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Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & Friday on my Patreon and only update Saturday and sunday here.
3rd POV
{After that day, I started learning about law and the world of entertainment, which I like. No I don't like entertainment world but I enjoy Law and Order—I'm a big fan of it. My brother asked me to help him with something related to what I love. Such an easy and enjoyable task.} – Adult Sheldon.
"Are you going to watch the football game later?" Veronica asked, looking at Georgie in front of her.
"Sure, even though I'm not on the team anymore, I want them to win," Georgie replied, then looked at Sheldon beside him. "Do you want to join too, Sheldon?"
"I want to join!" Another voice was heard, but it wasn't Sheldon's voice—it was Tam's.
"Sure..." Georgie said to Tam and looked back at Sheldon. "Remember, you said you'd help Dad, right?"
"I've given Dad the data and statistics, and I'm sure they'll win 95% of the time." Sheldon said while chewing his sandwich. Georgie waited for Sheldon to finish chewing before he spoke again, "...Still 5% chance of losing." he said casually and looked back at Veronica.
Sheldon, hearing this, felt annoyed. "It's not my fault if they lose the game."
"Sheldon, a loss is still a loss. It's a failure for the whole team, including you. You gave Dad the data, and then you're just going to wash your hands of it? I didn't know you weren't responsible for your work." Georgie responded seriously, with a disappointed tone that made Sheldon shiver slightly.
Sheldon sighed. "...I think I can spare some time to watch the game." he said, seeing Georgie smile happily.
Veronica smiled at Georgie, and Tam, who had become friends with Sheldon in the past few days, understood that Sheldon had a... unique personality. He was impressed by how Georgie handled him.
"How do you do it?" Tam asked in awe, looking at Georgie.
"I'm his older brother, and it's my job to correct Sheldon's behavior." Georgie replied.
"Excuse me, I'm old enough to understand that." Sheldon said, looking at Georgie. "Of course you are. A gentleman should keep his word." Georgie responded.
Sheldon nodded and went back to eating his sandwich. Tam looked at Georgie with his mouth open. Georgie smirked and raised an eyebrow at Tam and Veronica, all without Sheldon noticing.
"…So, when are you going to make a song for me?" Veronica asked, changing the subject, smiling at Georgie.
Sheldon, hearing this, opened his mouth. "He already wrote a song for you on paper with the words 'for Veronica' at the bottom."
"Really?! Let me hear it!" Veronica said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Georgie.
Georgie sighed and looked at Sheldon. "Thanks, Shelly."
"You're welcome," Sheldon nodded, then tried to take another bite of his sandwich but was interrupted by Tam's words.
"…That's sarcasm, Sheldon." Tam said, smirking at Sheldon.
Sheldon looked from Tam's face to Georgie's, "Oh… Why?"
"Sheldon, when someone says something directed at someone else, you don't have to answer it. Let the person answer for themselves," Georgie sighed for a moment, then continued, "Unless... they ask you for help."
Sheldon thought for a moment, then asked Georgie, "How do I know when they need my help? I don't have the ability to read minds like Professor X."
"Hmmm... the easiest way is that most people will look at you for about 5 seconds when they need help with something."
"I see... that's easy for me," Sheldon said, thinking it would be very easy for him to do, but Georgie knew better.
"…You should try with us first before you do that for other people.." Georgie said, smiling at Sheldon, who nodded.
"Don't change the subject!" Veronica said, now looking at Georgie with an annoyed expression because Georgie tried to change the conversation.
"I want to hear it!" Veronica said.
"…You see that? That's why I didn't want to say it..." Georgie whispered to Sheldon, twitching his lips.
"…I understand now…" Sheldon said, then looked at Veronica, who was still glaring at Georgie and him.
"What are you talking about?" Tam asked, not understanding what they were saying. He didn't know Georgie could sing so he looked at Georgie, wanting an explanation for this conversation.
"…." Sheldon tried to stay quiet, not saying anything, until he saw Tam divert his attention from Georgie because he didn't get an answer, and looked at Sheldon instead.
"My brother is going to be a musician, and he promised Veronica that he'd write a song for her." Sheldon said.
"Really? Am I going to be friends with a rock star?!" Tam said enthusiastically, imagining his life surrounded by women after becoming friends with Georgie.
"…You are not his friend..." Sheldon replied, looking at Tam. "You are my friend, not Georgie's."
Sheldon's voice shattered Tam's fantasy, and Tam looked at him angrily.
Georgie saw this and laughed. "Very good Sheldon! and it's okay Tam. I appreciate that you're friends with Sheldon… I know you're being genuinely friends with him, I respect that... I hope you don't stop being his friend." He praised Sheldon not because Sheldon mocked Tam, but because he didn't speak before Tam looked at him.
"…And for you, young lady… soon I'll be singing for you," Georgie said again, as Veronica didn't stop glaring at him.
Veronica sighed. "Alright…" then she looked at Sheldon. "…What about the song, Sheldon? You've seen the lyrics he wrote. Can you tell us about it?" Veronica said, glancing at Georgie with a smirk.
Tam was also curious about Georgie's song. He wondered if he should write a song to impress the girls at school.
"I don't understand," Sheldon said, looking at Georgie. "I don't get the meaning of the lyrics you wrote. Did you really write that song for Veronica?" Then he turned his gaze from Georgie to Veronica. "I don't see anything wrong with her," he said flatly.
"Wh…What?" Veronica was shocked to hear Sheldon's words. She looked back and forth between Sheldon and Georgie. "…What is he talking about, Georgie?"
"Umm... Well, you just have to wait for me to play it," Georgie said with an awkward smile, then looked at Sheldon. "…And you, young man, better not say anything else…"
"….." Veronica glared at Georgie angrily, "Ugh! I hate you!" She stood up and walked away from them, clearly upset. Georgie watched Veronica walk away but didn't chase after her, letting her go.
"…..What's happening?" Tam asked, looking at Sheldon.
"I believe she's angry at Georgie." Sheldon said with his usual flat expression, going back to chewing his sandwich.
Georgie POV
After school, Sheldon, Tam, and I went to the field to watch Dad and his team's game.
"Ughh…" I saw a collision between the players on the field, and the impact sounded really loud. "That may hurt for a while…" I said to Sheldon beside me without taking my eyes off the players, but I didn't hear a response from him.
I looked at Sheldon, who was focused on the game, "Sheldon?" I called to get his attention. "It's not supposed to be like this… that number 10 should be running faster based on the data Dad gave… and that number 50 should be able to block them… I've seen the data Dad gave about the opposing team, and I already gave Dad the data to counter them…"
I smiled hearing Sheldon say this. "Haha, that's okay, brother… I'm sure the data you gave was very helpful to Dad, but everything depends on the players on the field… so what do you think Dad should do?"
Sheldon started thinking about what he should do, watching both the opposing players and our school's players. "...Should we go see Dad?" I asked, receiving a nod from Sheldon.
Sheldon and I walked to the edge of the field and to the seats, leaving Tam behind on the spectator bench.
"DAD!" I shouted to my dad, who was looking at data on his clipboard. My shout was loud enough to grab George's attention.
He looked over his shoulder and saw us. I could see a sigh of relief on his face when he saw us. "Watch the game for a minute…" he handed his clipboard to Wayne.
"What?!" Wayne took the clipboard and looked at George walking over, seeing me and Sheldon there.
When Wayne saw me, his face brightened. I bet he thought George would persuade me to return to the team and become the savior. Or my narcistic brain thought of that.
George walked toward us, "Hey, you two showed up…" I could hear a tone of annoyance and concern in his voice.
"Dad, what happened?" Sheldon asked without any small talk, not even listening to George. "I gave you the data and statistics, why is our school's team in the losing position?"
"Huh…" George sighed and looked at me, "I don't know what went wrong with my team, but I can manage…"
"No, you can't… Change that running back and quarterback first, they're useless for this game." Sheldon said. He wasn't looking at me or George but was watching the players on the field.
"You two can talk, I'll go back to my seat." I said quickly, not wanting George to try to convince me to be a substitute player.
As I turned, I saw Veronica sitting in our previous spot. I smiled and jogged over to Tam and Veronica, "Hey, you came!" I said and sat beside her.
"Why did sheldon go with coach George?" Tam asked, looking at Sheldon, who was being called by George to watch the game up close.
"To help my dad win the game." I replied.
"Well... I hope he can help, I saw we lost a lot of points," Tam said, looking at the scoreboard outside the field. "It's a miracle if Sheldon can turn this around."
I didn't answer and just smiled at him. It's not a problem for me; at least Sheldon is learning more responsibility. I looked back at Veronica, who wasn't looking at me.
"Are you still angry?" I asked, smiling at her.
"….." Veronica didn't answer but listened to me. I continued, still smiling, "Did you know that an American football game, which only lasts 60 minutes, can take up to three hours because of all the stop in the middle of the game?"
Veronica glanced at me, waiting for me to say something else. "...I don't want to spend that long just for you to stop being mad at me… I'd rather spend that time hugging you or kissing you."
Veronica, hearing this, turned her gaze away from me. "…I see you smile…"
"I am not!" Veronica said, not looking at me.
"…." I looked at Tam, who was amazed by what I did. "…Can you teach me?"