Bailey had shown up and Grayson embraced her. He had grown up with her till fourth grade, she moved away and now she was back.
They were inseparable during those times, and now she was back all grown up. Grayson had gone with Bailey to watch ravers.
They watched as cars raced. It was late, as they had done it illegally. They headed back home in the morning; they could not afford to miss school.
They got ready and arrived, Grayson sat down, he looked at Dawn as she watched the introduction. He lay on his hands, as he felt too exhausted.
As soon as school finished, they chatted a bit and went home. When they arrived, he headed to his room.
He found Dawn cleaning, and he could see that he had startled her a bit.
"Do you want me to come back later to finish cleaning?"
"No carry on."
He sat on the chair, he did not know why he did not want her to leave, he watched her as she cleaned.
She was tiny and scrawny but strong. He wanted to know what she was thinking. Was she still upset with him for making her quit her job?
He asked her and Dawn replied that she was not but Grayson did not believe her. He had to make her understand.
Grayson roused awake and he sat up wondering for how long he had been asleep. It was dark out and the blanket slid off him.
Dawn had covered him, rather than wake him up. He smiled lightly, and his stomach growled. He showered, changed, and made his way downstairs.
He found Dawn cooking and he could tell that she hadn't gotten a break yet. The aroma drew him in,
"Smells delicious."
She turned to him, and smiled a bit, "Thank you."
He sat by the counter and asked her to pour him some juice, and he gave her the freedom of choice to pick for him.
She handed him orange juice,
"How bland." As he took a sip.
"It's to boost your immune system as you seemed tired." She replied hastily.
Grayson looked at her fully, she did it because she was thinking about his health and she turned away quickly.
Cute he thought.
He could see that she was busy with cooking, she probably was exhausted so he decided to help her.
He stood up and took some plates as he began setting up the table.
She was surprised that he was helping her, "Thank you."
He scoffed taken aback by the light in her eyes, "Don't thank me, I'm only doing this because I'm starved."
Dawn nodded, and Grayson wanted to tease her,
"Do I still look bad?"
Dawn turned to him surprised at his question, "I don't get you?"
"You're smart." He replied sarcastically.
"Which part of my question is hard?"
"I...….sorry..I don't get it."
"You gave me orange juice implying that I looked bad Dawn."
He enjoyed it when her eyes widened, "NO….no….I did….not mean it in that way...…..I had just meant… were tired earlier on....and....."
Her reaction was so much better than what he had imagined.
He raised his eyebrow, "So you think I'm attractive?"
Dawn's face flamed, "Ye…..I ….I me….an in ….gen…..but.....the...….way…..I….not…I…all the….girls….."
Grayson couldn't help but laugh outright at her conflicted response, "I'm playing with you, Dawn."
Her shoulders sagged in relief, "Oh….."
He chuckled, "You're fun to tease."
Her face flamed more, "Ahhh."
"What's so funny?"
They both turned to Bailey, and Grayson could see that Dawn seemed to be a bit closed off. He knew that she wouldn't say anything if he told Bailey the reason.
"Nothing much," Grayson replied.
Grayson saw Dawn breathe out in relief,
"You never laugh Grayson, so it must have been funny."
"It doesn't matter much."
Bailey turned to Dawn, "Why was Grayson laughing?"
Dawn shifted, "I…..I….."
"You what? We don't have the whole day."
Grayson did not like the way Bailey spoke to her, "Leave her be Bailey, she is always like this."
Bailey turned to Grayson, "I was simply asking her a question."
"Fine, it's a secret as to why I was laughing."
"I will let it go, just this once," Bailey replied.
Grayson turned to her, "You don't have to know everything."
Bailey backed down, "I know that, we have been friends since childhood, that is why I'm curious as to why you laughed, which you barely do."
"You're exaggerating now, I do laugh at times."
"You forget that I know you well Grayson, you rarely laugh outright and I can tell when you sincerely laugh."
Grayson shrugged, "Big deal."
Dawn dished up and Grayson could tell that she was conflicted if she should sit with them or not.
"Sit, are you going to eat standing?"
Dawn nodded and sat down.
Grayson began scarfing down his food, and it was delicious.
"Give me more."
Dawn got up and dished him seconds,
"Add more."
Dawn nodded, and added way more, Grayson resumed scarfing his food down.
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