Meanwhile, Shun, who was in his room at the time, kept thinking of Zhu Ming Yue's somewhat awkward attitude.
“ Sir Song, may I come in? “
Shun heard Thomas Clover, the butler knocking on the door and his thoughts somewhat shifted to him.
“ Sir Clover, why are you standing outside? Come inside! “
Thomas made his way inside Shun's room after being granted access. Sitting somewhere comfortable, he observed the latter who seemed to have something on his mind. “ What is it? Is there something you'd like to tell or ask me? “ Shun interrogated him after noticing the way he'd been staring at him since he arrived.
“ You tell me! You've been thinking about something for a while now, right? “ He questioned Shun who remained silent, not knowing what to say or even how to react.
Before Shun could respond, Thomas interrupted him once more and said, “ Is it about my lady perhaps? “
Having hit it straight off, Shun admitted to his words, going as far as sharing his worries about Zhu Ming Yue with him.
“ You have become important for my lady which is why she doesn't want to consume your blood unless necessary. '' Thomas shared his opinion about the situation with him.
Analyzing things from a better angle, Shun said, stunned, “ Lady Ming Yue caring for me, I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing. “
“ I don't understand. “
“ A couple of months ago, she was in a relationship with Lidian Hyster and he ended up betraying her trust and love. I'm just afraid that others might use our relationship to hurt her in some way or another. “
“ My lady is very lucky to count you among the caring people in her life. “ Thomas uttered as a slight grin made its way across his lips.
Back to Zhu Ming Yue and Sharon's discussion, she asked him as follows, “ You said that boy was special to you, didn't you? If that's the case, then shouldn't you bring him to the party taking place three days from now? “
To Sharon's surprise, Zhu Ming Yue uttered in response, “ Why not? That's not such a bad idea. “
Whereas, in the Hyster estate, Lidian and Zhu Zhi Rong were fuming in anger after recalling Zhu Ming Yue's recent attitude toward them.
“ How could she speak to us like that? She seems so different from how she used to be and that boy is to blame. We must get rid of him. We shall make this our priority. “ Zhu Zhi Rong uttered sternly to Lidian who agreed with her.
“ How shall we proceed? Do you have some kind of plan of action? “ Lidian asked his partner in crime who said, “ We need to divide them somehow. We won't be able to accomplish our goal if they're always together, stuck like glue. Separating them is by far our best option. “
“ Then, the plan is on! “ The two evildoers smirked sarcastically at each other.
Back at the Zhu Household, right after Sharon had departed some hours later, Zhu Ming Yue headed to the study to meet Shun who was eagerly organizing files.
Knocking at the door, Shun granted access without caring to ask who it was that was knocking. The moment he saw Zhu Ming Yue entering the study, he stood stunned. “ Lady Ming Yue? “
“ Remain seated! I'll come to you. “
Zhu Ming Yue advanced toward the desk at which Shun was seated. “ What are you still doing standing? Sit down! “
Leaving the desk, Shun made way so she could sit at her desk but she interrupted him and said, “ You've been managing things well in my absence and you shall continue to do so in the future. Sit down because I have something I'd like to discuss with you. “
Returning to the desk at once, he sat back down which led Zhu Ming Yue to also sit down for a discussion.
Giving her his full attention, Zhu Ming Yue looked into Shun's eyes and started speaking. “ There is going to be a party at the palace in three days and that is to celebrate the success of the raid. I'd like you to accompany me to the party as my partner. “
Listening to everything, Shun was stunned to the core. Looking at her, stunned, he emphasized, “ You want me to go to the party with you? Are you sure? “
Finding his end statement to be rather confusing, she emphasized, “ If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be asking you, would I? “
“ Or what? Don't you want to be my partner? Don't you want to accompany me? “
“ It's not like that, Lady Ming Yue. It's not like that at all. “ He shook his head to emphasize his response to Zhu Ming Yue who then asked hypothetically, “ What is it then? “
“ Your relationship with Lidian Hyster ended just recently and if I were to accompany you to the party, people might start gossiping about you, hurting your feelings in the process. “
Listening to Shun's noble words, Zhu Ming Yue was touched inside. She was so touched that she uttered without thinking, “ You're so noble, Shun. If only I had met you earlier. If only I had met you before Lidian, I wouldn't have had my heart broken. “
“ There's no way we would have met each other earlier, Zhu Ming Yue and that's because I'm not from this timeline. “ Shun internally thought sadly.
“ Shun, you have yet to answer my question. So, what will it be? Will you come to the party with me as my partner? “
Awaiting his answer impatiently, Shun uttered after a moment of silence, “ I'll attend the party with you as your partner, Lady Ming Yue. “
“ I knew you wouldn't deny me, Shun. “ She grinned delightfully before adding, “ Now that it's settled, let's take care of what comes next! “
The following day, Shun finally understood what Zhu Ming Yue meant about what came next. Dragging him to the wealthiest mall in town, the attending lady refused to attend to them.
“ I'm afraid this store doesn't have what you're looking for. “ The attending lady said, snuggly.
Seeing the arrogance with which she was speaking, Shun said in Zhu Ming Yue's defense, “ Do you know who you're speaking to? “
“ How wouldn't I know? “ She reacted arrogantly at Shun who said while smirking, “ Then, you must also know that she awakened her powers a few days ago, right? “
At the ring of those words, the attending lady changed her tone drastically.
“ Lady Ming Yue, why did you take me seriously? I was only joking with you. Come on in and welcome to our shop! “ She grinned awkwardly before them.
“ This mall cannot afford us. Isn't that what you said? “
“ That's—-------------- “
“ We'll go to another mall, one that can afford us. “ She grinned sternly. “ Let's go, Shun! “
Shun and Zhu Ming Yue walked out of the mall. Glancing at her changed attitude on things, Shun grinned as they visited more shopping malls.
After going around several malls, they landed on a small shopping mall with not a lot of clientele. The attending lady inside greeted them with warmth.
“ Welcome to Le Louvre Mall! What may I assist you with today? “
As Zhu Ming Yue and Shun made their way inside the newfound mall, she looked around and, liking the decorations, she uttered, joyfully, “ I think this is it. “