I've Been Around


After breathing incredibly heavily I came up with a plan. I could simply wear my sweatpants for the time being and maybe tomorrow I would ask Oliver if I could quickly head into town to do some emergency shopping.

For now I would simply sleep with no underwear because it was not like I ever did when I was with Lottie.

With the crisis finally being averted I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and quickly hopped in the shower. After thorough scrubbing, I came out moisturized then slipped on my sweatpants before going out.

By the time I got out Edward was under the covers thankfully, his noise cancelling headphones on and a blindfold resting on his forehead as he patiently waited for me to finish up.

I switched off the bedroom lights but the bedside lamps were still on. His eyes were trained to the ceiling as I passed before I climbed on the bed. Both our feet were dangling off the bed which was annoying but slightly comfortable in a weird way.

We did not say anything to each other for a few minutes before Edward cleared his throat and dramatically yawned. "Well that's me done, lad. Goodnight Con."

I nodded in response with a grunt and he was quick to switch off his light, place his blindfold over his eyes before he swiftly turned away from me leaving me with the sight of his pale muscular back.

With that I sighed then switched mine off too before I comfortably snuggled in the warm blankets. For a moment I found myself lost between a world of consciousness and unconsciousness. I kept on having the recurring nightmare of Edward seeing me in my sparkly underwear and lace thongs which left me with a cold sweat over my body.

When my heart rate finally did calm down I was nearly jolted out of my bed by a loud thunder. I frantically looked outside wondering if there was a storm or possibly an earthquake. When I saw none were occurring I tried to figure out what the source of the sound was.

My head snapped to Edward as he let out a whistle before pulling in the deepest and loudest snore I had ever heard. His body contradicted the ratchet he made. He looked peaceful, almost like a painting of those French women posed as goddesses. Truly angelic but the sound coming from him sounded like it was coming from a demon!

That explained the noise cancelling headphones. I just thought he was a light sleeper but he sounded like a bulldozer. Surely he used to scare himself awake.

I could not believe it and I just stared at him for a few seconds before I nestled back down in my bed. I was sure it would pass. No one snored the entire night to begin with.

"What the hell?" He screamed when my hands roughly wrapped around his neck to strangle him. He was quick to push off his headphones before screaming, "Murder! Murder!"

I knew his security was always lingering around the trees like fucking spies so I was quick to let go of him before I got shot down.

He pushed me off him as he sat up then hissed, "I bruise fucking easily you fucking twat!"

"I can't sleep," I snapped.

"And that is my problem, how?" He switched on the lamp before scowling up at me, "I should get a fucking restraining order against you. I knew sleeping next to you was a big mistake! You sneaky little bastard. I had a feeling you'd try to kill me in my sleep. I'll kill you! You don't know who I am."

"Stop yapping," I pushed him back down on the bed which made him let out a groan.

"If you're going to be rough like this Connor I swear I'll add another bruise to your face," he made an attempt to sit up again but I pushed him back down.

Next thing I knew we were wrestling on the floor, Edward pressing a spit covered finger in my ear forcing me to let out a loud scream in shock. I twisted his nipple which made him yelp giving me enough time to flip him on his back so I could get the upper hand.

Yet he was like a ninja. He somehow managed to flip me over again and held both my wrists over my head. We were a panting sweating mess with hair disheveled and flushed angry faces. His large body was straddling my waist and for some odd reason a tight knot formed in my stomach when I took in his appearance.

All he needed was large wings and he could be in Victoria Secret.

"Are you going to get off me?" I snapped not liking the look in his eyes but feeling far too proud to look away.

"I'm thinking," he blinked, his blood red lips parted before he licked them.

My skin grew dramatically cold. I recognized the look immediately and there was no way I was letting it happen again.

I roughly thrusted my hip to push him off me but he was relentless as he held me down. I squirmed under him and wondered how someone seven years younger than me could be that strong.

"Stop!" He snapped, popping me out of my desperate attempts to break free, "just stop damn it. I'm trying to be sensible."

"Nothing you're doing is sensible!" I argued, "just stop snoring so I can go to sleep. Give me that one good thing."

"I'm tempted not to give you any good things," he growled, "suck up pretentious jerk!"

"I'm pretentious!" I gasped, "Says the boy who has pure gold on his water bottle! What are you, a mining tycoon."

"That doesn't even make any sense!" He shook his head and let go of my arms finally allowing me to stretch them.

"You don't make any sense!" I tried to sit up but since he was still straddling me it left me with very little options. So with a sigh I collapsed back onto the floor as exhaustion overtook me. "You snore like a drunk cow."

"How the fuck do you know how drunk cows sound like?"

I grinned, "I've been around."