A guy from the modern world is transported into the world of Game of Thrones before the Dance of the Dragons era as an 8-year-old boy named Daeron Stone. But sadly, he doesn't know much about this period, as his knowledge is based on the GoT original TV series and mostly from random online arguments. On top of that , he's a bastard without any known parents.
This story will have a humorous undertone and smart MC without much drama.
Mc does not have cheats except a Valyrian steel sword he gets (basically a survival starter pack), but he will be smart . He will try to make the best decisions that give him the most benefits, with a few exceptions because things always don't go our way.
I'm going to try to capture the vibe if a random dude like one of us gets isekai'd without cheats; what would he do?
What would he do in this world of dragons, knights, and magic ? How will he reach the top without any foreknowledge or cheats ? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z... Ooppss, wrong fic!
Give it a read; you won't be disappointed.
i really like the story and the concept but when i hear the conversations of rhaenys and corlys, it's like they keep saying same shit again and again, their observations and conversation with mc and etc. are too repatative and it becomes quite annoying to read. i mean it's 8-10 year old mc, so too much philosophy for him, so please keep the interactions logical. i really liked the first chapter in that regard.
I really love this story and I hope you don’t drop it. I highly recommend it for anyone reading this review.
I need moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It’s one of the better stories I’ve read in recent times and has a unique plot and writing that make it really stand apart from stories I’ve read. It’s fun, intriguing, and really has kept my attention throughout the 10 chapters that are out so far, I am very excited for what’s to come. Cheers man 🍻.
Loving this story so far. Glad to see a good HOTD story with some good writing and a different idea giving us Aemon Targaryen's Bastard instead of Daemon or Viserys or Baelon's. Can't wait to read more.
It is a good read, I have nothing to criticize about this book, author excellent work. 🗿👌👌 10/10 I hope you follow it champion machine, if I'm writing filler because this requires 140 characters it seems funny to me.🗿🗿👌👌
Все идеально от мира до главного героя,сюжет отлично раскрыт.А то что нет комментариев,по мне это потому что люди очень сильно увлеклись сюжетом)
Lotta ai involved. Decent story so far but the heavy ai usage makes me just skip all the nonsense and only read dialogue since that’s the original stuff. Everything gets repetitive and gives me a headache since chatgpt is pretty bad at writing something compelling. Plot seems kinda amateurish, but it’s good enough for a popcorn fic. Mc seems pretty juvenile, but he just got a dose of reality so hopefully he gets better, ptherwise he’s kinda naive and annoying.
please keep up the good work it's very interesting love the fact that he is daemon cousin and creagans nephew
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 👍
My honest opinion for the story, It could use more polishing and details to properly set up the final ending. I could have just continued writing as I pleased without holding any poll or shit xD. I have other stories ongoing which also plays a factor in it. Now for plot and mc, If you want something different from the regular trope and plot exploration of unknown places, this will be perfect for you. There will be many new characters merged into the story to make it flow smoothly. Romance will not be a priority, but it will be explored and set up well. There will be some things that might annoy you, but read a bit ahead before crucifying me ! All in all, enjoy!
Day 1 Trying to find FL Emporio Ivankov in All FF