Mr. And Mrs. Han stood behind Mi Rae, witnessing the shocking scene. Mi Rae's hand struck his sister's cheek, and they froze in disbelief. They were appalled by his action, though they could understand the cause of his fury.
[An hour earlier]
Mrs. Han was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, when her phone rang. She didn't hear it over the clatter of cooking, so Mr. Han took the phone. Seeing Mrs. Ahn's name on the screen, he hurried to his wife.
"It's Mrs. Ahn," he said, handing her the phone.
As Mrs. Han answered, Mi Rae appeared, his eyes narrowing at the mention of Mrs. Ahn. "What does she want?" he asked his father, standing still to listen.
"Hello, Mrs. Ahn! Good morning!" Mrs. Han politely greeted.
"Hello! Good morning! I've been waiting for your call since last night!" She replied, her expression couldn't be read from her voice.
"Oh my! Really? I'm so sorry. Was something the matter?" Mrs. Han asked, concerned.