the least1. silence- i need to use magic as a blurry layer on my feet, keeping the layer on well my whole body, it basically muffles my sound so nicely that i am silent. It's very helpful in cases i want to stay hidden2. Invisibility- It's the one i had most problem with today, I need to make an 'aura' or cloak of magic around me that extends a bit beyond my body, allowing it to make my body seem transparent, then I have to reduce the flaring of aura to as little as it needs to be so my invisibility properly blends into it's surroundingsthis skill wouldn't be possible without acute magic control, it requires far too much precision for any normal person.3. precision- it was much easier to do, I needed to put a magical signature onto someone, a symbol or sign that I could do from a distance, if they didn't know of it or weren't strong enough to take it off, all my spells would essentially become homing spells.4. Poison- This where I became a bit more uncomfortable, it's the ability of being able to make poisons from magic.... there's many poisons listed here but..... I am required to physically come in contact and feel said poisons to use them, it's interesting and could be useful... if I do have to use these skills5. suicide- It's..... a simple method, to materialize magic inside my own body to essentially kill myself in a quick and painless way... it reccomends turning my own brain into an explosion....It took me a few hours, but I fully realised and mastered them, with the first 2 atleast, I can gather information more easily... but I will still need to keep my trails cleanI next went onto buff magic.... physical, magic, speed, defense and even willpowerthey were quite simple honestly but also the hardest to understand how they worked, they required me to use magic on the physical body to increase the body's capabilityit was like manually applying a calmer version of Yew even. I did so with myself and, it increased my power a lot while also draining my magic tons.I used exponential boost to buff my body itself. It seems the buff magic is also a multiplier as my body's power increased more than double.buff magic seems to have limits based on the caster but it is still a multiplicative boost. Coupled with me being able to use exponential growth at 2 times comfortably and still getting strongerit seems to be in total a 3x boost on my base, buff magic seems to increase my power by roughly 50%I can't put an exact number on buff magics, even more so since I need to apply them individually, they seem to solely effect the body.for now, I got this information from the section of the library we weren't meant to go in but.... if I just say I found buff magic there and didn't know we weren't allowed, it should be fine.Sorry miss Twir, the librarian, the blame is gonna be pinned on you if it ends up being a problem-I have taken many forms of magic and spells I want to learn, I have also taken a lot of other information.Time for a brief history lesson of the kingdom in this log-The country's name is Pelonia, it was originally divided into 2 nations, Pelonia and Grendlia.Grendlia hated Pelonia because Pelonia was a monarchy while Grendlia was a democracy and wanted a fairer kingdom.It was a good idea on paper but..... the nation was corrupted pretty quickly, within the first 50 years of it's existenceit continued to exist for about 430 years more, but at that point corruption was so rampant that they tried to invade and take over Pelonia....they failed, they were destroyed in the great Pelonian war and taken over, uniting the whole continent the war, there were many heroes. Not ones like me from another world, but heroes native to the world. There was a sage back then tothe sage of Heavenly virtue, he was said to be a wise man who travelled the war, helping the weakened areas and spread the wisdom of medicine and care.That was interesting indeed, that's some history. I am not sure what else to mention, anything you all wish to know? (in case you all end up here like me-)I talked to my classmates as well, we had a meeting with the queen and she told us that at the end of our first week, we will be taken to a place where monsters are common to get us more accustomed to fighting against actual foes, she will be sending the mentors and also most of the knight order with usIt's a bit worrisome that we are being rushed into fighting so quickly but.... it's what it ismy classmates had many opinions, some nervous, some downright scared but I can surely say no one was I am writing this, I am going to head to my training with Esca, I am hoping to gather more information at night.for now I will end this log. Wish me luck.Emiya out