She's Your... What?

The issue still weighed heavily on Lane's mind when he returned to the Association Headquarters as Xavier for his compatibility testing appointments. How could it not? Damien, who already had been a dangerous variable ever since that moment in the Restricted Zone, suddenly became an even more menacing presence… There was no way Lane could just leave it alone.

But what could he do? Eliminate the man?

No… That didn't seem to be a good idea. Lane dismissed it as quickly as it appeared. Eliminating Damien in any way, shape, or form was completely out of question, because of… reasons.

Yeah, there must have been plenty of reasons. As to what they were, there was no need to be specific, was there? The point was that there were some, so Lane would have to come up with a different solution.

Even though, for the first time in years, he was feeling stuck, with no way out in sight.