Damien looked tired. As he got into the passenger seat, next to Lane, his eyes were a bit red and puffy, his hair brushed back in a slightly messy - at least for Damien's standard - manner, the collar of his uniform also a bit uneven…
And he seemed to be avoiding Lane's eyes. He sat in his seat, looking down, and rubbing his temples.
All of this - well, maybe not the tiredness, only the last part - made Lane extremely uneasy. He constantly threw Damien furtive glances, only one thought in his head: 'Does he remember anything?' He wanted to ask something, try to feel him out, but with their teammates in the back, within earshot, it was just too risky. Besides, how was he supposed to check? Asking directly was out of the question, and alluring subtly to the subject wasn't easy either…
It was only when they were in the dungeon, everyone focusing on taking the measurements, that he found the opportunity.