The Exact Opposite


"This is the dining hall where you can get breakfast and lunch. Your course will involve you both finding ways to make your own dinner. Whether it be fishing or working to get your own produce from our greenhouses. Obviously that will start tomorrow therefore you can enjoy your meal here," Oliver smiled.

My heart just seemed to plummet more and more throughout this tour. Their main goal was to form some sort of codependency between Edward and I. I found it dumb. He on the other hand was simply quiet and had a gentle smile on his face.

After his shower I just chose to stay outside to avoid a bigger argument from breaking out. Not that whatever that was, was an argument to begin with. It was the quietest Edward had ever been and it was driving me crazy. He seemed very placid and calm whilst I seemed to be unraveling by the second.

"I have work," I frowned, "how will I connect to the outside world when we don't have any internet?"

"Oh Coach Bryan mentioned you were suspended therefore none of your input will be used," he smiled, "he mentioned that you were highly obsessed with your work. Our goal is to teach you how to switch off."

"I'm not obsessed!" I snapped. My voice echoed throughout the dining room making everyone who was setting up for tonight's dinner look at me in surprise. Before continuing with their work. I cleared my throat and with a calmer voice said, "I am not obsessed."

"Sounds like you are, mate," Edward laughed as he shook his head. I nearly lunged at him but Oliver was fast to stand between us.

"Coach Bryan also mentioned that your slight passive aggressive and sarcastic attitude towards Connor is not a contributing factor to his overall mental health. Our goal is to teach you that your words have an effect on your deputy captain and that you should sieve through them."

It was now my turn to laugh as Edward glared. "I am a Chernyshevsky-Coleman. Our words are never filtered. It is simply your fault for catching feelings."

"We understand but Edward, not everyone is as open as your family."

"I'm part Irish, Russian and Trinidadian," he scoffed, "being mindful about your words will make you the joke of the week."

"Sounds like someone is catching feelings," I playfully sang.

"Connor," Oliver hissed but closed his eyes and let out calming breaths. It seemed there were very few people who could get under his skin and we seemed to be doing an excellent job when it came to that. "You are both adults-

"Edward just became an adult," I shrugged and I swore steam nearly came out of Oliver's ears.

"I've had better success with a 10 year old than I will with you two," he grumbled before giving us the rest of the tour. The gym was great and we had a few hours off in the afternoon and morning to visit it if we wanted.

There were fields everywhere and the rugby pitch was great! At least it allowed us to continue training even if we were not playing games. There was an internet slash wifi corner which we were restricted to for only one hour a day. I nearly had a stroke but it probably meant I would not get bombarded by Lottie every five seconds.

Thinking about her made my stomach churn. I prayed my home was still standing and had not suffered a tragic end.

By the time Oliver was done I was exhausted not just from the flight but from the whole walk. I had not eaten yet which left my body starving. The amount of calories we consumed in a day were not to be played with and both Edwards and mine energy levels were declining at a rapid rate.

Oliver finally decided to let us eat and we were quick to bulk up our plates with food. We barely spoke to each other whilst we ate and once we were done with shiny bellies we made the walk back to our cabin. It was a small hike but it felt refreshing before going to bed.

I would have enjoyed this any other time if it were not for the fact I was sharing it with Edward.

When we got to the cabin he was busy preparing his bed and it seemed to be a routine. He had noise cancelling headphones, took sleeping pills and his medication then did a mini meditation.

I looked on in amazement before I decided to take a shower. I had not unpacked my bags yet therefore I took the opportunity. Lottie had done a decent job but I wished she had packed pyjamas. Not that I ever slept with them to begin with but sleeping with boxers next to Edward felt weird for some reason.

If we got the opportunity to go to the nearest town I would have to invest in them.

Everything was going just swell until I got to the small compartment in my bag that always held my boxers. My heart stopped immediately and I staggered when I saw despite my protest she had somehow sneakily switched my boxers for the glittery and lace thongs I had told her not to pack!

With complete desperation I turned my bags inside out hoping, praying that she had actually packed my boxers for me but nothing. Nada. Zero. Nil!

I could feel my blood pressure increasing by the second and if I had my phone I could have called her to tell her my mind but Oliver had seized my phone and laptop with Coach Bryan's instructions.

"Is there something wrong? You keep on gasping," Edward chuckled behind me.

"Nothing! Everything is perfectly rosy," I snapped turning back but instantly turned around when I was met with his pale chest. I felt like dying when I saw Edward slept in his boxers as well.

I had never seen someone who looked like a marble statue. His skin was so perfectly smooth that I wondered did it even feel like flesh. I did not want to steal a peak again because that would be weird.

And I was not weird!

Meanwhile I was rough and hairy.

The exact opposite.