Day 5: I got knocked out.

Hello, sorry for the late update and well... the only update for the day

This is log 8...? day 5 log yeah

So long story short, I got knocked out.

The morning and day went about the same, I am no longer training along with Gwen and Dori because I have been given a lot more freedom to practice magic.

Today, I worked on buff magic, application of my magic in general and using acute magic control to increase potency of said magic

I used sage's craft to make a skill for swordsmanship- "Mastered Basic swordsmanship"

It essentially perfected my basic form of swordsmanship but if I want to truly flesh myself out and master the sword, I need to make my own form according to Esca

speaking of whom, I battled her for 3 hours, till I exhausted all my magic and endurance

In the morning after she finished training with the fighters, she asked to train as she won't be free in the afternoon today

so I showed her and well..... she was downright shocked that my swordsmanship grew

She couldn't believe my swordsmanship grew overnight, I agreed and told her about how I used to magic to increase my perception and brain power (not a lie)

and used that to fully master the intricacies of sword fighting

she believed me, as she heard of such cases, especially for someone with my 'talent'

as she saw this, she asked to spar me again, no bars held back and well.....

I went all out and it honestly shocked myself to how much I closed the gap

using all my buffs, using exponential boost to 4 times and starting the battled with what I can only explain as a plasma canon, Esca could not underestimate me at all

I compressed magic as much as I could, the molecules fully compact and then compressed the air around it which I launched directly at her, igniting said magic and blasting her away

even with her Yew, she was blasted away a distance

It shocked her greatly as she quite literally teleported to me, that's how fast it was

but I wasn't as slow as before, with how many buffs I had I simply used gravity to push her away and then used my strings to bind her arms and legs

Before she could break away, I ignited the magical strings directly into lightning, it launched her flying as she was.... well pissed

She used Yew on her now drawn sword as she sent slashes of magic toward me, I couldn't do much other than dodge as we kept fighting like this for actual hours

I was bone tired and the strain on my body was immense

but I had done my fair share of damage on Esca to, it wasn't until she went literal super saiyan and had a flame like aura around her that she became too fast for the current me to even react to

I can only guess that was her full power as even with multiple layers of water shielding me, on top of which I was spinning the shield. Which was able to block her Yew slashes.

she just cut it, she just cut through it like butter and knocked me out

The pain from the exhaustion, the overuse of exponential boost on 4 times multiplier and amount of magic I had exhausted from just using accelerated thinking and my buffs led me to be bone dry in terms of magic

but now I can understand what my limits truly are, I fought until i truly couldn't this time

Esca..... I feel like my sheer growth rate startled.... no made her fear it

The emotions I saw on her..... it was, different

she felt fear, excitement, admiration and also to some degree..... dread

her emotions were mixed, so mixed that I didn't even understand where they stemmed from

after i had passed out for about 6 hours, I wake up in the evening, exhausted and with a massive headache. I wake up to the priest guy near me, asking me whether im okay

I tell him about the headache as he soothes my pain and it goes away

I learn his name was Hezra, he was the bishop of the capital church. He was here as it was his duty to teach the heroes and the saintess, so he was here.

I thank him and ask about Esca

Esca was completely fine, a few bruises and a lot of exhaustion but she was far better than me

If she had chosen to go all out from the start, I would have lost within seconds but she let me fight with all I had to allow me growth

my battle sense and my ability went up by a lot within that one fight.... it was amazing

I make my way out of the church-like room as make my way around, trying to find Esca, she was not here and wasn't going to be back for a few days..... guess I am going to just work on getting even stronger.

For now, I think my progress is alright, I am happy with it and so far, I am doing better than I ever expected to.

also, I should make a list of all my abilities, I am going to add this every few logs so I don't lose track.

1. The sage's grimoire, which I am using to write this on wattpad, the grimoire allows me to store a lot of spells as well, info and knowledge that I haven't directly consumed but come in contact with get's stored and it basically get's downloaded in my head.

It's like a download pretty much, i need to touch a book or writing for it to work, I tried to use it with a magic book but besides the basic principles, I will still need to practice and learn.

2. The sage's gaze, I can see descriptions and mannerisms well, I don't get to see 'levels' or skills sadly, but I can tell the feelings of someone, for example I saw the feeling of the queen the first thing and all I saw was anxiousness and a hint of feeling sorry

the other people around? OH NAH, THEY WERE MALICIOUS AS HELL

I am sorry but the things I saw and felt from those people..... it was horrible. I felt like I met P-Diddy.

but besides that..... my favorite ability

3. The sage's craft, a ability that let's me make skills and spells... with a cooldown after usage, the first thing I did was remember cautious hero and use the 'disguise status' thing, it was so helpful, i disguised myself as a mage and gave myself the ability info storage to use my grimoire, basically making myself a walking dictionary

edit- Also helpful for letting me make use of my 'log', I can just make the excuse of reading my book for information while im typing. It seems only I can see what is on my grimoire and no one else.

4. Status disguise- Used to fool the status printing device and even the visible stats of mine, I can use this to hide my info from people with skills to see or even devices

5. 'Mental interference immunity', just to make sure I cannot be manipulated, brainwashed or anything that can give me psychological damage through magic or curses, or anything.

6. Accelerated thinking- at a cost for a rate of magic depletion, I can accelerate my brain's thinking and process. 

7. Magic absorption- I can absorb magic if it makes direct contact with my body, whether it be magical attacks or magic storages. I can only absorb the amount my body can hold.

8. exponential boost, it basically allows me to multiply my stats and it..... can hurt my body quite severely if I overuse it, for now I am trying to train my body and magic while it get's used to the 2 times boost for me to become stronger (current maximum- 4 times multiplier)

9. Acute magic control- I can feel magic at a molecular level, I can understand and feel the intricacies of magic and can increase the potency of magic used by many times

10. Mastered Basic swordsmanship- mastery of all basic sword skills, a true master of the basics but no sign of originality.... Will have to build on this.

That's the skills from sage's craft (magic missile is listed in magic)

A brief list of magic-

1. fire magic

2. Water magic

3. wind magic

4. earth magic

5. gravity magic

6. assassin's magic

7. illusion magic

8. buff magic

9. lightning magic

10. magic threads

(If a reader wants more details on said magics, please read my earlier logs or read my future uses of said magic, the basics of magic and how I am able to use and apply these are listed in the earlier chapters)

for now, that is all. I thank you all for everything. I require support and any and all comments are appreciated. Thank you

for now, Emiya out.