Gregrim's Torture and Tunny's Return

Bob slowly and painfully extended his right arm and began channeling power into it.

After two hours, it became paralyzed again. Bob had spent the entire two hours training mana controlling. Throughout the session, his body was in excruciating pain, trembling violently. His right arm had turned purple, with veins visibly cracked, yet he maintained a calm expression the whole time. Nothing—not even pain—could stop Bob from becoming stronger.

For about half an hour, Bob remained paralyzed, unable to move. Then, he felt a cold, familiar sensation.

"Hello. Last time, you didn't manage to accept our friendship," came the chilling, familiar voice of Gregrim, who stood behind him.

"I accept our friendship," Bob said with a calm expression.

"You've surprised me. Honestly, I didn't expect you to agree so quickly," Gregrim said, stepping in front of Bob so he could see him.