Someone Special!

In the Shx region, after eliminating the monsters threatening the city, Zhu Ming Yue assisted the construction team with the repairs and contributed to the seriously lacking food ration.

A month went by and as all the construction work was coming to a close, Zhu Ming Yue was preparing to leave. The civilians gifted her with gifts to show their appreciation and gratitude for all the work done. Accepting the gifts with gratitude and respect, she departed from the region of Shnx.

Meanwhile, Shun was getting by in the Zhu Household with the work stocked up in Zhu Ming Yue’s absence. With immense help from Thomas, they were somehow advancing when, one day, they received news from Zhu Ming Yue, informing them that she was on her way back to town.

Delighted by the good news, they prepared her comeback with great anticipation.

Whereas, Zhu Ming Yue, who had been on the road for days finally arrived in town. As soon as she was in town, she went straight to the palace to report about the raid to the emperor.

“ The regions of Sienna and Shnx are now under control. The raging monsters have all been taken care of, so there’s no more need to worry. “ Zhu Ming Yue forwarded it to the emperor, who said, “ Those are excellent news, Zhu Ming Yue. I knew I could count on you one hundred percent. “

“ Don’t give her the full credit. We were of help too, Your Majesty. “ Zhu Zhi Rong made her voice heard before the emperor, who said, “ Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you two, Zhi Rong. Good job and to you too, Indian Hyster. “

“ You’re too kind, Your Majesty. “ Lidian said humbly.

After hearing how the raid went from Zhu Ming Yue, Zhu Zhi Rong, and Lidian Hyster, the emperor forwarded an important announcement to everyone.

“ Zhu Ming Yue, Zhu Zhi Rong, Lidian Hyster, you all did an amazing job overcoming this raid. To compensate you for your hard work, a party will be thrown in your honor in three days. I hope you three will do me the honor of attending it. “

“ Your Majesty, you didn’t have to. It’s with pleasure that we’ll be there. “ Lidian said on behalf of all.

Staring at Zhu Ming Yue who had yet to confirm her presence at the party, the emperor asked, “ May I count on you to be there, Zhu Ming Yue? “

“ I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Your Majesty! “ Zhu Ming Yue uttered simply before the emperor before taking her leave soon after.

Momentarily later, at the Zhu Household, Zhu Ming Yue reached her household. Waiting for her in the main room were some servants, Thomas, her friend Sharon Blaze, and of course Shun Song who brought her favorite tea.

“ Welcome back, Lady Ming Yue! “

He uttered enthusiastically as he handed her favorite tea, which she took in delight. “ Thank you, Shun, and also for preparing all this for my return. I truly appreciate your efforts. “ She grinned slightly.

“ Anything for you, Lady Ming Yue. “

After taking some quality needed rest, Zhu Ming Yue narrated to Thomas and Shun how the raid went alongside everything else that happened. Shun harbored a worried expression on his face when he came to know of Zhu Ming Yue's condition.

“ My lady, would you like to drink? “ Shun uttered with all the worry depicted in his eyes. Grinning slightly, she retorted, “ That won't be necessary, Shun, but thanks for your concern. I won't be needing your blood this time. “

“ Are you sure you'll be alright, my lady? “ Thomas asked insistently.

“ Thomas, not you too. I simply overexerted myself a little, that's all. After resting, things will go back to normal. “ She assured the two before laying down, giving way for them to leave.

“ We'll let you rest, my lady! “

While Thomas walked out of Zhu Ming Yue's room, Shun stayed behind. Feeling his presence still in the room, she asked, “ Is there anything else you need, Shun? “


“ If there happens to be something you'd like to tell me, then go ahead and tell me! “

As Zhu Ming Yue kept insisting for Shun to confide in her and tell her what was wrong, Shun finally opened his mouth and said, “ If there's something, anything at all, you'll tell me, right? “

Finding his question to be quite hypothetical, she asked, “ What is that all about, Shun? “

“ Please, Lady Ming Yue, answer me! If anything is troubling you or whatnot, you won't keep it from me, right? “

As her face was slightly covered by the blankets, Zhu Ming Yue made her response known to Shun. “ I'll tell you if there's anything wrong. I'll always tell you everything. “

“ Thank you. “

Leaving her room, Zhu Ming Yue mumbled, “ I'm sorry, Shun. Sorry to have lied to you just now. “

Heading to the washing room, she almost fell, but fortunately, someone was there to catch her before she hit the ground.

“ Thank you—---------” She couldn't finish her statement the moment she realized the one beside her.

“ Sharon, when did you come? “ She asked her friend who was holding her by the hip to support her.

“ I came just in time. “ She answered simply. “ You were dizzy, weren't you? You haven't been taking good care of yourself. “ She uttered worriedly.

Glancing at the fully open door, Zhu Ming Yue uttered, “ Go and close the door! “

As she made her way back to her bed, Sharon shut the door. Sitting beside her friend, she asked straightforwardly, “ For how long has this been going on? “

“ For a month. “ She nodded. “ It was when I went on that raid that it started. My transformation suddenly reversed back to normal and I couldn't transform since. “ She narrated the whole thing to her friend in detail.

“ Is Shun Song aware of the truth? “ She asked straightforwardly to which Zhu Ming Yue nodded negatively.

“ Why didn't you tell him? He would have given you some of his blood had you told him. “

“ That's precisely why I didn't tell him anything, Sharon. “ The response she gave her friend rendered the latter perplexed.

“ I don't understand what you're trying to say. “ Sharon expressed her confusion to Zhu Ming Yue who retorted affirmatively, “ Ever since I awakened, I'm constantly in need of blood. If I had told him about it, he wouldn't have hesitated to let me feed on him without caring about himself. “

“ Last time, I fed on him because he left me with no alternative. His health was at risk, so I had no choice. Besides, it's not as if my life is threatened or something, so I'll be fine. I can go without blood for a couple of months. “

“ You may not die from this, but your health will weaken over time. Not to mention, have you thought about what would happen if Zhi Rong or Lidian Hyster were to be aware of your current state? “

“ They are already aware of it. “


Telling Sharon how Lidian offered her a portion of his blood a month back, she uttered, “ You must inform Shun Song about what's going on as he happens to be the only one who can aid you currently. “

“ I'm grateful for your concern, but Shun cannot be aware of my current state. “ Zhu Ming Yue uttered before her friend in a stern tone.

“ Why are you so adamant about telling him anything? “

“ Because—----- Because he's special. “