Lane glanced between the two.
Yes, that's right, how come he didn't notice it earlier? The two looked so alike! Not only the hair and the eyes, but even their facial features were very similar. Only that Samantha was a timid and shy mouse, while Damien wore an eternal frown.
"But… The surname…" he muttered, still struggling to comprehend the situation.
It was just too unbelievable. Yes, they looked alike, and Lane already knew Damien had younger siblings. He also had heard Samantha say she had elder siblings in the Association - although back then he simply assumed she meant Eloise and Clara, and not anyone else. But…
The part that was hard to believe was not the relationship between the two, but rather that Lane had been thinking of trying to distract himself from his desire for Damien by focusing his attention on someone who looked so much like the man…