Ahn Jiang Seok, the enigmatic and workaholic CEO of EcoFusion Productions, has returned to his homeland after years of silence. Emotionally blackmailed by his overbearing mother, he's forced into an engagement with Han Ma Ri, a woman desperate to save her father's company from the brink of collapse. Though he initially resents marriage, he agrees as he begins to see something in Ma Ri that stirs feelings he can't explain.
But as he tries to deepen the relationship, his misfortune comes upon him. One day, Jiang Seok's former classmate Ja Ra came to meet him. She immediately set off a series of misunderstandings. When Ma Ri finds him holding Ja Ra by the waist, her rage erupts.
"How dare you, b*tch!" It's the first time in a while Jiang Seok sees Ma Ri's that fiery side.
"Do you really think he likes you? Dream on! He only has eyes for me!" Ja Ra smirks.
"No! He doesn't like you because..." Ma Ri's voice drops. "He's gay!"
*Huh? What? Who? When? Where? And why didn't he know?* Jiang Seok struck dumb. Is this how people see him? Ja Ra bursts into tears, "This can't be! So, this was why he always ignored me back in the school?" she was convinced he ignored her in school because of his supposed sexuality, and Ma Ri insisted he only agreed to marry her to hide his true love-for his male assistant.
*Huh? What now? With whom? Where was he? Who was he?* Jiang was thrown into chaos.
Can Jiang Seok unravel the web of misunderstandings and reveal his true feelings before Ma Ri sets him up with every eligible bachelor in town? Or will his "real love" remain hidden, even to him?