A large figure of Gregrim crawled out from under the bed. Within moments, it was fully out. Gregrim leaned toward Bob, his grin widening even more.
"Hello, last time I forgot to ask you—will we be friends?" he whispered into Bob's ear.
"You can't stop me. Heh, what could you possibly do to me?" Bob mocked him.
"What can I do to you? Well, watch," Gregrim replied, crawling even closer.
Suddenly, Bob froze. He couldn't move at all. Gregrim then raised one of his fingers, and its nail grew about four times its original length.
He pressed the nail against Bob's leg. "I wish you lots of fun. And don't you dare tell anyone about me—I don't want that. If you do, I'll have to punish you," he whispered again.
Then, with the elongated nail, Gregrim began slowly slicing into Bob's leg. Bob experienced immense pain but kept repeating in his mind that it wasn't real, maintaining a calm expression on his face.